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    sell off oraciones de ejemplo

    sell off

    1. "Last night, I had to stop this strange cosmic salesman who tried to kidnap my father and sell off Earth; his name was Olorhleng; he was very powerful," Monica said

    2. “I meant that Lady Phyllis seems to sell off

    3. anchor in Honolulu and sell off the harvest, adding to the profits of the whaling voyage

    4. successful whaling, the Milo set course on a return run to Honolulu to sell off the proceeds stored in the ship’s hold

    5. Russell offered a supporting shoulder to John and they shuffled forward

    6. Park made some brilliant purchases, but along the line he did sell off a few things

    7. Park readily agreed to sell off the sister radio stations

    8. She had to sell off her rabbits and tortoises and fish

    9. “We should just sell off what we can," Sam added, including himself in that plan

    10. About a month after that my parents decided to sell off some of the material possessions that they could no longer use

    11. Exchequer was to sell off more than half of Britain’s gold reserve, when the price

    12. be accompanied by a sell off

    13. Investors can make more on an issue with higher rates and sell off any bonds

    14. followed by a sell off because the situation is temporary and the inherent risks return to

    15. “I had to sell off all the shikara boats in the chronic illness of Shah Bano’s mother……”

    16. intention of using it to raise funds or to sell off shares

    17. across the entire sector with a mass sell off of investments

    18. Answer: Two … one to change the bulb, the other to sell off the old one at the highest price possible before CNBC reports that it’s burned out

    19. “Because it is Eartheart which you need most, yet you sell off her parts bit by bit at auction to not even the neediest,” an incredulous laugh floated through its unstable monotone

    20. They always have people who don’t bother to keep up with their payments and often hold auctions and sell off goods at very low prices

    21. These banks or financial institutions (such as IMF) could dictate what they had to sell off, impose austerity measures, and seize a nation’s assets

    22. to sell off most of the real estate in Utopia to developers, businesses and

    23. an intellectual decision maker, the company foundered and had to sell off much of its

    24. I worry that he is going to ask me for a second mortgage on The Bar, or to borrow against our life insurance, or to sell off some not-to-be-touched-for-thirty-years stock

    25. The VIX Volatility Index is a short-term forecast of stock-market volatility, and tends to jump when stocks sell off

    26. If prices rally, sell off, and then rise to a new high, but OBV rallies to a lower high, it creates a bearish divergence and gives a sell signal

    27. The pair sell off and duly start to move lower, and one aspect that I want to highlight here is how volume helps you to stay in a strong position and hold it in order to maximise your profits from the trend

    28. The next weekly candle arrives with ultra high volume, and if this pair were going to sell off sharply, then we would expect this to be a wide spread down candle – it isn't

    29. Nevertheless, this coffee future did sell off the following day and never moved higher during this session

    30. After entering the trade, I waited for trade action to confirm my theory that gold and silver should sell off

    31. This is another place in which size is an advantage, because banks will want to sell off their loans wholesale to a ready buyer

    32. As well, because of the broad, committed institutional sponsorship in these stocks you have a sort of insurance policy when these stocks sell off since there are usually logical pullback areas where institutions will naturally come in to support their positions

    33. The next day, it traded higher but only slightly, and then proceeded to sell off another -3

    34. As well, when such thinner stocks begin to sell off, their lack of trading liquidity will exacerbate their downside velocity, which increases the risk inherent in such stocks

    35. By that time Apple had already had a huge price run, and following this October 2005 earnings announcement the stock began to sell off, finally gapping down and dipping just below its 50-day moving average

    36. Since the dramatic sell off, the stock has been outperforming the overall market and looks to have established a solid bottom in the stock price

    37. Natural gas stocks suffered major sell offs during the global recession and I believe there is opportunity for willing investors

    38. The volatility in the price of gold and silver has increased in 2008, and the spikes and sell offs are more common for the metals

    39. This was caused by an overwhelming amount of money going into bonds as a safe play amidst the nasty stock market sell off

    40. arise and because the science behind these drugs and the disease can be complex, investors over-react and sell off

    41. Prior to the introduction of index futures, the only way to do this was to sell off the stocks in the portfolio and then buy them back at a later date

    42. The next day, prices open at new highs and then quickly sell off

    43. The volume was not as heavy as it should be if this was a real sell off

    44. Either Implied Volatility will increase significantly and stocks will sell off or Implied Volatility will fall significantly and stocks will surge

    45. "Why are you coming back here anyway? Sell off your Baba's land?

    46. And when the day come he sell off by a great auctioneer all the goods of that other man who own them

    47. He took advantage of this removal to sell off nearly all his furniture

    48. If they expect the S&P will sell off dramatically, they would take a long position in VIX futures

    49. Whenever there is any bad news that is related to the company, the industry, or a severe market sell off, the high-multiple stocks sell off badly

    50. Bad economic reports came out and the market started to sell off

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