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    solemn promise oraciones de ejemplo

    solemn promise

    1. ‘First I must have your most solemn promise that I

    2. There was a great deal of complaining about whether or not they would see Christmas in the States, in accordance with what they considered to have been a solemn promise by President Truman

    3. “Know this, Annyeke Hallsfoot,” he said as if he were declaring a solemn promise to her in the place of joining

    4. " And the Jewish leaders made solemn promises to the soldiers to defend them before Pilate in case it should ever come to the governor's knowledge that they had accepted a bribe

    5. on earth, and only in the religion of Christianity! I give you my solemn promise

    6. “Then you have my solemn promise,” he whispered and kissed her

    7. As ‘The Hand of God’, you have my solemn promise that the holy sites in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Palestine will remain accessible to all and that the rights of none of the present inhabitants of Palestine will be infringed on by this plan

    8. smiling for the first time in three miserable years, he made the solemn promise

    9. I give you my solemn promise that 51

    10. Vow: A solemn promise; as the vows of unchangeable love and fidelity

    11. When I accused him of this he went on the defensive and made a solemn promise not to verbally

    12. But putting this aside, what thinkest thou I ought to do about my lady's command to go and see her? For though I feel that I am bound to obey her mandate, I feel too that I am debarred by the boon I have accorded to the princess that accompanies us, and the law of chivalry compels me to have regard for my word in preference to my inclination; on the one hand the desire to see my lady pursues and harasses me, on the other my solemn promise and the glory I shall win in this enterprise urge and call me; but what I think I shall do is to travel with all speed and reach quickly the place where this giant is, and on my arrival I shall cut off his head, and establish the princess peacefully in her realm, and forthwith I shall return to behold the light that lightens my senses, to whom I shall make such excuses that she will be led to approve of my delay, for she will see that it entirely tends to increase her glory and fame; for all that I have won, am winning, or shall win by arms in this life, comes to me of the favour she extends to me, and because I am hers

    13. But no solemn promises bind us to the commander of this vessel

    14. No solemn promises bound us to him

    15. I have his solemn promise to that effect

    16. On the third day, however, I had ample evidence that her solemn promise was not enough to hold her back from this secret influence which drew her away from her husband and her duty

    17. So at last he gave in, and he made me a solemn promise that he would see Sparrow MacCoy no more, that he would go to Europe, and that he would turn his hand to any honest trade that I helped him to get

    18. In provincial towns social conventionalities are so rigidly enforced than an infraction like this constituted a solemn promise

    19. Dashwood had been informed by her husband of the solemn promise on the part of his son in their favour, which gave comfort to his last earthly reflections

    20. But the main part of it all was that there should be no more fighting; and that the two tribes should give solemn promise to help one another whenever there was corn-famine or other distress in the lands belonging to either

    21. They insisted, therefore, that I should engage with a solemn promise that if the vessel should be freed I would instantly direct my course southwards

    22. If you enter into matrimony with me, I'll make you a solemn promise, I'll build a church of God to the eternal memory of his soul

    23. It's rather a solemn promise, you see

    24. As Akulina helped the little ones into the wagon she took occasion to remind Polikey of the solemn promise he had made her not to touch a drop of vodki during the journey

    25. Suffer me, therefore to address your Excellency, and beg for their release, on a solemn promise that they will never be found again in arms on a similar occasion

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