Usar "revise" en una oración
revise oraciones de ejemplo
1. Carefully consider the feedback you receive and revise the application as applicable
2. Can you revise
3. these to be more “believe it now”, rather than “wanting”? If yes, then revise
4. Executive function as defined by Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child is a combination of working memory (aka, those 700 neural connections per second), selective and focused attention on important tasks (or self control), and mental flexibility – being able to revise a course of action based on changes in the environment
5. So I had to revise the lessons
6. “I think I’ll revise my shit about keys” said Alf
7. I suggest you, ahm, revise your way of thinking, Lord Remis
8. The CAA only requires a NAAQS revision "at least" every five years, so EPA is not required to revise the status quo
9. Therefore I have to revise my previous statement, in light of what I have learned during this study, and state that I was incorrect in saying that there is no need for a tombstone
10. need to revise ell functions that access the data
11. I have to revise the amperage of
12. ” She tucks in a strand of hair behind her ear, and pauses as if to revise her thoughts
13. by the House of Rothschild, hired Adam Weishaupt to revise and
14. educators are pushing a new learning system which will revise the
15. Go ahead and revise it immediately
16. In one of the meetings with the consulting companies that he had hired to revise
17. Allah: “What!? You’ve got the balls to revise my holy
18. 3 Of the ten measures to revise society advocated by Karl Marx 4, five are the most coercive and controlling
19. Of course I didn't want her to revise any…"
20. Nathan Shumate designed the book cover and was most patient in incorporating multiple suggestions, and revise the design over and over again
21. To revise is the alter features while preserving functions
22. ”We will have to revise the Great Plan again
23. Day Seven: Write the sample chapter and revise your
24. will have to revise your ads
25. The Team was able to finalize its Business Unit map by itself, and to revise the new processes based on the new understanding of the business unit
26. Most will finish a first draft in a fairly short time, then revise the entire thing one, two, or more times
27. Why do you need to explain the product to the reader? Revise p28 & 32
28. Why should you concern yourself with the readers problems? Revise p14
29. What part of the brain should your copy target and why? Revise p7 & 8
30. What is the missing word? Revise p 4
31. ? Revise p 30
32. after this time, you can revise your ad or withdraw it completely
33. This is a good thing when it happens – it’s good to revise our belief systems periodically and to refine them – but it’s not always so pleasant
34. He couldn’t revise the chart any further
35. and a willingness to revise what you thought you knew
36. “I’m sorry we are early, but I’m afraid some unexpected circumstances have caused us to revise our schedule
37. Revise the scene when necessary
38. You constantly have to revise, look at and course
39. books and revise the alien intervention theories, what ever
40. Jury nullification is exactly what we need, to fix and revise laws that stink or don’t universally apply to all of this type of case
41. However, if the leaders of the Vietminh refuse to use the democratic process or continue to use or call for the military support of either China or of the Soviet Union, then the United States will be forced to revise its policies towards the Vietminh
42. Arjun: ya ya how many times will you ask me to revise it? From today I am beginning my college where you are a trustee and Mom is the cultural secretary
43. He hoped they were acting, looking for a little push for their TV series, because other wise, he would have to revise some of his hypotheses about the 20th century Earth icons on Iotia
44. This Franconi guy was going to force me to revise my still-percolating plan slightly, but the details were falling into place
45. He quickly had to revise his first impression of the girl, who only wore a wet night shirt that was now clinging to her body
46. • Annually revise the business plan
47. They were then told to go away and revise their budgets
48. revise Tengriism because it is based on higher ideas, not some hard scripted dogmas
49. Many of us believe it is time to revise the Sacred Writings
50. Those unfortunates, who did not quite make the grades that allow their first choice, now need to take a step back, recalibrate and revise their objectives to make the very best of the change in circumstance
1. Actual y, I have now revised my thoughts on this matter as:
2. Having spent her first week of married life struggling with piles of creased cotton and Lycra, Cyberia felt much happier about her revised career prospects
3. but on the revised loan instalments
4. about her revised career prospects
5. silver threads and the diamonds, she completely revised her opinion
6. “You will, of course need ties, and a coat, sweaters if you wish, your robe, and let me see, I know I have the revised stitching form for the Malvern crest here
7. ” He slapped his hand upon Harry's revised building
8. It was substantially revised for the second edition (1819)
9. Such particularity implies that a number of theories about the formation of planets have to be revised
10. Conference" approved a revised Statement of Faith to allow for Conditional
11. Two weeks later, I once again sang a series of hallelujahs as I revised the same liner notes, and the cat scooted through the window to join me in my simple life
12. It should be revised as follows: „There but for the right decisions I have made, go I"
13. " The next day, when I showed the co-worker the list, he revised his estimate upward accordingly
14. Admiral Vrikop and I have revised our opinion
15. This article, which has not been revised in any way, is cited in a footnote to the section on Property Law in the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland (Edinburgh 1987 onwards)
16. “This proposal comes on the heels of the revised 2008 ozone standard, which was lowered significantly
17. That may have to be revised
18. After having received the contract for the work their bid was revised upward to match the
19. The “news” wasn’t something that unfolded spontaneously as much as it was a product of selection, revised and revived, in an attempt to create an intended effect with reader-voters
20. He would shoot for a career in teaching and writing, and would specialize in rebalancing revised American history wherever he found it, as one part of the reconstruction of American culture
21. policies and seeing what needs to be revised in light of the new tools
22. [26] Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand: A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment, new revised edition, edited in the Tibetan by Trijang Rinpoche, translated into English by Michael Richards (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2006), 389
26. List of the verses in the Revised Version of the Bible where
27. List of verses in the Revised Version of the Bible, where the word “David” appears, source; E Sward
28. The project plan is revised whenever there is deviation found from current state and the planned state, also whenever the future state is going to change from what was planned earlier
29. In case of documents, it’s a normal practice for organizations to update the versioning and naming convention in Header/Footer of document and similarly the revision details in the document’s first few pages or in last page, with details on what is revised and when
30. · Risk Assessment method shall be revised as necessary and it should be as frequently whenever there is any change in any component in the system
31. The Statement of applicability should be revised as required
32. In working with smal business owners, I find many have not revised
33. ―This proposal comes on the heels of the revised 2008 ozone standard, which was lowered significantly
34. a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct, and control the international organizations and groups by working their agents into executive positions at the top
35. These WDs had not been revised since 1999 despite the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Dept
36. To avoid every article from being completely retyped after he revised it, I made heavy use of White-Out and corrective tape
37. They are constantly improved and revised, and those of us who use them often bestow gifts upon the researchers to show our gratitude
38. THE PHONE RANG while I revised the proposal
39. Authorities, however, considered filing charges against him for fictitious name and concealing true identity under Title four, Chapter two, Section one, Article 178 of the Revised Penal Code
40. During Congressional hearings Coast Guard officials revealed that the USCG had revised that assessment after further investigation
41. grant you, but in our Revised Edition of the Qur’an, you will see
42. ” I told her to write her revised desires down again and thank God again
43. 8 The Christian Bible, Revised Standard Version, Gospel of Saint Luke, 12:59
44. revised and extended this system in 1978
45. She has prepared a list of changes she wants within the company: some organization shifts, revised policies on travel, an office renovation plan, a new profit report format and, buried within the list, the use of Hampton for all import/export operations
46. reason for me to have reversed my decision would be that I’d revamped and revised my
47. The Great Plan has been revised many times since
48. In such a case the revised copy will
49. After having revised superficially and have not found anything said to an old decrepit woman that came with him:
50. Once each group had met with the consulting team to develop a process, business unit, or job model map, and the maps and models had been revised at least once, the results were posted onto an internal web-site for reference and discussion
1. Society (IHS) publishes and revises the “International Classification of
2. and the swirling truth revises itself, is turned over, and then
3. When such events occur, the market revises the growth prospects of the
4. ” Finally, on July 17 the stock market made it into the Times’s headlines: “Fed Chief Blames Corporate Greed; House Revises Bill—Greenspan Cites Cause for Investor Woes—Dow Drops Again
1. I wasn't sure if Omi really believed in what he said, or if he was revising lessons
2. Who was the Ambassador at that time? Any mileage in chasing that in the hope someone might remember Bunty? I sit back, chewing my pen and revising my vision of Bunty sitting alone in her flat, moping
3. In view of the fact that vehicular congestion on our major highways, especially during commuter rush ―hour,‖ understood as falling between the hours of three and eight at night, has become a common, everyday event that seldom seems to vary, why not simply pre-record radio (traffic) advisory updates, revising them every so often whenever some unlikely event should happen to occur such as the miraculous absence of traffic!
4. My mind is working like a factory in overcapacity, revising thousands and thousands of behaviors according to the new condition where I’m the leader of my mind and body in substitution for my parents
5. An editor for the church magazine was needed, so I took it over, revising it completely and arranging for its production
6. After more delay an email from Kate revealed Microsoft’s approach to revising its spell checker, dictionary, and thesaurus
7. Congress passed the New Source Review Act which permitted older facilities to improve parts of plants without revising the whole facility to new standards
8. “When is going to have to fight me for her” Paul said revising his chin and puffing out his chest
9. In revising this book, after the first draft, I came to realize Jesus is repeating some of what he
10. The thunder of his voice resounded through the house corners growling insults and curses by having to waste time revising the house rather than enjoying his dinner
11. Even with that, look at what he accomplished in revising the strategies of modern warfare
12. Help you to manage your time more effectively when you're revising and in the
13. correcting and revising and so on as I typed
14. there for hours typing, revising, typing some
15. Gregory about the possibilities of revising the
16. The mention in that info of the distorting influence of Philippines’ President Quezon on his strategy, influence that apparently resulted in some disastrous decisions on his part, had embarrassed him into discreetly revising his command relationship with Quezon, making MacArthur cut the local political factor out of his strategic and tactical planning
17. Unfortunately in the aisles of somewhere that had all the hallmarks of a supermarket save for the lack of anything to actually buy, we walked up and down despondently revising our hasty surmise
18. revising these frequently to suit their needs and wants
19. You have a big test coming up and have decided to start revising a few days in advance
20. What if the director or some revising commission comes to check on him? I can understand his position in this case
21. He asked good questions, made some suggestions that had her revising some of those phases in accordance with potential areas of investment by Peyton Consolidated
22. Sal took the hint and they launched into a discussion about revising the numbers, tossed around the idea of different loan types as well as other financing options
23. Fear and other contagious mindsets lure others into our emotional virtuality, bending each other's vision to each other's version, prompting patterns and strengthening them: one mind revising another
24. Revising all options Nikko was frustrated
25. He entered with all his following, and saw them drawing sheets in one place, correcting in another, setting up type here, revising there; in short all the work that is to be seen in great printing offices
26. Reacher was revising his theory again, spellbound with the upward progression
27. He said he would be up all night revising it
28. She never regained consciousness, nor did she get around to revising the will Samantha prepared
29. You? Nor have I missed the thrill of reading and revising contracts ten hours a day
30. Alexey Alexandrovitch, with a following of those who saw the danger of so revolutionary an attitude to official documents, persisted in upholding the statements obtained by the revising commission
31. She was up and down from the Old Rectory several times during the month of preparation, revising the list of invitations and helping with the hanging
32. This great seer did not go beyond the consideration of the tissues as ultimate facts in the living organism, marking the limit of anatomical analysis; but it was open to another mind to say, have not these structures some common basis from which they have all started, as your sarsnet, gauze, net, satin, and velvet from the raw cocoon? Here would be another light, as of oxy-hydrogen, showing the very grain of things, and revising all former explanations
33. Often, in the midst of his gravest souvenirs, after a day of conflict with the whole diplomacy of the continent, he returned at night to his apartments, and there, exhausted with fatigue, overwhelmed with sleep, what did he do? He took a death sentence and passed the night in revising a criminal suit, considering it something to hold his own against Europe, but that it was a still greater matter to rescue a man from the executioner
34. • Price momentum is closely related to earnings momentum (the observation that—as a result of many analysts recently revising their earnings forecasts upward—equity prices tend to predictably rise in the subsequent weeks and months)
35. There we worked, revising mythology, rounding a fable here and there, and building castles in the air for which earth offered no worthy foundation
36. He spent his days in discussing the merits of various odes and sonnets that had lately arrived from France, specimens of which we have given above, or in revising the regulations for the Comédie Française—a task on which he spent three evenings
37. In the morning I worked seriously revising Art
38. Later he copied the most valuable thoughts into his Journal, revising, more or less, as he went along
39. Round the table are sitting the revising officers, looking collected and indifferent
40. ith all these opportunities for revising and testing the correctness of an architect’s estimate, the man who neglects to avail himself of any of them, and who allows the work on his house to go on, after it has become evident that it will cost more than the estimate, has, according to M