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    rapid increase oraciones de ejemplo

    rapid increase

    1. It may be further argued that the rapid increase in urban crime, quickened in large measure by the gradual departure of (mostly) working and middle-class families to outlying regions, exacerbated the conditions of those who were unable to exercise similar options

    2. a threshold amount of bankruptcy costs, followed by a rapid increase and then a leveling

    3. A rapid increase in the number of cars on the road could counteract many of the benefits obtained from reduced coal use

    4. It must be obvious to someone besides me that our world is approaching meltdown from the rapid increase of hideous behaviors being exhibited in every corner of it! One of you must realize that your own continued success—and survival—are in jeopardy along with all the rest of us

    5. Take note that the explosion of heart disease in the middle of the 20th century coincides quite nicely with the rapid increase in the use of hydrogenated and refined oils in the food supply at that time, while the consumption of saturated fats has actually decreased between the early 1900’s and present time

    6. However, some people are concerned about the rapid increase in crime, particularly vandalism, theft, GBH and murder, since they were elected

    7. E—, of Jessore, sums up the results of the daily visits of himself and preachers to the bazaars thus:—"Whilst we lament the absence of manifested conversions to Christ, we cannot doubt the leaven is at work; and our hope is that, by patient labor and prayerful waiting, the result will, perhaps ere long, be developed in a rapid increase of the Church in this district

    8. It produces common stocks of holding companies which are subject to deceptively rapid increases in earning power in favorable years and which are invariably made the vehicle of wild and disastrous public speculation

    9. This rapid increase in demand for put options pushes the implied volatility for both put and call contracts higher; the reason behind this is called put-call parity

    10. This high rate of increase is proved by calculation—by the rapid increase of many animals and plants during a succession of peculiar seasons, and when naturalised in new countries

    11. Your committee have no certain data on which to ascertain the number of inhabitants in each section of the Territory; but, from the most accurate information they are enabled to collect, it appears that west of the Wabash there are about the number of eleven thousand, and east of said river about the number of seventeen thousand, and that the population of each section is in a state of rapid increase

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