Usar "reincarnation" en una oración
reincarnation oraciones de ejemplo
1. She still had the memories of the work it took to achieve reincarnation in flesh
2. “Nothing really to me,” she chuckled, “except I consider myself Tdeshi’s reincarnation, so for me it’s just revenge, but I have a mailbox number for someone who’s really interested
3. She was starting to understand what reincarnation was about
4. In modern times, the proof of reincarnation could be obtained from testimonials of people around the globe, who had undergone past life hypnotic regression
5. A key point to note is that some of these people did not even subscribe to the belief of reincarnation, prior to their regressions
6. Cases validating reincarnation do not just involve adults but children as well
7. He had spent over forty years investigating thousands of childhood cases around the world that suggested the possibility of reincarnation and had published numerous books before his demise
8. Among the books were “Children Who Remember Previous Lives” and “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation”
9. the late Edgar Cayce too believed in reincarnation
10. The Earthly condition provides a huge test for the souls and through reincarnation, the level of energy of the planet itself is impacted
11. The many cycles of reincarnation on Earth form the key engine of growth and expansion in the master design of the Universe
12. “The world will only be cured of its ills when knowledge of karma and reincarnation has spread throughout the whole world
13. With regard to the process of reincarnation, there have been queries as to whether a person gets to see and reunite with his/her departed loved ones when he or she passes away
14. d) Selection For Reincarnation
15. Interestingly, prior knowledge of reincarnation is not a necessity for a successful regression
17. ” As such, the population growth could not be used as a reason to discredit the belief in reincarnation
18. In the end, the question of whether reincarnation takes place is not as important as the purpose of reincarnation
19. The cycles of reincarnation are therefore the Divine’s ingenious ways to help us achieve our heavenly purpose
20. Reincarnation is a real process but due to a suppression of past-life memory upon entering this physical world, we are left to draw our own conclusions about life, which in most cases deviate from the truths
21. Your question on Saturday, how does an individual reconcile the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ with diverse Peoples and Cultures who knew or knew Him not, far exceeds my capacity to explain although I would like to give it a try
22. • The truth about animal reincarnation and who animals real y are
23. I suggest that the church of the future will be much more diverse in its beliefs and practices, even perhaps touching such taboo areas as reincarnation to say nothing of radically questioning the nature of the Holy Trinity and the Person of Christ
24. I have become much more interested in the wider aspects of spirituality and more open to discussing such difficult issues as reincarnation with others
25. My only fear of death is reincarnation
26. recent threat to the world—radical Islamism, with its fanatic interpretations, coercion, terror and violence, and present-day efforts at the reincarnation of the Muslim Empire
27. The idea of reincarnation had always puzzled but excited Ganesh
28. If he defined his world according to himself, his needs, his desires, the fruits of his actions, then his soul would again continue this cycle of reincarnation in its next life
29. Ganesh loved the idea of reincarnation
30. Reincarnation implies a reincarnating self
31. Q: We were told about karma and reincarnation, evolution and
32. is, with no hope of life after death or reincarnation, simply as a means to force the consciousness
33. Western religions also have historical traditions and sects that incorporated reincarnation in their
34. Shiite sects do; pointing towards passages in the Koran that imply the validity of reincarnation
35. reincarnation, which influenced early Christians to accept that the cycle of rebirth could only be
36. Indeed a belief in reincarnation continued in the theology of Christianity for centuries
37. around 200 AD, was an ardent proponent of reincarnation
38. However, believers in reincarnation stood as impediments to the Catholic Church’s
39. the Inquisition almost successfully rooted out the connection to and belief in reincarnation from
40. Since then, reincarnation has been relegated to the fringes of Western society; a concept
41. disprove the concept of reincarnation
42. prove reincarnation existed would be to find a single case of definitive evidence
43. validity of reincarnation, Dr
44. Stevenson never accepted the precept of reincarnation, but rather
45. career could prove reincarnation
46. quantity and quality over time, thus increasing the plausibility of the concept of reincarnation
47. reincarnation and many cases in this genre seem stronger than merely suggestive
48. notions of the validity of reincarnation, or substantive information about a deceased person who
49. memories from a previous life other than through the concept of reincarnation
50. definitively, of the validity of reincarnation despite the fact he could not account for how such