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    shrubs oraciones de ejemplo


    1. There were a few wind wheels irrigating a few gardens, scrawny homes with scrawnier fruit shrubs around them

    2. Leaving the car parked in a visitor’s space, I stroll along a path bordered by rather nicely kept shrubs towards the entrance to the offices

    3. I look around at the expanse of lawn, dotted here and there with island beds of shrubs and the occasional stretch of herbaceous border set against a wall

    4. Dew lay sparkling on the grass and the shrubs

    5. The shrubs and bushes are similarly smitten, the fruits shrivelled on the branches

    6. shrubs, and you could have a small veg patch up by the shed

    7. George and Harry were transplanting a few of the Tallows and installing 'locally obtained' shrubs, ones they'd relocated from around the lake that is, into the bedding areas Belle and the twins had prepared

    8. She pointed out the various qualities of the little shrubs, weeds, grasses, trees, and other growths of nature's bounty; she described their uses and seasons

    9. I planted them up with small shrubs last year – there’s a deep pink magnolia under planted with white heathers in one and a red-leaved Acer in the other

    10. Are there any plants worth keeping there? A few extra hardy shrubs are starting to show signs of spring – the hydrangea has big, swollen buds on the bare branches and the forsythia is giving it all it’s got with long flowing branches covered in bright yellow flowers

    11. I stand watching her nose around under the shrubs … what a dreadful thing to happen … poor Sally … when will we hear some news? … better find something to eat … leave the door open for Sam … freezer … ready-meal will do

    12. While they were transplanting flowers and shrubs one afternoon Belle began another conversation, “Kaitlyn, it is not enough that you know and practice; it is through living this understanding which yields the most powerful results

    13. After a while he left the road and walked close to the hedges and shrubs

    14. Had some intrepid botanist trudged the weary path, he or she would have eventually reached the mount, and had the mist dispersed they would have spied in the mounts lee a large green hollow ringed with hedges and 'Dingles House' which its red brick and slate roof set in a substantial garden beautifully landscaped with all manner of tall trees, shrubs and lawns

    15. Now and then he would stop and give a short lecture on the various shrubs and grasses, everyone knew he'd never seen them before and even his nature book seemed at odds with the plateau flora and fauna

    16. But the sprites were getting restles at Fizzicist's incessant harking on with a repetitious discourse on shrubs that were so obviously different

    17. As they passed through into the garden they spied the red brick house surrounded on all sides by a vast array of plants shrubs and huge old trees with a patchwork of lawns and terraces

    18. shrubs not trimmed, the hallway not cleared of clutter, and the kitchen

    19. “Nestling in those shrubs beside the Podulator

    20. The gate opened onto a garden where trees, flowers and shrubs bloomed in abundance

    21. Small shrubs and bushes rustled in the slight breeze

    22. shrubs and open fields, but not often

    23. of life in the estate, no people, no moving cars and only half a dozen parked, just visible behind the shrubs that hid the many parking lots

    24. I casually hit one of the shrubs

    25. “There are spindly shrubs that have a few leaves

    26. Shrubs with their deep green, shiny leaves gleamed in freshly scrubbed splendor

    27. Serviceberry, ceanothus, and a hundred other shrubs and forbs created a lush understory where a cat could roam for hours

    28. It was small and salmon-colored with dark green trim, tiny windows, and too many shrubs in the front

    29. There are plenty of beautiful, available native trees and shrubs that grow well and bloom in sequence all year round

    30. The grass was getting a little denser and small withered shrubs started to appear as they strode toward the slopes of the mountains before them

    31. “There,” said Nibbles, pointing to the shrubs along the east side of the yard

    32. Just zoom straight at the wall of earth and grass and shrubs dead ahead of you, pull back, and roll with the ailerons, shove just a bit of down elevator into it, then fire the gun

    33. He roared down a great mighty slope that was covered in row after row of bush and yellow and white shrubs

    34. He showed Sim on the nav-screen a spot on a meandering side trail, curving to the right between two artificial hills, all covered with shrubs and vegetation

    35. Suddenly the thick branches ahead parted, and the shrubs covering the ground parted to create a path

    36. There was a large family room, dining room, modern kitchen and, in front, well-tended shrubs and a flower garden

    37. While trees and shrubs were in the minority, in the hard white glare of the lighting system, they could see figures moving along the rows

    38. LP strolled up the sandy track to Kato's front yard, which was covered by bush and shrubs, creating a private courtyard

    39. Out in the garden, Ernest and I discovered a shared interest: he wanted a fine-looking lawn with flowers and shrubs, I wanted lots of trees

    40. More and more roses were added, shrubs, a herb and vegetable garden

    41. We can sit outside in this enclosed space where small trees in earthenware pots, vines and shrubs create a magical forest effect

    42. The courtyard had fruit trees, shrubs, flowers, and even fountains, benches, and a walkway

    43. Some shrubs were visible in between the trees, but they were not dense either

    44. abundance of shrubs (mostly berry bushes), ferns, mosses, flowers, and lichen

    45. There was also a noticeable increase in shrubs and some flowers

    46. The oaks and hickories had shed their leaves, but the occasional pine tree and the many shrubs kept the view mostly green in every direction

    47. profaned, and the gates burned up, and shrubs growing in the courts as in a forest, or in one of the mountains, yes, and the priests'

    48. 10 They would after that carry him and bury him under some of the shrubs in the deserts; so they did all the days to any one who came to them and died in their land

    49. And although Anup is gazing ahead, indicating that something is hiding in the barely visible shrubs, I see nothing

    50. Now, the floors were all plush and shiny granites, clubhouse and tennis courts added, profuse greenery as lawns and creepers on well-laid walls, and shrubs and plants trimmed as landscaped gardens

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