Usar "reuniting" en una oración
reuniting oraciones de ejemplo
1. He vaguely remembered the dreams about Deanna, somewhat predictably his reuniting with her
2. “You will be my eyes and ears, and you may provide hope of me reuniting with the rebels when the time is critical
3. Adem only wished Carl would see the sense of his argument, which was that they could not win without reuniting the rebels to their cause
4. Tony burned County, reuniting with Irma
5. He is in the process of reuniting the goblin forces
6. at-one-ment; it is reuniting with our soul and the One divine essence in All
7. reuniting at an airport
8. chance of reuniting with mine? I know
9. Indeed, he was suddenly so looking forward to reuniting with Star that he was almost
10. Stefan could help her brother! Maybe her dream of reuniting her family was not just a dream after all
11. You can only save Hope by reuniting with her in hearts willing to dream
12. That would mean reuniting Diamond Head Crater for the second time in as many months
13. Early the next day Danny ate a hotel fried breakfast that was somehow both dry and greasy, then set about reuniting Diamond Head Crater for the third time
14. ” Kiera had the sudden thought that it would be somewhat awkward, being in the middle of two lover’s reuniting
15. The current for the third circuit enters the two wires of one of the first circuits, divides, reunites, so to speak, at the other end, then returns through the wires of the second circuit, dividing and reuniting again, thus just balancing the two divisions of the current and not causing any effect on either of the two original circuits
16. resurrection could only be the return and reuniting of the soul to the earthly body and
17. It keeps the parts from reuniting and the woman
18. resurrection could only be the return and reuniting of the soul to the earthly body, and
19. Now Windom was dead and the fantasy of reuniting with the family she held close to her heart, was a complete impossibility