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    set by

    1. So what are the facts? An operation arranging illegal immigration of undesirables (according to Renald Forhamm) ostensibly organised from Earth with well-placed contacts across on Errd, a suspicious Errdian in a position of some power in London, Earth, who is upset by the arrival of an agent of the Secret Guild on his patch … and come to think of it, he’d not liked the fact you were coming to this part of the country

    2. Ruby was dreadfully upset by the despicable fate her mother had chosen for her and she sobbed quietly into her bedclothes

    3. Margaret seems to be one of the few people Bunty was really close to so she would have been upset by the news

    4. Seeing Chrissie so apparently upset by the death of the bird stirred something deep within Sheila

    5. His own home at the top of what was now the ‘old commercial space’ in his building, was lavish to be sure, but was offset by the responsibility of that business

    6. The Sun had long set by the time

    7. So the wise girl retired for the time, but, of course, a good deal of the smell of hot cabbage remained behind, as it will do, and Toad, between his sobs, sniffed and reflected, and gradually began to think new and inspiring thoughts: of chivalry, and poetry, and deeds still to be done; of broad meadows, and cattle browsing in them, raked by sun and wind; of kitchen-gardens, and straight herb-borders, and warm snap-dragon beset by bees; and of the comforting clink of dishes set down on the table at Toad Hall, and the scrape of chair-legs on the floor as everyone pulled himself close up to the table

    8. beset by devils?’ he said angrily

    9. Whatever pleasure he gained was moderated by a growing undercurrent of impatience, and whatever monies he won, when he won, was more than offset by the devastating impact that Mr Pinscher invariably had upon his larder

    10. He must’ve been really upset by something to decide to leave, if he left

    11. 'Rosemary, love, there's no need to feel upset by what you've told me

    12. Objectives set by Jack never achieved in sharp contrast to his

    13. “Well have you spotted anyone yet or are too busy playing with your twizell and thinking about the little girl back home to do your job?” I was quite upset by his attitude and snapped

    14. The motherly part of my brain hoped she wouldn’t be too upset by the crisis

    15. The fog was thick and visibility was poor, but all sails were set by early morning and anchors weighed

    16. I could see that Grunt was not in the best of moods and knew from bitter experience that the local constabulary tended to be a touch vindictive when they were upset by the residents of Nettle Farm

    17. A timing interval may be reset by driving this input to GND, but the timing does not begin again until

    18. The German was surprised when Colling rejected his first price, and when the American mentioned the price limits set by the occupation government, quickly realized that he would be making a profit from the sale, but not to the degree that he had anticipated

    19. This struggling, but amazingly successful church had been continually beset by schisms as subsets of it dropped off during the bad times, only to be conditionally allowed back during the good times

    20. realized that she was obviously upset by his watching the X-rated movie

    21. duties set by the countries involved

    22. I was upset by the news, of course, and the old feelings of sympathy for Adam‘s dilemma crept over me despite my best efforts to suppress them

    23. all the servants of Saul; so that his name was much set by

    24. 24 And, note, as your life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the Lord, and let him

    25. were set by reason of his age

    26. For him, the occasional shriek or scream was more than offset by a man’s blasphemy

    27. Hitler tested his neighbors by seizing the buffer zone set by the Versailles Treaty known as the Rhineland

    28. Rosemary asked him if he could meet her that evening at sunset by the spring in Rainbow Valley

    29. “Actually, he led them into a trap set by the police

    30. Isodor continued as if he was not upset by anything and just acted as if he was visiting Ares, but when he went back to the castle in the Realm of the Upper World, he asked two of his hunters to follow every move of Ares and the other member of the Council and to report back to him as soon as they would notice something out of the ordinary

    31. churches is set by their historical positions that they have slavishly

    32. 4 And Jacob rose up from that place quite rejoiced, and when he walked his feet felt light to him for joy, and he went from there to the land of the children of the East, and he returned to Haran and he set by the shepherd's well

    33. 29 And Abimelech said to Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs which you have set by themselves?

    34. Due to blistering (must not have scraped deep enough) and the fire alongside our garage set by our sons and two of the three Calovis boys while Dixie was visiting Bonnie in Toronto), I must have painted that house at least three more times

    35. still getting upset by the bag blowing around in the air above a road

    36. 4 And Jacob rose up from that place quite rejoiced and when he walked his feet felt light to him for joy and he went from there to the land of the children of the East and he returned to Haran and he set by the shepherd's well

    37. The company was struggling because the costs of developing, packaging, advertising and distributing the product line were not yet being offset by anticipated revenues

    38. Conditions at most bear farms fall far below the standards set by the Ministry of

    39. Natsar looked to the Second; their test was soon and coming, the path having been set by the First

    40. The other was visibly upset by the tragedy his negligence had caused and replied,

    41. In adolescence, they were more likely to be seen as shying away from social contacts; to be stubborn and indecisive; to be easily upset by frustrations; to think of themselves as bad or unworthy; to regress or become immobilised by stress; to be resentful and mistrustful about not ‘getting enough’; to be prone to jealousy and envy; to overreact to irritation with a sharp temper, so provoking arguments and fights

    42. Life was simply too good to be upset by idle curiosity

    43. When 9V is applied to the circuit, iC2 is reset by

    44. When children are upset by bedwetting, what they are often really reacting to are some of the problems associated with the problem

    45. “I hope you won’t be upset by my touching it without your permission, but I hoped you’d share a bit with me tonight

    46. Within every business, there are attributes of a social norm reflected by the value system set by management methods

    47. money at a price set by the government

    48. upset by this, left Blefuscu and moved to Lilliput

    49. Someone who cared for her was upset by her behavior

    50. to be up to 35 in a set by the end of the month? Write it

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