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    reminiscent oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He felt like shutting down the houri on him, or better yet, transform it into a whirling malestrom of rusty, broken knives that chased him for days, something reminiscent of what he had to endure

    2. They came out to an area reminiscent of earth garages; Duncan saw several machines parked there, they resembled hovercraft

    3. There’s a rumbling noise all round the car, reminiscent of thunder and it feels very safe in here, it may be because I am excited already but I’m really enjoying this experience

    4. This also turned out to be their longest song, an uplifting thing reminiscent of ‘Monolith of Triumph’ but more about individual lives than mankind as a species

    5. A musty, lifeless odor pervaded everything; reminiscent of a dying earth

    6. In that respect, the raid is reminiscent of the 1968 Vietcong Tet Offensive in South Vietnam which, while a devastating setback militarily, was a huge psychological win for the Vietcong/North Vietnamese, due in no small part that after the offensive became public knowledge, Walter Cronkite (the most trusted man in America) declared the Vietnam War lost to the United States

    7. That night, as Esther was sleeping noisily beside him, her snoring was reminiscent of Charing Cross Station at rush hour, Nathan slipped out of bed and went to call Ray

    8. Inside, the malignant black bug bounced around, reminiscent of both wasp and lizard

    9. too reminiscent of Skiddles

    10. The noise that had startled the field mouse quickly developed a new quality– reminiscent of dead leaves rustling in an autumn breeze

    11. I am not certain that Iraq would be able, at least in the short term, to manage its newfound freedom(s) should such an opportunity present itself if and when Saddam Hussein has been forcefully removed from power, replaced by Who or What? Such a scenario is reminiscent of Imperial Japan, a nation lacking historical democratic traditions

    12. Strange black markings covered the larger of the flat surfaces, their shapes vaguely reminiscent of the carvings in the Taproot Chamber

    13. Such moments, that inevitably lose some measure of (reminiscent) proportion should we try to recapture them, can never be formally revisited without diminishing the (pleasant) memories that made/make those moments (special) to begin with; that should otherwise retain, however, a rightful place in our thoughts

    14. Uncle Hobart didn't argue, he just dropped the gas mask on the ground and walked off with slumped shoulder, reminiscent of a naughty boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar

    15. The police car took off after the ostrich at high speed and at first it looked as though the show would be over pretty quickly because the police car soon caught up with the ostrich, but as the car drew level with the fleeing bird and Shooter lent over to do his deed with the sock, what happened was reminiscent of the Keystone Cops

    16. The front of his trousers began to smoke and an appalling smell, reminiscent of barbecued sausages filled the air

    17. The train gathered speed, rattling his dentures across the hard plastic surface of the table with a noise reminiscent of demented castanets

    18. It was painted in psychedelic colours reminiscent of rich people on a ski slope

    19. Of course it could not have been Tommy because he had come to such a bad end six months previously, but the man’s gait and style of clothing was strongly reminiscent of him

    20. Colling found the costume strikingly reminiscent of official Soviet dress, and wondered whether it was imitation or genuine

    21. Hilderich was looking with amazement around the walls and the ceiling, the black matte stone having turned into a semi-transparent glass, the light casting hues and specks reminiscent of an artisan’s glass-work, or a gemstone

    22. Their seven days of driving was reminiscent of driving the old Kombi to Bells Beach in 1973

    23. With a gaze slightly reminiscent of the mythic gorgon she simply answered with another thinly veiled insult: “Vultures you mean? Nobody does

    24. It had a dull olive-green sheen, reminiscent of mould

    25. Because science, suffering through the wounded pride of the non-acceptance of its well-intended discoveries, has built battlements of intellect with which to nullify the answers of old, and with which some of its participants attempt to seek to discharge their senior partner with the cry of obsolescence, we have a fratricide, reminiscent of the biblical Cain and Abel, that could lead to the unintended demise of one or both

    26. ” It takes authority out of the hands of elected officials and places it instead in the hands of “appointed stakeholder councils,” reminiscent of the old Soviets

    27. Ellen thought these things over as she walked home, tasting them with reminiscent relish

    28. His only distinguishing vesture was a headdress rather reminiscent of those worn by the Tsoyaha, like a thin piece of cloth wound all around the head

    29. There was a small room to one side where one could tend to bodily functions, reminiscent of those at the palace in Tlatelolco

    30. poses reminiscent of a blockbuster action movie and at some point

    31. This conversation seemed reminiscent of the one I had with Lucky when she first came here; I only gave a fraction of the truth

    32. This is very reminiscent of Governor Blagojevich and his current Chief of Staff

    33. Very reminiscent of how my brother John and I were baptized together in New Paltz many years earlier

    34. There is no even-handedness here, and to keep up with what is currently politically correct is reminiscent of the same problem writers for the Soviet Union’s state organs, Pravda and Isvestia, had to negotiate

    35. Zerubbabel meanwhile in dream-five was equated with Seven Spirits, reminiscent of the dreams of Pharaoh (a mountainous obstacle)

    36. reminiscent of several cat animations Batistuta had seen whilst

    37. As the picture included more of his wife, the distraught husband saw she was strapped into a contraption reminiscent of the electric chair

    38. reminiscent of the biblical “burning

    39. " The organ shakes the room with a full C-chord followed by an expanded B-Major chord, reminiscent of “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” the opening theme of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey

    40. flew backwards—her actions reminiscent of the time when she had

    41. Certainly not one executed with such precision, almost mathematical in measure and meter, reminiscent of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

    42. “Oh, no, I am not you mother,” said the bird’s keeper, reminiscent of a child’s book

    43. And reminiscent of the life that we have had

    44. The girl was leaning against the desk in a pose reminiscent of Robert’s at the beginning of term

    45. Matthew noticed that they both had freckles and flaming red hair and that the boy spoke with an accent that was reminiscent of their grandparents

    46. It was reminiscent of visits they made when they were all living in Tralee

    47. It was set midway in a road shaped like a crescent and was reminiscent of the many period houses that lined the streets of the capital

    48. Plus, her recent attitude made the hairs on the back of his neck crawl; spidery sensations reminiscent of the way he felt after they’d had the final argument more than fifteen years ago

    49. "It looked as if I were heading for financial ruin," he remarked as he gazed out of his window with a reminiscent look in his eyes

    50. "It's a funny thing how I got into this business," he said with a reminiscent smile

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    evocative redolent remindful reminiscent resonant implicative