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    Usar "snobbishness" en una oración

    snobbishness oraciones de ejemplo


    1. perhaps bordering on snobbishness, but he had dealt with the infamous

    2. Charleston snobbishness for many years now, and he believed he

    3. Ruma opened her heart and home to her people who had shunned her when she needed them the most and as they wormed their way into her affections, she lost her sense of proportion; given her snobbishness as my people paid no more than courtesy calls, I too developed a distorted vision of relationships in the ingratiating company of her relatives

    4. Studying lonely bored, spoiled Pandas… who have developed their own culture of bored, spoiled laziness and elite snobbishness; from being the spoiled toys of Emperors for thousands of years

    5. He is a Jew: and possesses all of his hooked nose Semitic tribe’s undead legacy of deeply concealed hatred and envy and snide hate filled snobbishness

    6. The councilman’s daughter, even though afraid of what her fate might be, could not hold back from the snobbishness that seemed to go with members of her social status

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    Sinónimos para "snobbishness"

    snobbery snobbishness snobbism