Suddenly he looked like a schoolboy again
Then my flight was called and I was like a schoolboy on an outing and couldn't wait to join the shuffling queue and be herded onto the compact turbo-prop of nineteen seats
And the girls?' Nikos sniggered like a schoolboy, 'Mister, do you know why I call them Frisbees? They talk too fast
A messy schoolboy prank
With his battered old shin pads tucked safely inside his knee length socks, he ran riot through every level of schoolboy and junior football, scoring record numbers of goals at every age
Tevid was babbling like a schoolboy to everybody about the way Lady Rayne had calmed the large beasts and sat and sang with them
He worked with total concentration, the tip of his tongue protruding between his teeth, like some schoolboy taking apart his first toy
Steve stopped, lowered his head and kept looking at his feet like a scolded schoolboy, while I was fascinated by the amount of gems hidden away in the various layers of ground, making a mental note to myself to invest heavily in Topeka real estate, provided of course that I’d put all this nasty business behind me soon and live through it as well
“Do you have any recording devices of any type operating in this room?” He wormed in his seat like a chastised schoolboy
I asked at a meeting “So, what’s the question?” (Yes, I do still often ask awkward questions, just as I did when I was a schoolboy!) My question on that occasion was not appreciated
They had seen schoolboy fights before, but nothing like Walter as he had grappled with Dan
One bright winter day a local schoolboy and a vacationing online columnist happened to be paired up on a chairlift at Teton Village ski resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
One a teacher gives a schoolboy late to class
A few snatches of conversation overheard by a schoolboy spying in the cricket shed? The kids might have been making up stories to impress each other, and it only needs the suggestion that Robert was in there smoking pot and set himself on fire, to have his story thrown out and counter charges laid by the school
Javid’s thin body and open expression made him look like a schoolboy
” Why did he thank them? In their presence, he felt like a schoolboy again
She turned her back on them and walked back towards her car, leaving them to their tea and schoolboy giggles
‘The constable over there,’ he said pointing towards Terry Pugh and feeling like a schoolboy being forced to grass on his classmate by the headmaster
She could vaguely remember the last time her husband had acted with such obvious pleasure, like an excited schoolboy
schoolboy who’d been scolded for trying to steal a kiss
scolded schoolboy, embarrassed in front of the rest of the class
recounted how he had a schoolboy interest in all things railway and asked how the unloading
His tone was a schoolboy smuggling salt out
Melissa Price, his older brother had been like a schoolboy in love
" Melanie was trying but she couldn't stay angry at this huge man who was acting like a tongue-tied schoolboy in front of her
Modi on stage is a domineering figure with not a trace of tentativeness; Rahul, by contrast, looks like a shy schoolboy pushed into a dramatics class
My hectic schoolboy schedule had paled in relation to
Tom told him about his schoolboy activities, was
He sat with his hands in his lap, a schoolboy sitting in the principal’s office trying to figure out the right thing to say, knowing that anything he said could and would be used against him
They should have warned their teachers but a stupid schoolboy code prevented them from dobbing him in
Christ, where was his confidence when he needed it? He felt like a tongue-tied schoolboy about to go all the way for the first time
I…” Trevain felt heat flush his cheeks, and wondered why he had been suddenly reduced from a successful captain to a bumbling schoolboy
She was like a schoolboy watching the planning out of his first trip abroad
He himself produced the effect on Miss Entwhistle, as he stood next to Lucy being married, of an enormous schoolboy who has just won some silver cup or other for his House after immense exertions
That locking her out in the rain,--a schoolboy might have done that to another schoolboy
I just listened to the bad pick-up lines that came her way from all the ex-public schoolboy journalists
dropped his eyes in that schoolboy pose of his, Lucy ignored his flirtations and puffed up his pillows
He was slightly younger than us and she had known him, in Cairo, since he was a schoolboy
She walks slowly forward till she is standing in front of the elderly schoolboy
His mother had always had the knack of making him feel like a guilty schoolboy, he reflected
“You, too,” he replied, taking her by the hand like a schoolboy
It was funny to see how much Larc looked like a dejected little schoolboy, after having been scolded by the teacher
schoolboy when I entered his stall
As a twelve year old Toronto schoolboy Craig Kielburger came across a newspaper article that reported the shooting of a 12 year old Pakistani boy
"But why are you wriggling out of it, like a schoolboy? By Jove, there he's blushing again
He seemed wild with joy, like a schoolboy escaped; then again he was silent and reserved
was once Plato's schoolboy
—That model schoolboy, Stephen said, would find Hamlet's musings about the afterlife of his princely soul, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as shallow as Plato's
There was something charmingly cordial and engaging in the manner in which after saying "Now, Handel," as if it were the grave beginning of a portentous business exordium, he had suddenly given up that tone, stretched out his honest hand, and spoken like a schoolboy
He was like a giddy schoolboy
I was the first that could plod in the public eye with a load of genial respectability, and in a moment, like a schoolboy, strip off these lendings and spring headlong into the sea of liberty
He spoke with enthusiasm of his successes and his failures, his births and his deaths, and he would cry out in his delight, like a schoolboy, when, as we walked, some gaudy bird would flutter up from the grass, or some curious beast slink into the cover
He thrust a hollow reed into it and cried out with delight like a schoolboy then he was able, on touching it with a lighted match, to cause a sharp explosion and a blue flame at the far end of the tube
When they came back to him, he studiously drove them away, regarding them as shameful and girlish, below the dignity of a boy and a schoolboy
Since the days when, as a schoolboy, I used to bicycle round the neighbouring parishes, rubbing brasses and photographing fonts, I had nursed a love of architecture, but, though in opinion I had made that easy leap, characteristic of my generation, from the puritanism of Ruskin to the puritanism of Roger Fry, my sentiments at heart were insular and medieval
That this break fell outside the weeks of the school summer holidays made it seem all the more of a liberty for a schoolboy
Food would be begrudgingly provided by our surly hosts, who were unimpressed with my father’s schoolboy French
/ 55 A schoolboy choked to death: See Tama Miyake, “Fast Food,” Metropolis, November 17, 2006
That was why I hid myself just now like a schoolboy, for I was afraid you would hinder me
It came shortly before the memorable meeting at the town-hall, and was nothing less than a letter from Will Ladislaw to Lydgate, which turned indeed chiefly on his new interest in plans of colonization, but mentioned incidentally, that he might find it necessary to pay a visit to Middlemarch within the next few weeks—a very pleasant necessity, he said, almost as good as holidays to a schoolboy
The Captain now perfunctorily read a few Pray’rs for the Dead (which he recited with all the Expression of a Schoolboy regurgitating Caesar for his Latin Master), whereupon, the Execution being compleated, he directed that the Deck whereon the two Malefactors had lain be washt with Vinegar to avoid Epidemicks
They picked out a schoolboy at random and murdered him
“For the past half a dozen years Dante Halleyville has concentrated all his considerable energy, talent, and determination on becoming the top schoolboy basketball player in the country
He had always wanted to see inside the castle, and now that he was here, he suspected that his schoolboy curiosity was showing
And he also put into the hat certain schoolboy treasures of almost inestimable value—among them a lump of chalk, an India-rubber ball, three fishhooks, and one of that kind of marbles known as a "sure 'nough crystal
The captain’s face showed the uneasiness of a schoolboy who is told to repeat a lesson he has not learned
Rostov on the left flank, mounted on his Rook- a handsome horse despite its game leg- had the happy air of a schoolboy called up before a large audience for an examination in which he feels sure he will distinguish himself
He was afraid of getting some other officer into trouble, and silently fixed his eyes on Bagration as a schoolboy who has blundered looks at an examiner
The count, from his study where he was talking to Mitenka, heard her and, like a schoolboy in a hurry to run out to play, blundered in his talk while giving orders to the steward, and at last stopped, while Mitenka stood in front of him also listening and smiling
During the whole time of his convalescence in Orel Pierre had experienced a feeling of joy, freedom, and life; but when during his journey he found himself in the open world and saw hundreds of new faces, that feeling was schoolboy on holiday
Some of them struck me as singularly odd compounds of ardour and flatness; commencing in strong feeling, and concluding in the affected, wordy style that a schoolboy might use to a fancied, incorporeal sweetheart
Rob followed, all but scuffling his soles like a truant schoolboy
" I simply don't care to have people putting themselves forward to teach me and treating me as though 1 were a schoolboy," he snapped out, almost wrathfully
I saw, of course, too, that he was entrapping me hke a schoolboy (I certainly must have seen it even then) ; but the thought of marrying her so thrilled me that though I wondered how Lambert could believe in such a fantastic notion, yet, at the same time I tried violently to believe in it myself, though I did not for an instant lose consciousness of the
Let me tell you that marrying her is such nonsense that it wouldn't take in a schoolboy in the first form
All but the artist and the schoolboy, who applauded and shouted, "Bravo, bravo!"
Behind the ditch some thirty paces away, there was another schoolboy standing by a fence
There was one point which interested him particularly about Katerina Ivanovna's commission; when she had mentioned the captain's son, the little schoolboy who had run beside his father crying, the idea had at once struck Alyosha that this must be the schoolboy who had bitten his finger when he, Alyosha, asked him what he had done to hurt him
What though he is everywhere now rebelling against our power, and proud of his rebellion? It is the pride of a child and a schoolboy
Damn it all! why, no schoolboy of thirteen believes in that now
He only disliked “sheepish sentimentality,” as he expressed it in his schoolboy language
“If this ‘Explanation’ gets into anybody’s hands, and they have patience to read it through, they may consider me a madman, or a schoolboy, or, more likely, a man condemned to die, who thought it only natural to conclude that all men, excepting himself, esteem life far too lightly, live it far too carelessly and lazily, and are, therefore, one and all, unworthy of it
You are just like a schoolboy
And when many of his companions in the upper forms—chiefly Russians—had already learnt to discuss the loftiest modern questions, and looked as though they were only waiting to leave school to settle the affairs of the universe, Andrey Antonovitch was still absorbed in the most innocent schoolboy interests
It's the same over again as it was in the X province: two students, a schoolboy, two noblemen of twenty, a teacher, and a half-pay major of sixty, crazy with drink, have been caught with manifestoes; that was all—you can take my word for it, that was all; it was quite a surprise that that was all
Finally there was a very enthusiastic and tousle-headed schoolboy of eighteen, who sat with the gloomy air of a young man whose dignity has been wounded, evidently distressed by his eighteen years
It is remarkable that the schoolboy conceived an almost murderous hatred for her from the first moment, though he saw her for the first time in his life; and she felt the same for him
"That's stale," muttered the schoolboy at the other end of the table