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    rear admiral oraciones de ejemplo

    rear admiral

    1. On July 31, Rear Admiral Goldsborough, commander of the

    2. Both were two-star LDO (limited duty engineering officers), lower case rear admirals

    3. In a field office, you do not tell a Rear Admiral that something is “not in my position description (PD)

    4. Mauz selected Rear Admiral Robert Sutton to command the U

    5. On that tragic September 11 day, Coast Guard Captain of the Port of New York, Rear Admiral Richard Bennis, in coordination with the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, reopened the harbor on a selective basis to commercial vessels while additional Coast Guard units were arriving from around the nation to supplement port security forces

    6. The Commander of the Ninth Coast Guard District as of May 18, 2002 was Rear Admiral Ronald F

    7. Rear Admiral Patrick M

    8. In 2006 the Ninth District commander was Rear Admiral Robert J

    9. Rear admirals wear two stars; vice admirals three

    10. 1919- 1924 Rear Admiral William F

    11. Reynolds, first Captain- Commandant, and later Rear Admiral- Commandant

    12. Reappointed Commandant on 12 January 1923 with the rank of Rear Admiral effective in October of 1923, the first Coast Guard officer to attain this rank

    13. Twenty minutes later he received call from Rear Admiral Cooper who agreed to allow HMS Record follow the progress of the Imelda from a distance

    14. Admiral Nimitz, his chief of staff, Rear Admiral Draemel, Captain McMorris and Lieutenant Commander Bailey stepped out of the staff cars and were about to enter the control tower when one of the Marines manning the jeeps’ machineguns shouted and pointed towards the western horizon

    15. The reaction of the American Navy officers to that was decidedly mixed, with Rear Admiral Draemel appearing the most annoyed

    16. Rear Admiral John McCain, Commander, Aircraft South Pacific, sitting in the back of Turner’s jeep, gave a cautious look to his irascible superior: Turner had the look of a severe school teacher and was a man of great intellect, but he was also a man with a difficult character and an acid tongue

    17. ‘’Rear Admiral McCain, who will be your commander in the South Pacific, was told by General Arnold that your unit was an experimental one

    18. Rear Admiral McCain noticed how nimble the machine seemed to be when it lifted off from the LANGLEY’s deck

    19. Rear Admiral McCain then jumped in, asking cautiously a question to Vandegrift

    20. By then, Vice Admiral Turner, Rear Admiral McCain and Brigadier General Geiger were inside the lines of the 99th CAG, inspecting their setup and marveling at the abundance and quality of its equipment, which made the Marine and Navy squadrons look rickety by contrast

    21. Vice Admiral Turner and Rear Admiral McCain used that opportunity to return to Espiritu Santo on the return trip of the C-142s

    22. Rear Admiral Moon came in for much hostile criticism from Allied High Command

    23. Conversely, Rear Admiral Moon was summoned by U

    24. Rear Admiral Moon was the highest-ranking American officer to commit suicide during World War II

    25. ‘’In the hangar of the XC-10, with Brigadier General Boyd and a rear admiral from the Coast Guard

    26. They in fact arrived a full twenty minutes later, accompanied by a rear admiral from the Coast Guard

    27. Ingrid Dows made a wide smile to excuse herself as she presented the rear admiral

    28. She could not have asked for a more impartial support than that of the Coast Guard rear admiral

    29. Rear Admiral Sanjit Parwan was widely said among Spacer merchant captains to have attained his present position through political favors rather than merit

    30. Complicating her decision process was the fact that she was now sure that someone, either from the Vesta Corporation or from the TCN, possibly Rear Admiral Parwan himself, had leaked her flight plan to those pirates

    31. His mind went nearly immediately to Rear Admiral Parwan: the man was at best an incompetent idiot, unwilling or unable to do his job properly, or at worst an accomplice to piracy, a crime he was sworn to prevent from happening and that rated the death penalty

    32. ‘’Surely, Captain Forster, you are not suggesting that Rear Admiral Parwan was negligent in his duties?’’

    33. ‘’And what about Rear Admiral Parwan?’’

    34. Rear Admiral Sanjit Parwan put on a martial air before stepping on the command bridge of his flagship, the cruiser TCNS MUMBAY

    35. Wa saw that his flanking forces and Rear Admiral Thai’s force were now past the equatorial geosynchronous orbit of Mars and were starting to get into the rear of the enemy battleship

    36. A wired message to the Rear Admiral later

    37. There was however one notable absence in that group of senior officers: her own force deputy commander, a Navy rear admiral

    38. Worse, the Navy had then nominated a rear admiral, a man of a rank equal to hers, for the position and General Bradley had let that fly, thus nearly ensuring a dysfunctional chain of command for her task force

    39. ‘’General, I have served with Rear Admiral Felt, both at sea and on land

    40. Is Rear Admiral Felt some kind of bully?’’

    41. Furthermore, the fact that a Navy officer was ready to disparage a more senior Navy officer in front of an Air Force officer, a cardinal sin in Navy eyes, told her a lot about how much Rear Admiral Felt had to be hated by his own Navy subalterns

    42. Rear Admiral Harry Donald Felt was finishing a late lunch in his admiral’s suite when a ring prompted him to grab the receiver of his ship’s intercom system

    43. ‘’Lieutenant Commander, advise at once by radio Rear Admiral Brown on the USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN that he has now command of the naval element of the Palestine Interposition Force

    44. Rear Admiral Felt has been relieved of command by me for insubordination and will have to fly out to Naples by no later than tomorrow

    45. ‘’As I was about to say before being rudely interrupted, Commander, I will send a formal message this afternoon to announce the relief of Rear Admiral Felt

    46. Don’t forget to call at once Rear Admiral Brown to tell him that he is now the naval component commander of the force

    47. We learned since then that her deputy, a Rear Admiral Felt, was relieved of command on his own flagship by Dows, for gross insubordination

    48. The Hope and the Search passed right by Vanikoro without stopping there; and overall, this voyage was plagued by misfortune, ultimately costing the lives of Rear Admiral d'Entrecasteaux, two of his subordinate officers, and several seamen from his crew

    49. Then he listed secretary of the Navy in deference to his father, a retired rear admiral, and then several undersecretary positions

    50. His 86-year-old father, retired Rear Admiral Horace Butterfield, had a heart attack in Alaska

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