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    1. The next half hour passes delightfully – the singers go through a repertoire of songs – most of which I know, but there are one or two I can’t place … Stephen and I chat intermittently about nothing in particular and waitresses appear with full glasses of wine at regular intervals – it is extremely civilised

    2. So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn't long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

    3. adequately, the Major had quite a repertoire of sharp comments and

    4. the same song in their repertoire it is an

    5. As humans, we have a certain repertoire of natural, instinctive fears which have been passed down through generations of the genetic line

    6. If she has only in her repertoire her dysfunctional interview with Sarah Palin, then it perhaps is true that 36

    7. The repertoire: the swagger, the growl at any footsteps in the hall, the staccato chatter, questions in tonal mews, trills, and the lament

    8. was distinctive, but it really matched nothing in my repertoire

    9. The wind was not as strong as he would have liked, but Cruzel did not have the power of the weather in his repertoire, but they still had the element of surprise on their side

    10. that their skills were useful exotic addition to the repertoire

    11. The power of the human mind, for Minsky, lies in its vast repertoire of different ways to think, and in its ability to switch among them in order to pursue its goals…[He] acknowledges that it is useful for us to conceive of our goals as originating from our ‘selves’—mental constructs that embody our personal identities

    12. Ever so slowly also, an idea of a balance of the good and evil that might reside within an essence superior to all others, that might be swayed by the behavior of Man came into his repertoire

    13. After the wondering fear of this strangeness had abated, I would present a small portion of my personification for his edification, instilling in him an urgency to share, knowing that he would only be able to do so through the limitations of his very abbreviated, tunnel-like viewing repertoire

    14. Oh, I was a sucker every time he trotted out that act from his vast repertoire

    15. desirable man, likely housed a lush repertoire of sexual experience in his mind

    16. In other words, we want to eliminate from our mental and emotional repertoire such self-destructive attitudes as hatred, greed, jealousy, arrogance, and closed-mindedness

    17. It was so long ago that he had studied music, he had forgotten the repertoire he once had

    18. Church almost always soothed her, and Betty came over in the afternoon bringing her mother's recipe for Spanish rice, at which the two of them worked so Charly could add it to her repertoire and Betty learn to prepare something more than breakfast

    19. It took about ten minutes for her to go through her entire repertoire of winged insects, and then came the beasts of the jungle: the pumas and Bengal tigers and spectacular kaleidoscopic birds that stood on one leg

    20. Tendulkar has incorporated several modern and unorthodox strokes into his repertoire, including the paddle sweep, the scoop over short fine leg and the slash to third man over the slips' heads, over the last seven or eight years

    21. She selected, from her wide repertoire, the words that more mortification throw on the inflated self-esteem of the pretentious Beatrice and declared without mufflers:

    22. Joe’s bathroom repertoire however, was quite impressive

    23. a repertoire of abuse, she said, “I don’t have time to fall

    24. * A repertoire of nursery songs, rhymes and stories

    25. with their repertoire of cute Harold and Jo stories, recounting our

    26. ) She learned some basics, and gained a repertoire of survival skills and nutritional knowledge (such as it was in that day and age—the five food groups, and all ad nauseum…)

    27. Her repertoire is mostly limited to karate and kung fu, but she is still impressive

    28. Sam has played through his entire repertoire of wedding music

    29. I waited until mother had run through her repertoire of moans and chest beating

    30. you will be able to add a fifth R to your repertoire: “Retire in style

    31. Unknown to her guests, the repertoire she played included a number of musical pieces and songs from future times, but adapted to earlier centuries

    32. Healing arts are definitely not in my repertoire

    33. could add to his repertoire would come in handy

    34. Rock & roll novices need to incorporate this track into their repertoire

    35. You must seize control of your thoughts and not allow your repertoire of excuses to dominate your life

    36. If you live by this repertoire what will you become? There are those who live each day with their excuses as their mission statement

    37. Do I still blame others for where I am in life? What have I become - a crow or a canary? What excuses do I use in my repertoire for non-achievement?

    38. His mates, boys and girls, besieged the car, all going through their repertoire of begging skills

    39. So, after a while, I was wheel-chaired off to the wonderful world of Psych Med – interim home of Myrtle the Walkin’, Talkin’ Jamaican, who had moving conversations with persons only she could see (and sang to her stuffed dog), Crooner Bob and his amazing repertoire of 40s and 50s ballads, which he suddenly belted out with hands lifted high off his walker, and 76-year-old roommate Don’s volley of machine gun farts as he drifted off to sleep

    40. limited and repetitious repertoire; so it makes sense that this

    41. on, before you have many turns in your repertoire, don't be

    42. other steps in their repertoire often do the polka-step to too

    43. come across a partner with this in their repertoire, and it can

    44. my repertoire than any other western-swinger---and that's

    45. He allowed the awareness of it to settle somewhere into his subconscious—a new gift in his growing repertoire of slanted experiences

    46. of turns in your repertoire: big turns and little turns, turns for the

    47. have at least three turn sizes in your repertoire, but the big turn is

    48. tighter turns or necessary braking in your repertoire

    49. size turn in their repertoire and whose speed is affected more by

    50. idea were in my repertoire, both on the dance floor and in skiing

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