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    Usar "smelling of" en una oración

    smelling of oraciones de ejemplo

    smelling of

    1. He forbade her to take a break until the whole wardrobe had been disposed of and it wasn’t until nearly four o’clock that afternoon that Cyberia managed to trudge home wearily, smelling of sweat, fried burgers and other people’s loose change

    2. "It is a dark and scary place I think," Victoria said, "Smelling of damp forests and caves

    3. Men in Imperial gear, ghostlike, chanting and smelling of decay? To say nothing of the banners, two more of which were recovered at the scene

    4. Powerful, smelling of pine needles of the antiquity trunks of trees, like a sentinel on his duty, were guarding the bridges on both sides

    5. smelling of spices and cigarettes

    6. A cool and gusty breeze smelling of wet dust hinted at the downpour to come

    7. Horst pretty well ran the radio store all by himself now, but instead of sitting out of sight at a workbench in some cluttered corner somewhere, trying to recap a rusted grid connector on a radio tube, he was now up front in the showroom with polished shoes, wearing a tie, smelling of after-shave lotion and selling those big receivers with the incredible new hi-fi sound quality

    8. We walked quietly the rest of the way to the inn, watched over by Ben Nevis, the air smelling of the expected rain

    9. Both of them were covered with brine, itchy and smelling of seaweed and salt

    10. The tunnel was long and dank, dirty and smelling of less than pristine soil

    11. I didn"t want to stroll around smelling of ketchup, mustard, mayo and pickles

    12. It burned to the touch, my blackened hand smelling of burnt flesh

    13. Meme felt herself splashing in a bog of hesitation from which she could only be rescued, as had occurred in her dreams, by that man smelling of grease whom she could barely see in the shadows

    14. The neophyte will find great interest in the practice, when he gets some psychic experiences such as brilliant lights, hearing of celestial sounds, smelling of rare scents, and so on, and when he begins to think of the prospects of becoming a fully developed Yogi

    15. past, their heads shaven and their clothes smelling of glue

    16. And it comes gift-wrapped by the wind, smelling of sweet grass and clean dirt, all dust-blown and blended with weeds and wildflowers no overpricing big city florists would lower themselves to sell

    17. Killian came home late that night, smelling of smoke and seawater

    18. Then she would purposely show me out whenever it was time for room inspection by having her entire area smelling of pine sol

    19. The wind, smelling of sea and freshly-cut grass, had quite blown away the memory of how tragic life had looked the night before when set about by too many beds and not enough wash-stand; and I walked along with what felt like all the brightness of heaven in my heart

    20. That wind brushed across her cheek, smelling of sand and sun

    21. “Aye, what have we here?” A portly, bearded man smelling of beer wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve

    22. Smelling of it, Frankie

    23. The thought of groping under her short skirt and having her squeal with delight made David feel hot and cold all over and his knees became weak, but the partly dream- like, partly intellectual fascination that had radiated from her during the French classes in the small sunny room smelling of chalk -dust in “Monte Verdi”, that was missing

    24. I had my lunch with the oil-workers, all wearing high-visibility waistcoats, dirty overalls, hard-hats and all smelling of oil, and so as not to stand out, I happily slurped down my soup, like everyone else

    25. Bubbles cascaded over the side, smelling of fresh strawberries

    26. A narrow winding street, full of offence and stench, with other narrow winding streets diverging, all peopled by rags and nightcaps, and all smelling of rags and nightcaps, and all visible things with a brooding look upon them that looked ill

    27. He accompanied his conductor into a guard-room, smelling of common wine and tobacco, where certain soldiers and patriots, asleep and awake, drunk and sober, and in various neutral states between sleeping and waking, drunkenness and sobriety, were standing and lying about

    28. He leaned over the boy's shoulder, chewing, and smelling of chlorodyne

    29. He knows she usually goes to the sea—she comes back smelling of seaweed, shoes wet, sleeves decorated with algae or sea fennel or the weed Madame Manec called pioka

    30. a Greek, smelling of hot oil and garlic and stale wine and old clothes, a place where the Arab quarter

    31. She’d gotten out, screaming at him, What the fuck is fucking wrong with you? her breath smelling of wine cooler, the bottles clinking in the footwell of her CRX

    32. She pictured the Cateses as brightly blond and preppy, with everything matching and the house pristine and smelling of potpourri

    33. Desi arrives just after noon, always smelling of some expensive lunch he’s devoured with Jacqueline at some white-linened restaurant, the kind of restaurant he could take me to if we moved to Greece

    34. She only felt a soft hand taking hers firmly, and she touched with her lips a white forehead, over which was beautiful light-brown hair smelling of pomade

    35. It came away sticky and smelling of something as raw as life

    36. Soon he will come clomping in, smelling of sweat and green grass on his knees where he fell, and smelling very much in all ways like Skipper; which is natural

    37. And pull in behind the studio at midnight, still playing cards, and get off smelling of Prohibition whiskey with happy smiles or grim smiles of determination on their faces, to watch Louis B

    38. Now that the luggage was brought into the echoing damp cottage, with the raindrops still shining on it, and he had drawn the canvas over the car which was still warm and smelling of the drive two hundred miles north into Wisconsin from Chicago, he had time to think

    39. The reverend came from the hall, smelling of hounds and horses

    40. Eckels stood smelling of the air, and there was a thing to the air, a chemical taint so subtle, so slight, that only a faint cry of his sublimal senses warned him it was there

    41. Eckels stood smelling of the air, and there was a thing to the air, a chemical taint so subtle, so slight, that only a faint cry of his subliminal senses warned him it was there

    42. Half-grown children would come to class from the barricades, smelling of gunpowder, wearing the insignias and uniforms of rebel officers captured at gunpoint in inconclusive battles, and carrying their regulation weapons in full view at their waists

    43. He had to make a great effort not to fall into the grandfather’s madness of carrying her off at two o’clock in the morning, warm with sleep in her swaddling clothes and still smelling of the cradle’s tantrums

    44. She was ready at eleven o’clock, bathed and smelling of flower-scented soap, wearing

    45. A soft, fresh spring breeze, smelling of newly-dug earth, streamed in through the window, playing with the hair on his damp forehead and the papers that lay on the window-sill, which was all cut about with a knife

    46. A small, perspiring man, smelling of spirits, with a white tie and swallow-tail coat, which he took off after the first figure, came up to her, hiccoughing, and caught her up, while another fat man, with a beard, and also wearing a dress-coat (they had come straight from a ball) caught Clara up, and for a long time they turned, danced, screamed, drank

    47. When at rare intervals a slight breeze did arise, it brought but a whiff of hot air filled with dust and smelling of oil paint

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