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    react to oraciones de ejemplo

    react to

    1. Before Nancy could really react to what gadget or technique allowed Silence to do this, the attack was on again

    2. How I’d react to the assumption that I’ve been so careless or uncaring that you could have become pregnant

    3. The way that they react to our lives is our testimony – do they follow us as we follow Christ, or do they reject Christ? The book of Philemon addresses this very thing

    4. Her surprise when he would react to her touch was a delight to him

    5. As you know, when we meet someone for the first time, we can project any image we want and they will react to that image

    6. From that alone we know two things; one, whatever is making these signals is connected to the impactors in some way and two, it/they are able to react to it and 'evacuate' if you will, the body in question

    7. Dogs aren‘t the only ones who react to the world using a series of Conditioned Responses

    8. Though mostly by accident and for the most part unconscious, the way we humans react to the world around us is dictated in a large part by a series of Conditioned Responses we have been learning since early childhood

    9. react to what they do and say and not cause a bad reaction because of it

    10. “And anyway, even if they react to her name, it might have nothing to do with this

    11. do you think Philippe would react to that?’ He was relieved

    12. She wasn't too sure how Jake and Alex, was going to react to the news though

    13. grew more pronounced, and my senses began to react to

    14. He wondered how he was going to react to the loss of Shinvei? Would he soon long for someone as awesome as her again? Would Luray soon grow tired of his poverty and lack of culture? It was a two and a half mile walk home along some upper paths, beautifully scenic in the glowing hour of sunset, but he hardly noticed as he dwelled on these thoughts

    15. ‘Well, it’s conjecture again but I figure that the virus has an ability to react to any circumstance that puts the host body, you, in danger

    16. ‘And how did they react to that? I don't imagine

    17. how the local authorities would react to the incident, but

    18. Knowing that things may not be as they seem can provide insight into how to react to what happens around you

    19. Instead he continued edging towards the ship, wondering how the passengers would react to being told they were the only humans left in existence, if they were indeed alive

    20. For much of journey back he had been imagining how Deanna would react to what he had seen at the institute; rehearsing the words in his mind

    21. In every aspect the writer of this Book had to consider how people would react to certain situations, what they would say, decide, when they would be born, when they would die and what names their parents would give them

    22. How would Frank react to

    23. That was no shame, few could react to a Japanese

    24. Cherva did his best not to react to this news, but his eyes let him down and the Preceptor chuckled

    25. The two men slapped a high-five so hard that they both simultaneously shook their respective hands to react to the stinging sensation that came with every well-delivered high-five

    26. For one thing, never at the voting booths of its history has the United States gotten rid of its president at the time of war, and for another, Kerry has not presented a coherent policy, guided by a definitive plan for the future: he seems to react to the news of the day like a weathervane reacts to the direction of the wind at any given time

    27. We had a meeting about you the other day, in fact,” he admitted, watching her react to this piece of news

    28. react to certain objects and situations with fear

    29. Once it was in the news, the rest of the UK would react too

    30. No, my real concern was about how he would react to the findings

    31. the press may react to you

    32.  How you react to stress, and whether your reactions are appropriate and useful

    33. As well as this, you should now understand how you react to stress, and the symptoms that you show when you are stressed

    34. After all she was a dancer, experienced and trained in reading people’s expressions, understand their feelings and react to them through her performance

    35. For a moment he looked as if he did not quite know how to react to her smile, then he just turned and continued

    36. She did not react to his smile, but merely turned her head towards Elior

    37. This input is the only way that it can do the job of interpreting the surrounding environment and instructing the body on how to react to it

    38. failure of the congregation to react to obvious needs within the church

    39. His fingers were still in her arm so hard they would leave clear bruises but she did not react to the pain

    40. react or fail to react to our homelessness

    41. My mother didn’t even react to the one on my collarbone, so I don’t have as many reservations about getting tattoos

    42. I wanted to see how you would react to what I said about damaged genes, so I would know whether I could trust you or not,” she says

    43. Perhaps he was worried how I would react to that statement

    44. They were clearly worried about how I was going to react to all this

    45. “How did you react to his information about the pre-nup?”

    46. But everyone was now just a faint memory of what they once were and they could not react to what they were seeing

    47. The guests’ mixed feelings took a few moments to turn into further applause but it was obvious no one knew how to react to this announcement

    48. How does God react to it, though? I think He

    49. " She herself had wondered how Bob would react to her situation

    50. "Great," she said, "I get a doctor who tells the status of his patients by the way they react to his cold stethoscope

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