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    Usar "self-assured" en una oración

    self-assured oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The cold gravity of the man’s tone unnerved the usually self-assured thief

    2. I submit that no one other than a megalomaniac with messianic aspirations in connection with a tyrannical government would be so self-assured as to be able to make such a statement

    3. Their indifferent attitude (at times) has given force to indulgently ―tolerant‖ children, on the one hand, who have grown complacent in their (own) self-assuredness and distracted, fumbling parents who, however well-intentioned, don‘t seem to ‖get it‖

    4. His voice was rising in anger and firming in self-assured conviction – top cop bossing an underling

    5. The first insecurity set in as unease in her legs which made it necessary to move about on the spot, and that did not exactly seem self-assured

    6. - You are much too self-assured to be as insecure as you somewhere have told yourself that you are

    7. Rachel was everything she wasn’t—beautiful, outspoken, self-assured and bold enough to go after the man she wants

    8. Oh crap! He ought to throw the complaint sheet in the trash, and yet… the young woman had been so poised, so self-assured

    9. After a remarkably fine and cheap meal in a self-service restaurant, I relaxed in the Park of Albert the First, where a parade of handsome young couples looking self-assured and elegant, shaking hands and embracing friends, chatting amicably, strolled arm in arm around a more or less circular path that meandered between the trees

    10. ” He stood up over the edge of the well and looked at the fish for one short second with a self-assured look in his eyes

    11. She only wished she could have been so self-assured

    12. He could feel his heart beating faster and his stomach tighten in response to his arrogant self-assured manner

    13. He comes towards me with self-assured, elegant steps and meanwhile looks openly at me from head to toe

    14. ’ I force a self-assured smile

    15. He was no longer self-assured and the mountains of Europe did not hold the glory he had envisioned them to have

    16. He now seemed self-assured and composed, with a clear, steady focus in his eyes

    17. Brumvack—too careful, too self-assured, too smart for his own good—was a thing of the past

    18. ” He smiled now, in a concerned but self-assured fashion

    19. and self-assured because he lacks the (self)conscious feelings that others would have

    20. Imagine, if you will, Bogart's Casablanca on a global scale, and with the naïve self-assuredness of the summer of 1914

    21. Natives with Neptune sextile Pluto between three and four degrees of exactness are the most eccentrically pragmatic and individualistic – highly self-attuned and self-assured, with great depth and delicacy of feeling

    22. As he was about to leave, his friend warned him about the pitfalls that could entrap the self-assured and asked Kris to be cautious

    23. daughter from an angry, rebellious teenager to a calm, self-assured young woman who was

    24. He gave his usual self-assured smile and said circumstanc-

    25. Now he seemed self-assured, as if he had quietly matured a few years in the space of a few hours

    26. He was still grinning, self-assured

    27. "You wouldn't," Blunt said, more self-assured than he had been when discussing ghosts

    28. said: ‘My dear Stacey, I can definitely confirm our friend Crass was not going to the gym for a vigorous workout, I can confidently say he has never been to the gym and I can self-assuredly say he is a profiteer of pirated DVD discs

    29. Self-assured and enticing with an inviting smile and a touch of irony that comes from

    30. not show how self-assured they are? This will not be a war based on fear and cowardice,

    31. Yet could she blame them for their self-assuredness? They were doing the best they could with what little evidence they’d found on the hill

    32. But in all fairness, could she blame them for their self-assuredness? They were doing the best they could with what little evidence they’d found on the hill

    33. So you can’t be shy about extending your hand to greet those you meet with a firm and self-assured handshake

    34. He was physically tough, independent, seemingly self-assured, friendly, and yet at the same time strangely sensitive

    35. Although it was true that many academics could not write to save their lives, and she knew nothing about the way in which this professor normally expressed himself, would one of the world’s leading neurologists really feel the need to lean on what is recognized in the literature? Wouldn’t he be more self-assured?

    36. She gave a flirtatious wave of her fingers and walked away up the hill on high heels, so resolutely self-assured that he wondered if he should stop her and fire some probing questions

    37. Neither of them looked as self-assured in our little interview room as they had at Fenn & Tarbox’s extraordinary conference room only a few weeks ago

    38. “Everyone knew Jill Meyer Bernhardt as this self-assured, achieving winner

    39. Hugo looked self-assured and collected in his dress pants, white shirt, and yellow tie, which he flapped a couple of times on his way to the witness stand

    40. Even in this blurry Polaroid, the man in the chapan exuded a sense of self-assuredness, of ease

    41. adjutant approaching their box with a self-assured yet courteous bearing

    42. He muttered something to himself abruptly and in a bass voice, as self-assured Germans do- it might have been ‘stupid fellow"

    43. A Frenchman is self-assured because he regards himself personally, both in mind and body, as irresistibly attractive to men and women

    44. An Englishman is self-assured, as being a citizen of the best-organized state in the world, and therefore as an Englishman always knows what he should do and knows that all he does as an Englishman is undoubtedly correct

    45. An Italian is self-assured because he is excitable and easily forgets himself and other people

    46. A Russian is self-assured just because he knows nothing does not want to know anything, since he does not believe that anything can be known

    47. While she stood before a movie camera for the first time, as nervous and embarrassed as she was, Norma Jeane was suddenly transformed into a woman completely at ease, enormously self-assured, and, more important, radiant in her unrestrained beauty

    48. Kolosoff’s self-assured, trivial tone of liberalism was unpleasant, as was also the sensual, self-satisfied, bull-like appearance of old Korchagin, and the French phrases of Katerina Alexeevna, the Slavophil

    49. This confused silence was broken by the sedate, self-assured German steward, who considered himself a good judge of the Russian peasant, and who spoke Russian remarkably well

    50. Though self-assured, his views hardly reaching the level of those in the leading articles of the Conservative papers, it became apparent that there was nothing in him to distinguish him from those other badly-educated and self-assured officials who had pushed him out, and he himself saw it

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    Sinónimos para "self-assured"

    self-confident poised assured smug self-satisfied cocksure