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    Usar "semicircle" en una oración

    semicircle oraciones de ejemplo


    1. curved top which formed a semicircle, Tom was interested to learn

    2. Knume’s fireplace was a semicircle, the focus of the cushion, the table and the sink, flanked by stairways down and up and set in the trunks of the house

    3. Road, Pune in a vague semicircle

    4. There were various control panels with screens, which were probably once illuminated interface controls, in a semicircle around a depression in the floor

    5. Smith was dead, bitten in two almost, by something that cut a huge semicircle out of his middle

    6. Stuart was now in a wide semicircle of moorland, with a brown peaty river running down towards a massive lake as radius, and the high hills forming the northern circumference

    7. The two chevrons with a “T” in a semicircle underneath meant he would draw more pay, and could be addressed as “Corporal

    8. The street widened into a semicircle that appeared to be the town’s center

    9. They came as close in a semicircle as they could while he slowly shifted, putting his back to the wild part

    10. We fanned out to form a semicircle north of the town while the guide was sent in to tell the chieftain he would have to join the Khanate

    11. Finally, we formed a semicircle between them and their town, and the few survivors threw down their arms and tried to surrender

    12. Then the one in the front traced a semicircle towards us in the air while chanting

    13. The others fanned out around us in a semicircle with spears at the ready but not yet pointed

    14. I was still concerned about the middle force, however, so I sent Silpitocle to find them while I set up the cannon in a semicircle to cover our western and southern flanks

    15. impressive semicircle surrounded by a sensational ring of walls, churches and castles

    16. Moshe became aware of five other men seated on mats ranged in a semicircle

    17. The leader, the one who had tested him, was the last to arrive, taking his place at the head of the semicircle the ravens had formed around the little group

    18. A few moments later, the elders, Johan and she were standing in a semicircle as near to the wall as possible

    19. where Kara had touched it, at the semicircle she had run her

    20. They moved their horses into a semicircle around Sergeant Pain

    21. You pull into your driveway on your motorcycle, Boo, Jenny Kryss, and Richard sit semicircle around a telescope rig, the picture runs through lens mounted camera onto rectangular touch screen tablet in the middle of them

    22. They had hardly neared the cast-iron gate when an organized troop of goblins formed a semicircle before them

    23. Eight men stood in a semicircle around two others, menacing them with knives and swords

    24. The Masters grouped Themselves in a semicircle on the

    25. 'But the Kshatriyas!' clamored the men in the semicircle

    26. 'Is there any who questions my authority?' he roared, and his warriors looked down sullenly as his bellicose glare swept their semicircle

    27. When Jesus had listened to this report, he drew himself upon his feet, and looking down upon the twelve sitting about him in a semicircle, with startling emphasis he pointed to them with a sweeping gesture of his hand and asked, "But who say you that I am?" There was a moment of tense silence

    28. The line bent into a semicircle, spreading out to hem him in

    29. Just as Balthus began to fear they would run into the savages who seemed to be howling just ahead of them, Conan swung away from the river in a wide semicircle that carried them to a low rise from which they could look over the forest

    30. Eleven men and women of Tecuhltli knelt dumbly in a semicircle, watching the scene with hot, lustful eyes

    31. The priests had stuck their torches into holes in the stone floor, forming a semicircle of fire in front of the altar at a distance of several yards

    32. Then the priests themselves formed a semicircle inside the crescent of torches, and Gorulga, after lifting his arms aloft in invocation, bent to the altar and laid hands on it

    33. Others too stopped and turned around to look, in a semicircle looking down at Finn centerstage

    34. Mitchell could now start to feel his adrenaline flow after hearing the abrupt crack of a beer, usually signaling the precursor of a hot night out! For several hours they sat in a semicircle in the front yard, filling their guts with alcohol; reminiscing, and experiencing the newness of the dwelling

    35. There were about ten people gathered there by now, standing in a semicircle, keeping their distance just in case the eagle decided to go crazy or something

    36. The theatre consisted of the stage backed up to the temple pyramid and the seating being arranged in a huge semicircle five tiers high

    37. edge of the sea, you know, because it’s heavy, so you had this long semicircle of gold

    38. The pigs had formed a semicircle in the snow around us

    39. She growled softly, but the man scampered off and a semicircle of empty space quickly formed around her

    40. Priests in white robes formed a semicircle at the rear

    41. in a large semicircle were about twenty guards

    42. She raised her arms to the side and bounced around in a semicircle humming to herself

    43. the aircraft and stationed themselves in a semicircle at the foot of the ramp as MacArthur

    44. A semicircle of teeth marks lay across his fingers, as if he had stuck them in someone’s mouth

    45. Far to the south, but still visible, there lay a semicircle of

    46. melted the ice crystals in a semicircle

    47. Several snowmobiles were pulled up and about fifteen men stood in a semicircle around the front of the dugout filling it full of lead

    48. Then they sat down near one another, and formed a large semicircle in front of the fire

    49. He was seated on a cushioned chair, and had a garland on his head, for he had been sacrificing in the court; and there were some other chairs in the room arranged in a semicircle, upon which we sat down by him

    50. They were seated in chairs arranged in a semicircle around him

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