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    Usar "smartly" en una oración

    smartly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. With that he turned smartly on his heel and walked off towards the bottom of

    2. Coachman Yarbeem waved the kedas out smartly and they clattered away

    3. when I stood, smartly dressed, in a bar, knee-high to real giants,

    4. He held the grill open for her to enter and closed it smartly behind her

    5. He pointed his chin to a smartly dressed young lady standing near the porch support post in front of a shop two doors up from where they sat

    6. come on don't shillyshally across to the station with you now, 'an don't make a break for it or you'll all be clobbered right smartly" the man deftly held a solid looking ebony club in his left hand and pushed Nimblefax off the seat onto the roadway

    7. I was wishing my friends, clad smartly in

    8. As the hijacker's eyes filled with tears, rolling around in their sockets, Uncle Hobart snatched his pistol and brought it smartly down across his head

    9. As the elevator’s gleaming brass doors closed behind, Sylvia looked around the smartly decorated outer room

    10. The sound of nuts hitting the steel feeder brought a loud grunt from the straw pile in the corner, and Lyra had to skip aside pretty smartly as Nettie trotted over and got stuck in

    11. “The start is always a good place,” I replied smartly and smiled encouragingly

    12. The front gate, complete with a small guardhouse, manned by two smartly uniformed guards, brought to Beth’s mind the Federal Reserve Bank

    13. He then turned about smartly and left, careful to close the door behind him

    14. When we neared the camp of the besiegers, Gonzalo had the drummers beat the cadence, and dressing the ranks smartly, he marched them up in perfect order

    15. Twill and Sher saluted and turned smartly, heading

    16. He looks overly smart today, dressed in a pair of black satin pants and a crispy, plum, checkered shirt with smartly folded sleeves

    17. Others still will use the family budget as a strategic planning tool to protect the interests of his/her family and plan for a full and happy life, setting a small amount aside for the future, invested smartly and securely, with confidence and pride

    18. "Yes, SIR," he said, saluted smartly, and stuck his head in the fan

    19. 1915) illustrated eight smartly dressed uniformed personnel standing in front of the building that housed the crew

    20. young ladies, standing smartly at attention, as they waited to serve guests who came in

    21. Garnak instinctively understood that he was in someway being setup and instead smartly chose to disengage, he back-peddled for space, as he did so, sending his hammer swinging upwards in an unexpected uppercut towards the man’s chin

    22. ” His book is a compendium of smartly analyzed, real-world examples of just that, and it provides a good foundation for those looking to get a handle on the new ways of the world

    23. The smartly presented border guard in the lone concrete bunker at the edge of Libya where the bus stopped, waved me through with a smile

    24. He clapped his hands together smartly and the eggs shattered apart

    25. They had barely entered the room when a smartly presented and coiffured woman in her thirties thrust her slim figure into the door-way with a sharp, ‘Who are you and what are you doing here?’

    26. He held up the medal for all to see then he turned to his newly crowned sergeant and pinned the medal on the lapel of his smartly pressed blue uniform jacket

    27. At the main gate, which was of course the de regier locked portcullis, waited a smartly turned out officer of the day who bowed to the pair and opened the stout steel bars

    28. smartly with the gavel

    29. The Sergeant spun on his heel and marched smartly back to the

    30. Quarters he saluted smartly

    31. restaurant at that very moment to deliver a fare, and the waiter smartly caught the

    32. Barry is smartly dressed in an expensive dark blue three piece suit that strains at the huge bulk beneath it

    33. Dave pushes past Phil and sits down on the couch next to Barry, Phil steps smartly across the room and sits in the armchair recently vacated by Steve as Barney walks over to the table and sits down on a hard backed chair

    34. This is confirmed when a smartly dressed lady, wearing a crisp bright blue jacket and matching skirt comes out of the door they are standing and sitting in front of

    35. Suzy looks up at him in surprise as he is smartly dressed in a shiny black 'Bomber' style jacket, new jeans and trainers and has his hair tied back tightly into a pony tail

    36. ” Alvin moved to the head of the table and rapped smartly with

    37. Rachel, conditioned to return a salute in the manner in which it had been delivered smartly returned the salute

    38. ‘Yes, Sir,’ said the Sergeant and saluted before he turned smartly and left the room

    39. Then he stepped back and smartly saluted with an expression of obvious concern about his future career

    40. He’s dressed smartly in dark grey khaki style pants and a white collared shirt that stretches

    41. Another man dressed smartly, came tumbling down the stairs from the upper flat to the shop floor, he stopped by the cash till facing the entrance

    42. Cohen snapped to attention, saluted and marched smartly

    43. "Who are you? Don't fucking kill me, please!" Mitchell glared at him smartly; the vulnerability of an immobilized man, severely injured by the greedy bullets from his so called friends, resembled the very mental anguish he had been suffering from for years

    44. We arrived at the main Teotihuacan road, formed our ranks again and with heads held high, marched smartly along towards the city

    45. “Goodbye” he said smartly and hung up

    46. The girl at the gate saluted smartly, laughing

    47. as he begins to resist the catch, step smartly

    48. Short was a smartly dressed executive with a warm, kind face and a small moustache

    49. As she paid the taxi driver, a smartly dressed man in his mid-30s, got out of the passenger side of his car and strode purposefully towards Carla

    50. With a brief squeal of the tires, the car pulled smartly away, into the traffic

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