Usar "reiteration" en una oración
reiteration oraciones de ejemplo
1. We continue in Revelation 12 and we find that the dragon is cast out of heaven (this is a reiteration of the first 6 verses), and that he makes war with the woman
2. To see the letter “W” in your dream is a reiteration of “you”
3. Today we, here in the United States, observe the government in a modern reiteration of the old Roman attempt to reduce Christian influence even if only by a more subtle persecution meant to silence their witness to the superiority of The Way
4. In a much later reiteration of the above incident, the July 2006 edition of the Planetary Report contained the following information on page 8
5. He wrapped up his briefing with a reiteration of the safe bailout areas and the Rules of Engagement: don't fly within 30 miles of the Chinese border; 30 miles of Haiphong Harbor; 30 miles from Hanoi; and of course, you can't hit the MiG bases at Phuc Yen, Gia Lam, Kep, or Hoa Loc
6. the information they have is a reiteration of yesterday’s television
7. He well-nigh exhausts the possibilities of language in the reiteration of his claims of intimate association with the heavenly Father
8. They were, of course, disconcerted by the increasing spread of rumors that Jesus had risen from the dead, but they depended upon the bribed guards effectively to counteract all such reports by their reiteration of the story that a band of his followers had removed the body
9. This segment is a reiteration, in a different way, of the segment
10. ‘’This is all that your Pope could come up with, Cardinal Reggiani? A tired reiteration of lies and utter denial of reality and scientific facts, capped by an insulting ultimatum? Does he realize what this letter will cause?’’
11. All TPT tries to do is frame an issue emotionally via an incessant reiteration of an invariant interpretation, i
12. Love must be tentatively defined and then courageously pursued by trial and error, revision, redefinition, and reiteration – for love just keeps fucking trying to love
13. It is the reiteration, the constant reiteration
14. They put her through a sort of third degree there on the road, with an insistent reiteration of questions: when they felt that her attention was wandering they slapped her face, kicked her shins, or stamped on her bare feet with army boots
15. However, we should remember that each reiteration widens the set of the selected combinations with new elements, which are worse than the preceding ones
16. That was why she was so taken aback by his dramatic reiteration of a love that for her had never existed, at an age when Florentino Ariza and she could expect nothing more from life
17. The hypothesis was incorrect, because the solution of the problem of the Origin of Species by the theory of the laws of inheritance and accommodation during an infinitely long period, is not a solution of the problem at all, but the mere reiteration of the question in another form
18. Canning has given this country is a reiteration of his offer to make reparation for the affair of the Chesapeake, and his withdrawal of the Orders in Council; and to what did they amount? So soon as you, by your own law, cut off your trade with France, he agrees to revoke the orders interfering with it