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researches oraciones de ejemplo
1. as a result of my researches i came to the conclusion that we as
2. be to ignore religion in historical researches, because
3. Many scholarly researches proved beyond doubt that children are born liars
4. At the same time you are able to track those who researches bomb making techniques on the Internet
5. made by the researchers that had conducted the researches in those particular
6. on the virus, Erika researches whether
7. Add the question to our researches, Alilia
8. They write about their own researches in most laudatory terms and hypnotize us into believing them
9. He researches experimental sorcery as we speak
10. Researches have not yet been made as to the particular animals and
11. researches others; she speaks internationally on the topic
12. Ahmad Fadhel (Secretary-general of the researches of pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals) says:
13. Reactions and Attitudes of the Scientific Research Team after the Appearance of the Dazzling Results of Researches of Pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals to be slaughtered
14. He opened wide gates in the fields of scientific researches for the worlds and destroyed those dark steel walls which stood in the way of the progress of Arab nation so that it may follow its former convoy, the convoy of humane progress and prosperity
15. 26 A member of the Medical Team supervising the researches of Pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animals
16. She locks herself into her room and reads and researches
17. that an analyst researches industry averages, some type of comparative paradigm, an
18. researches generic algorithms will find that the Zmijewski probability shares some
19. Eminent scientists are so busy and attentive in their experiments and researches in their laboratories that they forget to take food even for days together
20. Researches showed that exposure to sunlight sans sunscreen should be less
21. As it happened, Clayton couldn’t get an appointment with the PM until late afternoon on Thursday, which didn’t really matter as he might, by then, have learnt a bit more about Vaughan from Catherine’s researches
22. That, however, is negated by recent researches
23. All that is a drop of an ocean of what this Great Humane Scholar had revealed, for the researches and the fields of thinking cannot be written down in lines in order to be read, but indeed, it is only to attract attention to what he had offered and revealed to mankind of the knowledge of the Holy Qur’an
24. At first, she’d not taken his historical researches seriously
25. All of that is mentioned in his book: (The Sources of Spring Water in the World - And - A Researches on Discoveries of Circumcision Mystery)
26. All of that is a drop of an ocean of what this Great Humane Scholar had revealed, for the researches and the fields of thinking cannot be written down in lines in order to be read, but indeed, it is only to attract attention to what he had offered and revealed to mankind of the knowledge of the Holy Qur'an
27. · The Sources of Spring Water in the World - And - A Researches on Discoveries of the Circumcision Mystery
28. With the progress of science and technology and the researches being conducted on sex health, what may be right today may be obsolete tomorrow, bringing in better and efficient remedies for those seeking to correct their sexual health
29. Researches and fulfills requests from customers in the
30. Numerous researches have proved that IQ of an individual “human being” increases with the weight decrease
31. Only by very subtle features known to me due to the vast Experience of similar researches, I can find out where I am, as well as “what” or “who” is in front of me
32. In order to interpret at least more or less correctly the characteristic dynamics of each of these “Fields” in the irkkulligren Realities perceived by us, it is necessary to stop finally to perceive all the force dynamics of our outer reality as a manifestation of interactions only of one or two “Fields”, and to learn how to take into account in our researches all infinite diversities and differences in qualities of physical characteristics of space-time structures that form the basis of all energy-information interrelations in our Continuums
33. If they don’t know it and don’t take it into account in very precise energy researches, physicists, when coming across such phenomena, will consider that all of them are still manifestations of the same electromagnetic Field, although in fact these energy-information interactions will be more structured and organized by elementary (or even superuniversal) particles that belong to Fields-Consciousnesses of a higher-qualitative type
34. In terms of the psychological activity, the above synthetic Process has the following expression: with an increase of the quality of thinking and feeling (highly-spiritual, altruistic, highly-intellectual states), the arterial pressure and the body weight (the degree of influence of gravitational forces) decrease, and, with a decrease of parameters of these creative dynamics (and, therefore, with the appearance of the lower creative dynamics — rude sexual excitement, aggressiveness, irritation and the like), the same parameters (the arterial pressure and the body weight) drastically increase (moreover, recent scientific researches have proved that this happens in an interdependent manner and really drastically: in the presence of fat cells (adipocytes) and fatty acids secreted by them, the cells of the adrenal cortex that are responsible for the production of aldosterone — the hormone that regulates the mineral exchange in the organism (first of all, sodium, potassium and water) and can increase in this way the arterial pressure, — greatly (seven times!) increase the production of this hormone)
35. These facts have been proved by researches of Japanese scientists! In its lethal variant, radiation destroys proteinic complexes, that is, hydrogen valence links between atoms in complex molecules of the body cells
36. However, since physicists still don’t have any possibility to associate with the principles of functionality of their instruments anything but manifested Aspects of the two Dominants typical of our Realities (ALL-Love + ALL-Intelligence = “Creative Cosmic POTENTIALITY”), they cannot see anything else in their researches — only various demonstrations of properties of as though one and the same electromagnetic Field
37. When the level of Self-Consciousnesses of scientists and the principles of researches conducted by them change to the extent that their truer Conceptions will naturally change the very “materiality” of the outer Reality and will make it possible to find at least some other “Fields” of non-photon origin that function on the basis of properties of other elementary particles; when it will be possible to clearly identify these “Fields” with our Thoughts and Feelings; when such terms as “matter” and “antimatter”, “gravitation” and “antigravitation” will be known even to schoolchildren of any primary school, then the most stubborn and distrustful scientists will finally understand that these “Fields” have their own levels of Self-Consciousness, and then they will start to call them not simply fields, but the way they must be called — Fields-Consciousnesses
38. In order to lay the foundation of such science of “the future” as wave physics, first, researchers must make attempts in the necessary direction of researches to discover these other “Fields”
39. During my researches I have read many true stories about the monstrous acts that took place there; I'm not going to say any more, and those who are interested can make their own investigations
40. The cause of poor egg quality still unknown but researches believe it may be
41. I clicked on family and the personal life in the contents without bothering to look through things like his career, researches, education, early life etc
42. It seemed the researches that were carried out in Dr Rathore’s establishment were deemed irrelevant and impossible by some of the critics
43. It is very efficient when you are doing some researches on a subject, on Google for example
44. Through further studies and researches of science we can now know how exactly drugs function in the brain and treatments has been discovered to successfully help users and addicts stop abusing drug use and continue live a normal and healthy lives
45. Medical and scientific researches have come to the conclusion that drug addiction is both physical and psychological dependence; both have a biochemical basis on the brain, although the distinction between them is not very clear
46. According to researches, curiosity is usually the beginning of drug addiction
47. Researches show that CFS can be as
48. There are scanty researches regarding the percentage of CFS patients who recover
49. Researches indicates that delays in
50. researches suggest that this attitude to work, among other things, inhibits the production of T-cell lymphocytes by the immune system