Usar "savage" en una oración
savage oraciones de ejemplo
1. He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs
2. Was he really going to let a naked savage goad him into acting like this? Was this the only way he could get her to understand they knew better? What was he trying to prove now, that we are humans just looking for our offspring? Just like you but with a different vehicle? Here in the android he felt less biological than he did in his own space
3. Could she have just kept up this caterwauling even then and claimed he just drew some blurry pictures? It looked like he had the choice of using force on her or giving this up and he had to make this decision while she was bellowing about how savage Alan said they were and how they would use force to take him back
4. He and Kai were back to back, holding their own; the fighting was savage and brutal
5. All of this gave her more encouragement that this land wasn’t as savage as it looked
6. 5 Nothing could have been more savage
7. the sharp tongue and savage wit of the average Sergeant-Major
8. He could not imagine how foreign that must be, brought up in a culture from another star, especially one as savage as the one in her childhood
9. arena and went for the wounded men on the floor, savage piranhas swarming the
10. Father Savage picked up the phone and of course we could only hear what Father Savage was saying; we couldn't hear what the person who called him was saying
11. We are listening to Father Savage
12. And all of a sudden Father Savage is listening and listening and not saying anything and finally Father Savage says: "Yes, Mrs
13. Wiener was castigating Father Savage in probably the best possible language
14. I we were enjoying the hell out of it – watching Father Savage squirm in front of us
15. Everybody was very sad the day President Kennedy got shot and isn't it sad that I remember that day because Father Savage held detention the day President Kennedy got shot and Mrs
16. I thought of one other funny thing about Father Savage that I'll say and then I really will wind it up for tonight as I'm tired
17. Father Savage was old, I guess he was maybe in his early 70s who knows, and he looked older than Father Time
18. Father Savage had a hearing problem so he wore hearing aids
19. All the time Father Savage would be putting his hand up to his hearing aid and trying to adjust it because he thought there was something wrong with his hearing aid
20. All of us had to try and keep a straight face while the students were doing this and Father Savage never caught on to what we were doing – it was so funny
21. I dare say it was by some such device that poor Savage, who stood between this man and property in a will, was done to death
22. been a victim of a savage attack
23. Lang's Making of Religion was heavily influenced by the 18th century idea of the "noble savage": in it, he maintained the existence of high spiritual ideas among so-called "savage" races, drawing parallels with the contemporary interest in occult phenomena in England
24. Fast and savage, they left no survivors and burned most of the village to the ground
25. Dom opted for a Savage model 11 hunting rifle in a 380 round with a four plus one box magazine
26. New Granada, the Yucatan, Paraguay, and the Brazils, were, before discovered by the Europeans, inhabited by savage nations, who had neither arts nor agriculture
27. guilty ewe and gave it a savage thumping with his staff
28. Then they returned in force, the war grew yet more savage, until finally Achilles slew the Trojan champion Hector and
29. Maybe as an offering to his savage The Maiden’s Odyssey
30. The savage injustice of the Europeans rendered an event, which ought to have been beneficial to all, ruinous and destructive to several of those unfortunate countries
31. The colonies carry out with them a knowledge of agriculture and of other useful arts, superior to what can grow up of its own accord, in the course of many centuries, among savage and barbarous nations
32. But among savage and barbarous nations, the natural progress of law and government is still slower than the natural progress of arts, after law and government have been so far established as is necessary for their protection
33. All those colonies had established themselves in countries inhabited by savage and barbarous nations, who easily gave place to the new settlers
34. In the islands where they have no settlements, they give a premium to those who collect the young blossoms and green leaves of the clove and nutmeg trees, which naturally grow there, but which this savage policy has now, it is said
35. Savage back there and Cumberland is coming up
36. Alice was very glad to find her in such a pleasant temper, and thought to herself that perhaps it was only the pepper that had made her so savage when they met in the kitchen
37. Alice did not quite like the look of the creature, but on the whole she thought it would be quite as safe to stay with it as to go after that savage Queen: so she waited
38. The Cowboys/Mercenaries had been attacked by a band of savage Indians
39. temporary home on this savage island, a brief farewell ceremony
40. American Consul Thomas Savage and relayed on to Rear
41. And further, with all respect to Mike Savage, liberalism is not a mental disorder
42. Wolf cries filled the night air, snarls and barks and savage growls
43. His observation, in regard to the Noble Savage, that man was born free and is everywhere in chains, was a flat out lie, contrary to all of Western Civilization, and the precursor to, not only the French Revolution, but also to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels
44. Over a thousand prisoners of war were then dragged into slavery to Kumassi, and many of the chiefs, beside the old and infirm, were bound together and burned alive by the savage army of Prempeh
45. This forest land and the savage inhabitants who dwell in its recesses, amid a chaos of slave-raiding and village-burning, which goes on ceaselessly in the wild country that lies between the north of the European colonies and the little-known Soudan, is indeed a place of weird and interesting memories, and weeks might be spent in exploring the forest and the hinterland beyond, finding fresh interest day by day in the study of the features of the country, both animal and vegetable
46. Larkey fully surrounded by several of his savage fighters, hoping they would take her down soon
47. He has ever shown that fearlessness and force of character that were specially requisite for dealing with a half-subdued country, and demanding respect from the savage inhabitants
48. Despite the tragedy that the hurricane had wrought at sea, inland it was a different story—the savage storm broke the back of the Summer-long drought, bringing plentiful rain and sweet, cool air
49. They were not evoked only by the usual zest for war shared by all men, the savage lust to fight which lies dormant in the piping times of peace
50. It was too much of a coincidence that the pony and the people at the cinema had been attacked by a clowder of savage cats
1. Bleeding white blood as the vampires savaged on him, the Vangel screamed, ‘Sun,’, and it rose, breaking through the darkness
2. We’d patch in the changes the best we could and send it back up for final approval, only to have it come back looking like Attila the Hun had savaged it
3. � On the seventh, our first major bombing raid on London is savaged in a similar manner, with such heavy losses that it reversed the course of the air war in the West, not mentioning the accurate strikes on our radar network
4. The wolves savaged him until he lay deathly-still
5. One bullet to the face had savaged his nose and left cheek and come to rest in his brain
6. I savaged my lips and tongue with my teeth
7. His ship had been brutally savaged by the Charisians, no doubt because they’d recognized her as one of their own
8. Another savage broadside screamed across the water, trailing the red streaks of burning fuses, and HMS Riptide shuddered in agony as the exploding shells savaged her
9. Who else had been savaged this way? Did these killings connect with my unsolved case, John Doe #24?
10. I spend more time remembering the Cordeaux family in France: how their lives were savaged by Peter
11. "Ninty," a shoeing-smith (late of Grange Road, Bermondsey), was laid out and savaged by a mule, and carried off to hospital
1. “They think we are pagan savages because we chose our image of the almighty in female form
2. People must have been living on this site for centuries … she visualised fur clad people with straggly hair wandering around the boggy bits with spears … no, that felt wrong … why would they need spears to collect plants? Baskets, perhaps … did they have baskets then? When exactly would it have been? Her daytime TV watching had given her a hazy smattering of terms – bronze age came before iron age, she knew that … but how much before? And when did they stop being savages and become civilised?
3. She had seen the savages and the hermits on her way thru the pass
4. It certainly wasn’t the people she had encountered on the way thru, but if a colony of ephemeral savages could exist, why not a remnant of the Energy Age? If he was from such a society, it was quite possible he might not have the instincts of modern civilization
5. If we were to attempt a landing we don't have the firepower to hold off a tribe of determined savages with spears for a great length of time
6. Among savages, the poorest of all nations, they are scarce of any value
7. Even at this early period, it was certainly a more improved country than at the invasion of Julius Caesar, when its inhabitants were nearly in the same state with the savages in North America
8. There were but two nations in America, in any respect, superior to the savages, and these were destroyed almost as soon as discovered
9. The rest were mere savages
10. But rich and civilized nations can always exchange to a much greater value with one another, than with savages and barbarians
11. A great nation, surrounded on all sides by wandering savages and poor barbarians, might, no doubt, acquire riches by the cultivation of its own lands, and by its own interior commerce, but not by foreign trade
12. Domingo, and in all the other parts of the new world which he ever visited, nothing but a country quite covered with wood, uncultivated, and inhabited only by some tribes of naked and miserable savages
13. Every one of those savages was enrolled at once, and received regular pay and rations, and after due warning against looting, the king and his followers were given a place of honour in the ceremonies when Kumassi capitulated
14. By such tact England rules some millions of savages just emerged from cannibalism, by a few companies of native soldiers and a score of white officers
15. Centuries later, Cooper’s novels were widely translated and read throughout Europe in a quest to better picture these noble savages
16. “Bunch of savages in this world”
17. “Settle down, children, you’re acting like a bunch of savages," she said as she hit her ruler harshly on the desk
18. ‘You started it! You said we had to go naked like savages for a shower! Then Melvin and Sasha called us wimps and other names because we wouldn’t!’
19. "Oh dear, don't do that, they’re savages," said the hawk
20. I had a head start, those savages stayed to destroy the city, but it won’t be long
21. 'Aye, civilized men sell their children as slaves to savages, sometimes
22. Just as Balthus began to fear they would run into the savages who seemed to be howling just ahead of them, Conan swung away from the river in a wide semicircle that carried them to a low rise from which they could look over the forest
23. The western archers, trained by a thousand years of merciless warfare with the Pictish savages, came stolidly on, closing their ranks as their comrades fell
24. Among the less arid stretches of desert, in the jungles, and among the mountains, lived scattered clans and tribes of primitive savages
25. To the Continental kingdom of the Atlanteans, from sunken areas, swarmed myriads of beasts and savages – ape-men and apes
26. Here and there about the world are scattered clans of apish savages, entirely ignorant of the rise and fall of the great civilizations
27. At the time of the Cataclysm, a band of savages, whose development was not much above that of the Neanderthal, fled to the north to escape destruction
28. These they fought and drove beyond the Arctic circle, to perish, as the savages thought
29. To the southwest dwell scattered clans of degraded, cave-dwelling savages, whose speech is of the most primitive form, yet who still retain the name of Picts, which has come to mean merely a term designating men—themselves, to distinguish them from the true beasts with which they contend for life and food
30. They are savages stalking among the ruins of a strange civilization
31. To the south of them the Picts remain savages, apparently defying the laws of Nature by neither progressing nor retrogressing
32. On its eastern borders wander clans of nomadic savages, already known as the Sons of Shem
33. To the south the Hyborians have founded the kingdom of Koth, on the borders of those pastoral countries known as the Lands of Shem, and the savages of those lands, partly through contact with the Hyborians, partly through contact with the Stygians who have ravaged them for centuries, are emerging from barbarism
34. The blond savages of the far north have grown in power and numbers so that the northern Hyborian tribes move southward, driving their kindred clans before them
35. North of Aquilonia, the western-most Hyborian kingdom, are the Cimmerians, ferocious savages, untamed by the invaders, but advancing rapidly because of contact with them; they are the descendants of the Atlanteans, now progressing more steadily than their old enemies the Picts, who dwell in the wilderness west of Aquilonia
36. That is to say, they had learned to work crudely in copper and tin, which were found scantily in their country, and for which latter metal they raided into the mountains of Zingara, or traded hides, whale's teeth, walrus tusks and such few things as savages have to trade
37. In the west the remnants of the Picts, reduced by the cataclysm once more to the status of stone-age savages, began, with the incredible virility of their race, once more to possess the land, until, at a later age, they were overthrown by the westward drift of the Cimmerians and Nordics
38. “Sometimes I think the real savages are my own people, the English and Irish and Scots who do things here they never would have gotten away with back home
39. “I can’t believe you agreed to that savages suggestion about tying in the desert
40. Again the Christian church had judged that North American native inhabitants were god-less savages and it had designed a plan, with government funding, to convert each pagan to the teachings of Jesus Christ
41. Most others regarded them as barbaric savages who needed slavery to bring them salvation
42. Many whites viewed these ex-slaves as savages on the lowest rung of evolution’s culture ladder in a predicament that most called “the black problem
43. ancient Britons were actually savages when they obviously
44. with beasts, savages, and hardcore criminals
45. But they will never do so in an independent African state where the leaders are chosen by their ability to rouse the primitive emotions of a mob of ignorant, deluded, predatory savages
46. In any case, she was not prepared to be torn apart by the savages, so she ran off
47. But, the true savages weren’t apes or monkeys, of course, but it was those assailing Darwin’s character for presenting the brilliant, honest truth
48. Since before the time of Egypt and Sumer, no group of people have been spared the yoke of slavery at the feet of conquerers, savages and even traders
49. Such savages had an absurd obsession with virginity, and it’s a clear parallel of jealousy, insecurity and rage among God and man in Judaism
50. They were savages all of them
1. They were very hungry, jumping and snarling and twisting at him, savaging each other to get at him, deafening in their din
2. The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones
3. She would play incessantly, rolling over on her back and savaging pieces of wood, leather or cloth
4. Fernández watched a bloody, savaging civil war engulf his country into flames
5. This rosy garden had its thorns as well when familiarity was exploited and brought out contempt between us, whilst feeble characters that took longer to mature tried to balance out this anomaly by savaging those who had more possessions than them
6. Daughter Patti has written a book savaging her father and the entire Reagan household