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    Usar "smoky" en una oración

    smoky oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I could just make out his smoky silhouette on his knees; arms outstretched, head back, swaying to and fro

    2. smoky from the inadequate ventilation, and his head swam

    3. Bruce pushed the heavy unoiled front door under the bar sign and entered the smoky room

    4. Dosanti had graceful, nearly symmetrical features (other than the strangely endearing black dot slightly above her lip), and a head of smoky dark curls that danced with her every step

    5. Mercer appeared from behind a swirling, smoky cloak, blade in hand

    6. Shaking his head in muted protest or mockery, he shifted his gaze again to the smoky silhouette of Solitude

    7. Words in a stranger’s smoky voice played in his mind once more

    8. Finally Shelagh finished her drink, which she had been sipping slowly and excused herself, saying that the lounge was getting too smoky for her and she was heading home

    9. Melanie wouldn’t go to the pub with him as it was too smoky

    10. his clothes were smoky and his breath stank of beer

    11. For smoky eyes that will really capture his attention, sweep a peach powder eye shadow along your lids and into the upper part of the inner corners of your eyes

    12. Smoky and Bob grew and blended in with the family, along with the children

    13. In fact, I doubt if he missed Smoky very much

    14. I looked down to see a gray cat with a raised, crooked tail, Smoky, a very scrawny, bedraggled Smoky, still rubbing against my legs

    15. The kids were yelling, “Smoky, Smoky!” as the cats raced around the house, chasing each other over the pieces of stove pipe and through the piles of Christmas paper in a chaos of celebration

    16. Finally, I was able to pick up Smoky, over his brother’s loud protests

    17. Dark eyeliner made her eyelids prominent and a smoky eye shadow accentuated the emerald glow of her irises

    18. 'charismatic energy' as if you were in a Sci-fi movie where you can see the smoky visual representation of energy leaving from your body to their body

    19. Hot smoky air, heavy with the scent of burning coal, irritated her nostrils and throat

    20. There was a smoky blue haze in the air

    21. The bacon was delicious, smoky and crisp

    22. Again, that misty, smoky look of a plane several thousand feet away, in the glistering, sparkling sky

    23. It was turbulent, smoky and hazy, yet how did he miss?

    24. During a low pass at three hundred metres, an altitude which barely registered on the instruments, he dropped a series of flares a kilometre from his improvised runway and set a few small, smoky grass fires to indicate wind direction

    25. Salmsoni’s bald pate gleamed dully in the soft strip lighting, the shine of his smoky orange pince-nez hiding his eyes, which were a piercing red with black vertical slits

    26. stood to its smoky shadow: the moon fought

    27. It almost looked foggy or smoky

    28. Bruiser was hanging around the DJ booth, chatting up the DJ booth entourage, which included the four poufy haired, smoky eye-shadowed Chicas I had told you about earlier

    29. It was one of those big puffy haired, smoky eye shadowed girls I was telling you about when I had first arrived at the rink that night but it wasn’t his sister Kaylee

    30. The air in there now felt different, smelt smoky though

    31. smoky grey in the March woods

    32. Dacian glared up smugly from his prone position in the smoky grass where

    33. Fifteen minutes later the document was solemnly signed on Hezekiah Pollock's tombstone, on the centre of which stood the smoky manse lantern, while the children knelt around it

    34. It consisted of using racks high about the hearth, placing thinly sliced pieces of meat on them and building up a large smoky fire with evergreen branches

    35. Ganook thought it a rather odd idea, but Theodore could see my point immediately, since the house was still smoky

    36. She was particularly pleased with the windows but actually liked the lingering smoky smell of the house

    37. Sachie looked out through the smoky haze that hung over the ruins of the town

    38. out a patch of blue sky though the smoky haze

    39. Gravity shockwave – It pulls gravity forces from ground level from all directions and leaves a smoky haze

    40. The familiar smoky smell of spam mail recently burned in the chimney permeated the house

    41. plate with several slices of bacon and a couple of smoky smelling

    42. He run all afternoon, and had made his way past Smoky Creek Road, not far from Leon Edward�s house, where he stopped to eat his helping of deer meat on his long journey home

    43. Now the only light in the room was from the flickering and smoky torch held over Haki's helmet

    44. " Up the stairs she went, only to call, "Chuck—it's real smoky up here!"

    45. The smoky air in our abode clotted her lungs

    46. Suddenly, tonight, with Marc in my room, Jahna’s smoky, peat scent was in my nose

    47. Before he came completely in, he reached up on his toes and fastened the tent flap up on both sides so sunlight penetrated the smoky room

    48. He disappeared back into the smoky room slamming the door behind him, not looking back once

    49. Come to think of it, every room Big Whig entered was a smoky room, eventually

    50. Back at the Daily Grind, Jensen called me into his smoky office to tell me how sorry he was for my loss

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    Sinónimos para "smoky"

    smoky cloudy frosted filmy grey tinted foggy fuming burning vaporous sooty dingy