Usar "rumour" en una oración
rumour oraciones de ejemplo
1. The fact that one of these ladies disappeared for a while, re-appearing a year later with a baby girl in tow caused a considerable amount of rumour though the woman in question never revealed who the child’s father is
2. ‘Not a lot … there was a rumour a while back that she was involved with the Anti’s at some time, but I’ve never really looked into it
3. Rumour had it that they had been lovers for years but I’ve never had that confirmed
4. rumour and speculation, but no one actually had any idea what had
5. and retold again and again, and the knowledge, or at least rumour, of
6. Rumour is that he's selling up
7. The establishment still ran on old fashioned lines; notably, there was little incidence of the super-bugs which appeared to afflict the majority of hospitals and the locals appreciated it accordingly, fighting tooth and nail to keep the place open every time there was a rumour that it might be closed
8. We only have to spread the rumour that
9. can use to spread this rumour
10. categorically deny the rumour that I actually bought one
11. went, with not the slightest rumour or clue as to the
12. “It is almost always superstitious nonsense, laden with rumour and folklore
13. Rumour has it that despite the fights being so brutal there, the living conditions at West Belsen are far better than at Salverford
14. Rumours had apparently filtered across the water about a huge army amassing in Taron, but thought it just a rumour like so many before
15. The other rumour was that the boxes were made by prisoners (convicts), and that they had shortened it a few inches so that an R1 rifle (SLR) would not fit into them as a way of protesting their slave labour
16. The rifles fitted nicely into our boxes which defied the rumour
17. There was a rumour, probably true, that policemen cut off the ears of dead terrorists to keep as trophies, but I had never witnessed it first-hand
18. There was a rumour (that I believed) which told that every shooting incident was entered into a secret file, and when the file revealed a pattern a formal investigation was launched
19. There was a rumour that the Police issued assault rifles could only fire single shots but that is nonsense
20. Rumour had it that the ropes were rejected gallows ropes, or former gallows ropes, which I could believe
21. Rumour had it that many a male student had to run like the wind with a pillowcase over his head when a surprise inspection took place
22. I don’t really believe that rumour
23. The six shot revolvers caused a rumour that criminals had once stormed SAP detectives after counting down six shots fired
24. I do not believe that rumour
25. There was also a rumour that a young policeman investigated a crime scene in a dark building and as he switched his torch on he saw a criminal in front of him with a fire-arm pointing right at his head
26. The rumour said he stayed upright, but suffered a cracked rib
27. There was a rumour that a person high on drugs is not affected by tear-gas and would be able to attack you even after being sprayed
28. You may even be escorted out of the meeting by security if they are really irresponsible for it will make a wonderful story in the local newspapers and start a rumour they have indeed something to hide
29. In all honesty, they may have had a point there for the rumour was that a few such races did occur in the past and a few Casspirs indeed rolled during the races
30. After we received our Golf Gti’s a rumour started that a small hole drilled in the inlet manifold (or something) would increase the air mixture of the fuel injection and thus more performance
31. Many years later I heard a rumour that we executed Van Rooyen because senior policemen were involved in his paedophile ring
32. In later years, after my time, a rumour started that assault rifles can be hired with an instructor to provide training
33. Therefore the rumour of a wayward constable sent to run to a tree in the distance and bringing back a leave for the Sergeant is nonsense
34. As always we took that to the brink and it reminds me of a rumour I heard
35. that is a rumour spread after the war for which no evidence exists
36. There was a joke or rumour of a constable who crept up to his mate doing number two, and proceeded to catch the excrement with a spade
37. There was an unfortunate rumour that the first Casspir ever was built, was built with the wrong steel and not armoured through some embarrassing mix up at the factory
38. Then came a rumour that a bullet turned around would penetrate the armour being something of a shape charge or hollow-point
39. There was a very strong rumour that journalists paid rioters to attack the SAP with stones
40. Nothing much happened to him in court but I heard a rumour he was sorted out in the cells by a tough criminal who disliked wife-beaters
41. It could and did knock members off, and one was decapitated according to rumour
42. * There was a rumour, untrue, that the Alsatian breeding program could be tracked directly back to Hitler and his well-known love of the breed
43. Rumour had it that the escort clubs (prostitutes) did roaring business with the married farmers
44. * There is also a rumour that poisoned clothes were left at the shops to be stolen by the terrorists when they robbed the place
45. It must be noted that none of the surviving Victims were mistreated or raped before the execution as the rumour had it just afterwards
46. In regard to the identification of dead terrorists allow me to quote to your from my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police: "There was a rumour, probably true, that Policemen cut the ears off dead terrorists to keep as trophies but I have never seen that myself
47. There is a constant rumour that they assassinated Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986 because he supported the ANC against Apartheid South Africa an about to make a speech about it
48. There was a rumour that one of these pocket Bibles actually stopped a bullet during a contact (shootout/fire fight) in Rhodesia
49. I doubt that because I tested the rumour by firing clean through one with an AK47…much to my disgust
50. He also refused to comment on whether more human remains have been found, and could not speculate as to the source of the rumour