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signification oraciones de ejemplo
1. of the metal pieces of which it is composed, but to include in its signification some obscure reference to the goods which can be had in exchange for them, the wealth or revenue which it in this case denotes, is equal only to one of the two values which are thus intimated somewhat ambiguously by the same word, and to the latter more properly than to the former, to the money's worth more properly than to the money
2. were not hindered from building, until such time as signification was given to Darius concerning them, and an answer received
3. 3 At the same time came to them Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice with Sathrabuzanes and his companions and said to them 4 By whose appointment do you build this house and this roof and perform all the other thingse and who are the workmen that perform these things? 5 Nevertheless the elders of the Jews obtained favour because the Lord had visited the captivity; 6 And they were not hindered from building until such time as signification was given to Darius concerning them and an answer received
5. It seems to have a signification
6. As it began to dawn on Simon Peter that there was attached to this proposed enactment of service some signification that determined one's future connection with the Master's work, he not only became reconciled to the thought of allowing Jesus to wash his feet but, in his characteristic and impetuous manner, said: "Then, Master, wash not my feet only but also my hands and my head
7. * Now we want to clarify the second signification beyond the forbiddance of a slaughtered animal over which the Name of Al’lah was not pronounced
8. The Signification of Pran has been elaborated in the Atharv Veda
9. llegar arrive, come; —— a come to, succeed in, happen to, reach; or simply takes the signification of
10. Espía, whosemasculine signification is as old as the
11. and Carrero also seem devoid of signification as used here
12. an attempt to better delineate its signification
13. signification beyond one's local sphere, or they are in fact prompted by some sort of higher
14. particular age and country, is to be taken in the current or commonly received signification of that country and age in
15. "In all classical literature no instance can be found where the word death has this signification of eternal torment" H
16. or unusual signification for the purpose of saving or up building a cherished theory
17. that does not appear in the common signification of the words? and, therefore, the Priests must
18. received signification of that country and age in which the writer lived and wrote
19. "In all classical literature no instance can be found where the word death has this signification of
20. Why should Protestants boast over the Catholics in this respect? Do not both, virtually, claim that the language of Scripture is mystical, or has a meaning that does not appear in the common signification of the words? and, therefore, the Priests must interpret them to the people? Might we not as well give our Bibles altogether into the hands of these interpreters? Especially, if the plain common sense meaning of words is not to be followed, when there is no clear necessity for departing from it…What should we think of a law that says, "For murder thou shalt die," if we were told the meaning is not, that the transgressor shall actually die, but be kept alive in indescribable torments, protracted to the greatest possible extent? Would any man think he was fairly dealt with by such an administration? And would he not have just cause of complaint at the want of definiteness in the terms used to denote the punishment threatened!” Sermon One, page 13
21. No Greek would have supposed so, had they heard him; and we are led to conclude that as Paul would not use words calculated to mislead; therefore, we should take these words in their most obvious and current signification
22. Hastings: "In all classical literature no instance can be found where the word death has this signification of eternal torment" "The Last Judgment," 1853
23. But here (as has been shown in a previous page) he uses a word in explication of the death -dealing action of the law, which fixes the signification
24. But not even Augustine, or Calvin, or Edwards have ventured to apply ajpoktei>nw in this signification; the violence of the perversion would have too plainly appeared
25. 50, our Lord Jesus Christ quotes the last two clauses in proof of the eternal sufferings of the wicked in hell, thus giving decisive evidence that such is the signification of the words in the original text
26. This is not to deny that in God's distribution of life and death to moral beings there will be, and must be, glorious or dreadful secondary associations of thought connected with these words—in the one case of holiness and happiness, in the other of sin and misery; but it is to deny that in consequence of those secondary associations the terms lose their primary, radical, and proper signification, or become mere tropes and figures of speech for a life which is not literally life at all,—or for a death which is not the breaking up of humanity
27. That the persistent resolution, through many ages, to strip these converse terms Life and Death, in their application to Christ’s work and Man's destiny, of their proper signification, has resulted in eclipsing fully one-half of the light of the Sun of Righteousness, of the glory of Christ, of the truth of Christianity, is a conviction deeply fixed in the mind of the present writer; and that this fatal result has followed from the stealthy advance in the early church of error on the soul’s natural immortality has already been partly shown in previous pages
28. Surely the rule of thought ought to be the opposite, and we ought to think that He who was the Truth as well as the Life employed human speech in its most direct signification
29. But it would be a perversion of all the rules of speech, and the experience of literature, to allow that because terms are sometimes employed in a sense in which their secondary associations are prominent, therefore we are to interpret them everywhere so as to exclude their primary and proper signification
30. In passing expressions of emotional thought, the secondary association may thus sometimes get even the upper hand; but in solemn and deliberate teaching the main terms are certain to be used in their strict signification
31. To assert, therefore, that in the Greek gospel of John, written in the clear sunshine of Ionian Greece itself, the language is probably metaphorical at every turn, that we shall most likely err in taking two to mean life, and qa>natov to mean death, and shall more likely reach the truth by supposing that ajpoqnh>skein signifies to be banished from God, or to live forever in misery, is to offer a violent contradiction to one of the most obvious facts in philology,—namely, that the use of Greek in the New Testament is in itself a presumption that its ordinary terms are taken in their natural signification
32. The signification, then, of the Life which Christ bestows is determined by the history of the Bible
33. ’ Here, then, Christ sets aside, once for all, the sense of a 'merely moral’ or 'spiritual’ life and death, and shows by the contrast of the physical death, died by the manna-eating fathers, what was the radical signification of the life which comes with the bread of heaven
34. Yes, but a divinely appointed symbol points to a reality, and its signification is made certain by the of our Lord Himself when about to die
35. But the question is, Are we to trace the figure in the tense, or in the radical signification of the terms? We submit that the figure is in the tense
36. Its true signification is rightly and uniformly represented in the Greek version of the Septuagint by Hades, a word which in Greek literature of all ages stood for the world of the departed
37. One argument for the survival of souls, therefore, is derived from the historical signification of Paradise
38. (1) There is ground for disputing, at the outset of this argument, the truth of the popular signification attached to the phrase 'manifest evidence of regenerate life
39. What is needed here beyond all else is a doctrine which rests on well-established principles of interpretation; one which meets the eye in every page of the Sacred Writings read in their simplest and most direct signification; and which will appeal to men’s consciences, and fears of offended Justice without the intervention of a difficult critical argument to support it
40. If we once abandon ourselves to the fancies of dreamers who see every thing through an intellectual prism, for whom no word retains its natural signification, but every vocable is surrounded with an aureola or many-tinted halo of mysteries and 'inner senses,’ we might as well abandon at the same time the hope of comprehending Christianity
41. * Professor Cremer, in his Lexicon of the New Testament, while asserting that in Scripture these terms stand for the eternal misery of mankind, frankly allows that 'such a signification is peculiar to the New Testament, and without analogy in classical Greek
42. Nothing less than an argument of overwhelming cogency ought to prevail to deflect and reverse the ordinary signification of Greek words in interpreting the New Testament
43. No scholar can doubt that the Greek language received in the hands of the Jews a certain Hebraic education, so to speak, during the three hundred years before Christ, which fitted it more completely for its highest use as the instrument for propagating Christianity; but it may be safely maintained that no part of that education of the language was directed to the overthrow and reversal of the signification of its most familiar words; or to the establishment of rare, idiomatic, and secondary senses, as the primary, leading, and established senses of the chief terms to be employed in offering the revelation of the gospel to mankind, and in making known the penalty for rejecting it
44. Alexander was somewhat needlessly interfering with the lesson, since the object of the strong general statement made to the learner was sufficiently obvious—to impress upon him the proper, ordinary signification of the verb to strike, and the radical idea to which all the secondary and idiomatic meanings are clearly traceable
45. It would be ridiculous to confine the term to its lowest signification; the inapplicability of a formula so constructed would be seen at a glance
46. This word has dropped out of use in modern theology, because it fails to express the complication of ideas which in later ages have grown up around the two words death and destruction, and which have stifled their proper signification
47. Indeed, so far is the proposed signification of these words, 'death,’ 'perishing,’ 'destruction,’ from being alien to their proper application, that it is one of the most ordinary usages of speech to convey the compound ideas of suffering and final cessation of life by each one of the very terms under examination
48. The expectation of reasonable readers must be restricted to ascertaining the general sense of the books of Scripture, taken as a whole,—and that general sense lies doubtless on the surface, in words taken in their obvious signification by honest readers
49. ’ Thus the defenders of the traditional doctrine adopt or reject this signification at pleasure, but forbid its adoption in any other instance except this, where, with a negative, it furnishes a good argument against the same meaning everywhere else in relation to the death of the sinner
50. ’ It commences with the statement that Adam was created immortal, as God Himself—with respect to his soul, but as to his body, susceptible of death; (2) that he was placed in Paradise, on trial forever lasting life, under the menace of death; while notwithstanding, irrespectively of the tree of Life, the chief part of his nature was already incapable of extinction; that the privilege held out to him really was, therefore, to escape death of the body alone in the literal sense of the threatening, and death of the soul only in a metaphorical signification of the term; (3) that, failing in his probation, he brought upon himself death of the body, and eternal misery of the soul; and upon his posterity, according to one account, simply temporal death (which system of interpretation does not render any very lucid explanation of the natural state and legal prospects of the souls of the posterity);—according to another account, more ancient and orthodox, and held by all the great historical churches, both temporal death and eternal misery of the soul; (4) that, therefore, all mankind are born, before they have sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, justly liable to everlasting misery, whether through imputation, or through the possession of a nature necessarily corrupt in all its developments; (5) that Christ came into the world to bear the curse of the law, which was death a curse which signified eternal misery in the instance of mankind, but was taken to mean 'death of the cross’ only, in the person of the Savior; (6) that in consequence of this literal death of Christ, death in all the figurative senses has been removed from the believer, and his physical death shall be abolished by resurrection; (7) that although the Mosaic law 'entered that the offence might abound,’ it made no mention of eternal misery, while nevertheless Christ's death delivers us from that legal curse of which no mention is made; (8) that while the penalty for despising the law of Moses was literal 'death under two or three witnesses,’ the penalty of despising a system of mercy shall be infinitely more tremendous than that, being to suffer misery throughout endless duration; the punishment for rejecting the divine mercy being, therefore, infinitely more terrible than that for rejecting the divine justice; and, lastly, (9) that although the greater part of mankind have been altogether deprived, under divine providence, of the means of grace, they have been placed on the same awful probation, unknown to themselves, for an eternal existence in happiness or in misery; the redemption by Christ having added this incalculable burden to the original curse on Adam, that their bodies shall be raised from the dead to die a second death, which signifies living forever in torment