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    Usar "roadside" en una oración

    roadside oraciones de ejemplo


    1. every roadside Inn and tavern, but the response was the

    2. "Yeah really, is he dead or something?" Tetloan said from the roadside

    3. rabbit browsing in a roadside field

    4. In the fields at the roadside Artillery Batteries were stationed everything from howitzers to feildguns and then of course there was the ever present cavalry detachments

    5. A few minutes later there it was again: an up-routed birch against the roadside

    6. The poor wretches soon appropriated everything, but unfortunately they applied this permission universally, and on subsequent marches, when the men laid their packs by the roadside to collect later, they frequently found them rifled

    7. Finding wounded by the roadside, he insisted on mounting his horse, relinquishing the hospital wagon for their use

    8. superhighways, families planning their vacations were oftentimes required to take the ―scenic‖ route; traveling through non- descript towns, subject to traffic jams, ubiquitous traffic lights and nervous breakdowns that sought a temporary reprieve at some roadside diner where the family would stop to eat and address their biological requirements before reaching their final destination

    9. ) The roadside diners and hotdog stands or ice cream ―parlors‖ where weary travelers could stop and unwind and shake off some of the road dust, also provided opportunities to do some ―sightseeing‖, to take in the lay of the land or ―connect‖ with the people or simply walk around town and clear their heads

    10. When I got to that large intersection surrounded by wonderfully tacky roadside Americana, I did not see the light change and this poor lady with a car full of kids ran right into me

    11. With the adrenaline rush came the anger and he pulled into the roadside to tell the driver just what he thought of his driving, when he heard the car accelerating again

    12. During my mid-morning break, as I sat in the roadside guard shelter watching the twelve monitors and eating a carrot, I tried to phone Mia at her apartment

    13. Government troops would have a column of vehicles, squads of men fanned out on the roadside, carriers

    14. We bought Papaya salad, baked fish and sticky rice from one of the roadside motorbike shops which we ate leisurely under the coconut palms

    15. What is not so pleasing is that the owners of some of the roadside restaurants catch and keep monkeys on short leads to entice tourists into their establishments

    16. In a place where one hot sunny day follows another, a good way of keeping track of time passing is keeping an eye on which fruits are bursting at the seams on the tables of roadside stalls

    17. Starting with the paintings and books I’d brought from Canada, I added natural materials readily available: grasses in pots, driftwood I’d collected, beautiful stones, cane furniture and African grass mats bought for next to nothing by the roadside

    18. The pigs in question were two tall, lank animals, supposed to belong to Bertie Shakespeare Drew's father, which had been haunting the roadside by the manse for a couple of weeks

    19. mounds of rubble that grew from the roadside

    20. By the roadside they stand

    21. He slowed the car and pulled off to the roadside

    22. hummer had been hit by a roadside bomb

    23. We did not have big restaurants - no worries! We had roadside thelas, and their famous dishes… Mmm… Could take the water right out of your mouth! We did not have hot babes - who said that? We had prettiest of gals to ogle

    24. The following day they moved on, stopping for refreshments at a roadside

    25. did see him at the gas station or on her roadside bicycle

    26. usually without water or shade - some place at the roadside

    27. The closest I’d been to that was the Burma Shave signs of my youth spaced evenly along a farm roadside or highway, for which the owner probably picked up a couple of bills a year, and at a time zoning and DOT restrictions didn’t exist

    28. Being concentrated there, I moved quickly to get involved with our state outdoor advertising association, which at the time was called the Roadside Business Association of New York

    29. This was what I saw from the roadside earlier

    30. This is what was sown by the roadside

    31. Rick finally turned back and stopped at an ancient roadside inn where they had a drink

    32. who would be waiting by the roadside and that he couldn’t find it in him to just drive by

    33. That a plain rock plucked from the roadside held any power was preposterous

    34. While taking a roadside piss, I did see a few ghosts; a couple of opossums and an armadillo with tire tracks running along the top of its shell

    35. It was one of those weird roadside curio shops that sell lawn flamingos and wooden Indians and cement grizzly bears and stuff like that

    36. The bus exploded on an east New Jersey roadside shortly after Jackson fled the scene

    37. “Whatcha think? Beats the hell out of those roadside hotels, doesn’t it?”

    38. He appeared to be napping, perhaps after eating too much at a certain magical roadside fruit stand

    39. The grin returned to young Stone’s face and he returned to chasing his cousins through the forest behind the old roadside fruit stand, determined to win this wonderful game

    40. A number of villagers and Knights of Coermantyr helped to guide oxen and sheep to the roadside

    41. Business concluded we took a different route home, eating in a roadside restaurant

    42. If I'd been an American I'd have been spat on and left by the roadside

    43. To my shame, I couldn’t resist waving cheerily to Duff, still waiting morosely at the roadside

    44. Just after seven o'clock, sweaty, scratched and nervous, we hid ourselves in the long grass at the roadside

    45. By the time the road began its climb towards the hills rain was falling in solid sheets and roadside gutters were torrents

    46. Amanda and Irma had no trouble squirming under the broken paling of a fence and creeping through bushes to the roadside a few hundred metres away, but Violet was neither so flexible nor slim, and became wedged between two stout wooden planks

    47. He dropped me at the roadside

    48. The roadside had no trees, at times with gusts

    49. bound and helpless by the roadside, at the mercy of the next passer-by, who

    50. Matthew and Ellen had joined the large crowds on the roadside when the pontiff was heading for a gathering at Wembley Stadium

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