Usar "shunning" en una oración
shunning oraciones de ejemplo
1. His shunning was for 'participating in the synthesis and distribution of shonggot
2. His shunning was by the Kassikan, it wasn't a council decision, so it was not unethical for doostEr to do business with him, but this was reason for caution
3. Some problem like a falling out with a fundamentalist church, some idols destroyed, a shunning; and before you know it, there’s another lonely cabin with another lonely story
4. “Oh, those chicks? I thought they was shunning niggas? She called
5. and shunning the unpleasant
6. habit of chasing pleasure and shunning pain is so ingrained in
7. Perhaps, if the gods existed at all, they were appeased by his shunning of any lie
8. Certainly she held an absolute disdain for her classmates at times, and a complete shunning of going to school
9. Shunning the door to the wild lands I plunged through the farmstead and ran to
10. While not shunning people, his years at the university library and the time he spent in post graduate work over in Cornell, had given him a division in life
11. Shunning behavior includes ignoring, refusing to
12. He started by shunning food, by standing in awkward positions for many days, by kneeling in prayer for endless hours; in general he felt happiest when he was discomfitured in some way
13. went so far to the other extreme that it seemed as if they were purposely shunning him
14. What is this singular life and living positioning, which can make us live the life in a perpetually joyous state of consciousness, endowed with ‘true utilities’, shunning away all those ‘futilities’, which land us in pain and regret?
15. So, He mentioned to us the results of shunning and the state of being far from God
16. Then, in this Fortress He mentioned to us the state of the near believer which results from his nearness to God and that of the unbeliever which comes from his disbelief and shunning
17. Due to his shunning from his Provider, he separated himself from that Godly favor which the Almighty God has prepared for His creatures
18. It inhibits the addressee from keeping on his error and prevents him from persisting in his shunning
19. In this noble fortress, the Almighty God wants to draw our attention to some universal signs which show man the Might of his Creator and acquaint him with His great Favor and Care about him, so that he may turn from his inattention and recover his consciousness, then he desists from his shunning and adopts the right path
20. But if you insist on your shunning and keep on your error, you will be subject to treatment and curing, and what a great distress and an intense pain there are in treatment and curing
21. To illustrate the state of this shunning, we give this example: suppose a woman that God created upon wonderful image and beautiful look, but then she was affected by an ill that caused rank pustules to appear in her face, then these pustules suppurated and their smelly pus began to flow
22. So is it for this time, do not be sad or take to heart because of the opposition of your nation and their shunning you, for after this distress undoubtedly, your Provider will fulfill your wish and all worlds will follow you and believe in you
23. But what shall follow such dispensability and that shunning?
24. As for the unbeliever, as long as he keeps shunning his provider, he will keep indulging himself in lusts and will pass from bad state to worse one
25. The unbeliever gets a spirit filled with vices and evil due to his shunning Al’lah
26. God wanted to acquaint us with the fact that shunning makes one veiled from the truth, while drawing near to God makes one realize the loftiness of what he hears of the verses of his Provider
27. So, the devil is one who is far from Al’lah, and because of his shunning Al’lah, his spirit became corrupted and wicked
28. “Man has been killed”: that is he has misled his spirit and lost his life because he has deprived his spirit of the good and happiness and thrown it into suffering and misery due to his shunning from his Provider
29. That is, the man himself was that who killed his spirit due to his shunning
30. Therefore, they have got at what they have got at on that difficult day as belief and shunning are the reasons beyond each distress and each unhappiness
31. For this reason, He told us the results of shunning Him and described the state of being far from God
32. He also refers to the state of the unbeliever, which results from their disbelief and shunning of God
33. That is, “due to your shunning of your Creator, your spirits have lost the light which would illuminate your way, and they have become deprived of the insight which would show them the way that would lead to their happiness
34. Due to his shunning of his Provider, he has separated himself from the Godly Favor which the Almighty God has prepared for His creatures
35. The meaning also includes chiding them with their tongue or shunning them in spirit instead of taking them under their wing
36. Try to bring some photos of the ruined monuments which were built by the ancient nations like the pyramids in Egypt which was built by pharaohs or the Petra city which was built by Thamud in the south of Al-Sham lands, those folks who had been indulging in a life of luxury and putting all their ability and thoughts in it shunning the Almighty Al'lah, those who came to this life without fulfilling the purpose of their coming into it, which is to believe in Al'lah then to render good actions, finally the result will be the Paradise with abundant of blessings and happiness in it
37. We have seen that Surah Al-Fajer starts with the universal signs in the first Verses of it in order to acquaint us with our Creator and to enable us to know the consequences of the ancient nations who didn’t contemplate and think about these signs, it also clarifies the reasons behind the human shunning his Creator and avoiding to know Him, however, he only throughout that knowledge can get out of his brute carnal rank and attain the humane rank before the coming of the Day of Judgment
38. But unfortunately, despite that great miracle they didn’t appreciate or esteem him, they were neither guided by a logical Divine fact which he had revealed before nor by the present miracle which happened before their eyes, moreover they determined and insisted on their destroying shunning
39. However, if you insist on shunning Him and keep on in your error, you will be subject to treatment and curing
40. To illustrate this state of shunning, we give the following example
41. Only the disbelieving and shunning spirit attends its body in the tomb
42. As for His hand, His eye, and His face, there are strange conceptions about them pictured by the shunning ones, and are completely different from what He means by them
43. Al-Qamar Fortress talks from its beginning about the denial and the entire shunning from the Almighty God, and it treats the previous nations who were afflicted by the curse, starting with the folk of our Master Noah, passing by those of our Master Hud, those of our Master Saleh, those of our Master Lot until the folk of our Master Moses
44. Side by side with those shunning unbelievers, you find others that did not believe really in God nor did they recognize their Creator by contemplation and inference
45. But since the devil and his offspring had corrupted on the land because of their shunning from Al'lah, therefore the angels addressed their Provider soliloquizing saying: "…Will You place on it those who will corrupt and shed blood…": that is, will this creature do as the jinn have already done and act as the devil and his offspring acted before? "…and we glorify with Your Praise…": we make the spirit of Your creatures glorify Your Favor by what we inspire to them of the acquaintance with Your charity and Your great care that You are praised for
46. This betrayal begins with thoughts that are inspired by the devil, which strike a spirit which is in the process of shunning its Provider
47. But afterwards, he knew that there existed enmity, the shunning of Al’lah, slyness, and treason
48. This tale is exactly the same as what happened with our master Mohammad (cpth), who was patient, despite his people’s shunning of him, until he was given the permission to migrate: “As your Provider bade you to leave your home by right…”
49. In this case, would it be reasonable for the doctor to leave him writhing in pain from what had settled inside his belly?! Would he not prescribe an influential laxative for him, which would repel these poisons and rid him of this surfeit material?! Similarly, a wicked yearning that has been strengthened inside the spirit because of its shunning of its Maker is indeed the surfeit of the spirit and the disease of the heart
50. But for shunning you off all those years