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    Usar "refuse to" en una oración

    refuse to oraciones de ejemplo

    refuse to

    1. Sarah and her husband, Travis, still go by the names “Jesse” and “Lucinda” but they refuse to speak with me after I took care of the remains of their child

    2. She was confident that once he was actually running, he would be just as quick as she was to refuse to go back out

    3. Every time we went to the beach he would suggest it was time he taught me to swim and I'd refuse to move

    4. Trying to hide my surprise, I undress, the woman – whose name is Lonna - helping me take off my boots as my joints refuse to bend that far

    5. “The fools still refuse to believe that their technology will not work on this planet

    6. ‘You’ll just have to put up with me with a day’s growth then – I refuse to shave in cold water, Sally!’

    7. Jane casually drops into the conversation that the cake will be delivered on Tuesday morning – I’d completely forgotten about a wedding cake … how could I have forgotten that! Peter and Jane insist that they will foot the bill for the alcohol and although Simon does his best to shout them down, they are adamant and refuse to budge

    8. The cleaning takes all morning, partly because I keep stopping to drink some water … I’m feeling bloody minded and refuse to take painkillers for the headache I am convinced had its origins in that bottle of wine

    9. At the traffic lights by the entrance to the hospital Billy intends to hang a left so that he can be with Bex, but as much as he thinks about indicating and joining the filter lane his hands refuse to obey and he heads straight on into town

    10. “I refuse to answer that question for fear of incriminating myself!” Matt replied, his smile growing wider

    11. prisoners Henri would not be in a position to refuse to

    12. "You can't us it then –" she insisted, "I refuse to let it affect Jim's property

    13. She hoped that she was out from under suspicion, but maybe all she had really done in his mind was refuse to confess

    14. "I refuse to fail," he stated before turning away to once more watch the roots of the One Tree blacken

    15. It devoured children who refuse to obey their elders

    16. because they refuse to believe even Moses and the prophets

    17. To refuse to pay taxes in your dream indicates that you are rebelling against society or the government

    18. So I refuse to be as neglectful as everyone else

    19. “Nothing, but refuse to give back what’s mine

    20. Sometimes people strive to achieve great goals because of the despair that they feel when they refuse to accept something that has happened

    21. He was still afraid she was going to be offended in some unknown manner and then she might refuse to fuck with him

    22. These causes seem to be other monopolies of different kinds: the degradation of the value of gold and silver below what it is in most other countries ; the exclusion from foreign markets by improper taxes upon exportation, and the narrowing of the home market, by still more improper taxes upon the transportation of goods from one part of the country to another ; but above all, that irregular and partial administration of justice which often protects the rich and powerful debtor from the pursuit of his injured creditor, and which makes the industrious part of the nation afraid to prepare goods for the consumption of those haughty and great men, to whom they dare not refuse to sell upon credit, and from whom they are altogether uncertain of repayment

    23. The parliament of Great Britain insists upon taxing the colonies ; and they refuse to be taxed by a parliament in which they are not represented

    24. They steadfastly refuse to

    25. steadfastly refuse to accept responsibility for what and

    26. stubbornly refuse to comprehend that it is their own

    27. at, do NOT have a map to follow (or stubbornly refuse to

    28. ‘We tried, but you refuse to listen

    29. In the disorderly state of Europe, during the prevalence of the feudal government, the sovereign was obliged to content himself with taxing those who were too weak to refuse to pay taxes

    30. Yet, people refuse to accept this and against common sense, choose to hold on to foolish thoughts

    31. course, meant that he could refuse to allow the Shenandoah into the bay, if he did not feel comfortable about the situation

    32. „It is one of the maladies of our age to profess a frenzied rush to truth in unimportant matters, and refuse to face her where graver issues are at stake

    33. Furthermore, I refuse to believe that his „Report on Manufactures" to the first Congress was meant as a precursor to John Kenneth Galbraith"s „The New Industrial State

    34. In that case he would refuse to fire even though the system would lock on target

    35. How could she refuse to comfort him?

    36. He did this in spite of the fact that sailors are a superstitious lot, and normally will refuse to sail with a corpse, as it portends bad luck

    37. Perhaps some of us who refuse to be intimidated or daunted by the curse of political correctness

    38. Captain Jhordel’s actions, I refuse to subscribe to the notion that she would needlessly jeopardize

    39. He said they would refuse to accept them when they arrived at their location and the books would come back to me

    40. When they arrived back at my address I was to refuse to accept them

    41. For instance a medical man would be quite within his rights to refuse to discuss any medical condition relating to your fiancé to you

    42. For my American readers, this fellow kidnapped a lot of children and kept them prisoner at his house for things which I refuse to speculate on as being hurtful to the parents

    43. I flatly refuse to let the fat politicians bother me with their silly decision in life and prefer to see the sale of the Casspirs as a compliment

    44. "I'm waiting badger," Grindel threatened, his voice vibrating with indignation that a Custodian should refuse to answer like this

    45. In truth, Soffen was worried that she might have said too much and the old badger would refuse to help her any longer

    46. What can they do if you refuse to play by their rules and carry on killing them on sight? Nothing for they lost the initiative! They cannot get to you (homeland USA) to attack you so they are reduced to slinking around in their third world countries fearing the reconnaissance satellites and drones and Egg Breakers

    47. This wicked generation is accursed in My sight! They are deaf, they refuse to listen!

    48. Yet their ears remain stopped, they REFUSE to hear! Behold, I am come forth in My power! And in the strength of My might, I shall cause the wicked to hear and the high-minded to listen!

    49. You refuse to see!

    50. They refuse to listen, for by their own hearts are they led

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