Usar "sensuousness" en una oración
sensuousness oraciones de ejemplo
1. Kissing? Why had she suddenly thought of that? There was an extreme and unexplainable manly sensuousness about him, that’s why
2. Aspects of the Quality ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom may be (of course, to a high degree of conventionality) characterized as a creative manifestation of “pure sensuousness” which has been duvuyllerrtly transformed from “rude-sexual egocentricity” of lower Levels of INGLIMILISSA-IISSIIDI into altruistic experiences of one “personality” relative to another
3. Without such level-by-level realizations, you will not be able to develop further (when you will approach a definite moment in the development of your intellect and sensuousness) without the Synthesis of Aspects of both dominant Qualities (which is necessary for the activation of each of the next quality Levels of your Self-Consciousness)
4. In some period of time, this “pseudo-sensuousness” becomes equal, in its intensity, to the Sensuousness suppressed by you and soon becomes a simply indispensable characteristic factor of your entire existence and a principle of formation of interrelations between you and the outer World
5. With further “deepening” of the Synthesis, the Elements of sensuousness (“psychonations”) begin to express themselves more and more in the general creative dynamics of Self-Consciousnesses of Forms, and, on the Level of the 12th Channels of both Centers (lutal Levels of the Mental Plane-Overtone — from +4
6. And so on — on all higher-qualitative Levels of inertial synthetic processes of all Energy-Plasma: on lower Levels of ORLAAKTOR and AIGLLILLIAA, along with the development of intellect, some Forms have dominant dynamics of “astral features”, then these tendencies become equal, and, on higher Levels of these two Centers, there is the tendency to a greater “mentality”; then again there are inertial processes of a relative equation and renewal of tendencies to the predominance of high-frequency Sensuousness in some NUU-VVU-Configurations, after which there is another equation, and the process repeats on a new Level…
7. When such a realization is carried out on “a crude-emotional” and highly intensive (but not high-qualitative!) Level, then, when I say about it, I mean the activity of collective Consciousnesses of Astral Worlds or the Astral that feel passion (but not Sensuousness) and manifest in their Creativity instinct (but not Intelligence) and reason (but not Intellect)
8. The world is moving along in sensuousness and jollification, apparently satisfied and happy, and opposite to them, we are sacrificing, chastising ourselves, applying strict discipline to our daily walk, struggling against the natural propensities of the flesh, and educating our conscience token perceptions of evil—finding ourselves struggling against a mighty foe, that when we would do good evil is present with us
9. The former curves of sensuousness were now modulated to lines of devotional passion