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    Usar "sentimentally" en una oración

    sentimentally oraciones de ejemplo


    1. ‘Isn’t there anything that you’re sentimentally attached to, Abi? Something which you had as a small child?’ I asked, concerned that the child was being too pragmatic, but she shakes her head

    2. He imagined Josh’s derision at such a sentimentally compromised design, commenting how people always looked to the past, finding some kind of solace in a false nostalgia

    3. If he had, it would have been enough for even the most socially inept, slow-witted and sentimentally detached human to understand that Amonas was deeply troubled

    4. These kids are not candidates for sentimentally romantic music

    5. "See, Papa, aren't they pretty?" added Flo sentimentally

    6. Being even now only a young woman of twenty, one who mentally and sentimentally had not finished growing, it was impossible that any event should have left upon her an impression that was not in time capable of transmutation

    7. When they had last met on the old prince’s name day, she had answered at random all his attempts to talk sentimentally, evidently not listening to what he was saying

    8. Although in principle he was in favour of the woman’s movement, yet in the depth of his soul he considered all women stupid and insignificant except those whom he was sentimentally in love with (as he was now in love with Grabetz), and such women he considered to be exceptions, whose merits he alone was capable of discerning

    9. They were sentimentally disposed: excessively polite, talkative, mobile, with tears of joy appearing easily and just as easily disappearing

    10. Yet, in spite of her thorough understanding of his character, Katherine could not help going back sentimentally to the time she first met and loved the man from whom she was now separated

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