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    setting aside

    1. The produce was divided equally between the proprietor and the farmer, after setting aside what was judged necessary for keeping up the stock, which was restored to the proprietor, when the farmer either quitted or was turned out of the farm

    2. …rejecting the notion that virtue or (goodness) is an applied rather than a natural condition…that the will toward moral excellence or (goodness) is not (necessarily) assigned by (formal) conventions…(although a society scripted in exceptional manners would likely encourage lofty manners)…that seeks its (own) goodness for its (own) sake… rather than goodness‘ sake…(that nevertheless offers its own special rewards)…that, notwithstanding, would (equally) satisfy universal sentiments…and that a society, however primitive or advanced, seeks its own goodness because it is considered good for that society to do so…that it naturally follows its (own) immanent understanding of what is good, whatever its form, to begin with…setting aside, for the moment, such advantages that might otherwise accrue to that society…(and) that…such goodness, however, should never be confused with eternal standards of goodness or (moral excellence) that naturally evolve in communion with Humankind‘s (inherently) perfectible nature, that, properly informed, provides meaning and (further) insight and guidance into the essential nature of things or ideas or what it meant by ―Good‖…

    3. Setting aside divisive issues like Abortion, Gay Marriages and the Death Penalty, most voters generally agree on the need for a balanced budget, economic growth, safer streets and better schools

    4. Therefore, a commitment to (true) friendship, setting aside such differences for the moment, requires that our differences produce (a) plausible effect, that does not (necessarily) imply acceptance, however, without compromising either individual‘s prevailing sentiments

    5. Even setting aside the argument of circularity, that any attempt to prove a statement by references to the statement itself were circular in nature and proved nothing without outside sources of corroboration, it is found that in the early history of the practitioners of Christianity there was the cautionary advice from St

    6. The appearance fixed the look on him at the time that the dark cloud was coming and setting aside the house

    7. In the example above, you would be setting aside $6000 of your account balance

    8. Get in the habit early on of setting aside money for this side of the business

    9. The corporations are so very caring and they understand that we need their help in setting aside a little in their 401K plans

    10. Setting aside in her mind the trucks, Gertrude dove at a shallow angle on the line of guns and pressed her trigger once they were in her sight, then slowly raised the nose of her aircraft

    11. We have to start – or restart, since these were our guiding lights when humans were still hunter / gatherers – setting aside all our intellection, our opinions and beliefs, and opening our hearts to what the earth is trying to tell us

    12. If she did not he would know, after consultation with the doctor, what course to take--whether of severity, or whether, setting aside his manhood, it was not rather an occasion on which one ought to coax

    13. Instead of going out on a limb with your affiliate business, it is simply a matter of setting aside a few hours each week to devote to signing up for programs, promoting the web

    14. Setting aside the general question of chastity and feminine modesty as useless in themselves and indeed prejudices, I fully accept her chastity with me, because that's for her to decide

    15. Ferrars, were on the best terms imaginable with the Dashwoods; and setting aside the jealousies and ill-will continually subsisting between Fanny and Lucy, in which their husbands of course took a part, as well as the frequent domestic disagreements between Robert and Lucy themselves, nothing could exceed the harmony in which they all lived together

    16. "I tell you what, my dear fellow," said Chateau-Renaud, "I cannot imagine what objection you can possibly have to Mademoiselle Danglars—that is, setting aside her want of ancestry and somewhat inferior rank, which by the way I don't think you care very much about

    17. Setting aside that he had graduated years ago, what kind of money were people willing to pay to watch his movies? And just how many names were on his customer list?

    18. Setting aside these entirely new forms of life, the plateau was very rich in known prehistoric forms, dating back in some cases to early Jurassic times

    19. He was standing at the table in Blackwell's where recent German books were displayed, setting aside a little heap of purchases

    20. In such case those in charge may be warranted in setting aside a portion of the institution’s funds for administration in other than fixed-value fields, in accordance with the canons and technique of security analysis

    21. He committed to setting aside 50% of what he earned, and then he took his savings and put it to work in a big way

    22. of the movement of the nations and of humanity and not the narration of episodes in the lives of individuals, it too, setting aside the conception of cause, should seek the laws common to all the inseparably interconnected infinitesimal elements of free will

    23. He remained the same, setting aside his fits of wrath

    24. Moreover, setting aside even that jealousy, the sight of that charming leg had contained nothing agreeable for him; the white stocking of the first woman he chanced to meet would have afforded him more pleasure

    25. Setting aside the significant equity potential they provide us, these holdings deliver us an aggregate of $2

    26. Setting aside the general question of chastity and feminine modesty as useless in themselves and indeed prejudices, I fully accept her chastity with me, because that’s for her to decide

    27. Setting aside the many other contradictions between actual life and conviction which abound in the life of a man of the present day, to view the military situation in Europe in the light of its profession of Christianity is enough to make a man doubt the existence of human reason, and drive him to escape from a barbarous and insane world by putting an end to his own life

    28. Because of their setting aside the essence of true life, which consists in the recognition and practice of the truth, and directing their efforts toward the improvement of the external conditions of life, men of the pagan life-conception may be likened to passengers on a steamer, who should, in their anxiety to reach their destination, extinguish the engine-fires, and instead of making use of steam and screw, try during a storm to row with oars which cannot reach the water

    29. What is still more wonderful is this, that the former servants of Church, State, and Army, do not now lean on the divinity of their calling, nor even on the philosophy which considers the state necessary for individual development, but setting aside these supports which have so long maintained them, they are now seeking the same supports on which the new reigning class of men, who have found a novel justification, stand, and at the head of which are the men of Science and Art

    30. And if history has for its object the study of the movement of the nations and of humanity and not the narration of episodes in the lives of individuals, it too, setting aside the conception of cause, should seek the laws common to all the inseparably interconnected infinitesimal elements of free will

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