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    southwester oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The evolution of uniform military standards, however, subsequently rendered militias, in the traditional sense, obsolete until the events of 9/11 raised important questions about our nation‘s seemingly impregnable borders that have subsequently lent legitimacy to the efforts of ―Minutemen‖ who routinely patrol our porous Southwestern borders with this one notable exception: most are likely to employ binoculars rather than muskets

    2. Canada, where I come from in southwestern Ontario, is cold, and it snows in the winter

    3. Then, those desert raids became ever more daring, penetrating deeper with each thrust until the shattered, rather vacant homeland of the Jews, and the porous southwestern borders of the Persians collapsed completely, and the danger to the surrounding lands went unrecognized until almost too late

    4. They skipped stones in Devolan with seven-colored stones one late morning before they continued their walk towards the west with Mothalinoa in the far southwestern horizon

    5. aimed at increasing the numbers of voters of Hispanic background who will ultimately vote for secession of Southwestern states, including California, from the United States

    6. I knew Carlotta’s Nashanekammuck was in the southwestern part of the island, so I thought this was probably the best course until I found someone and got directions

    7. He said that it sounded like Saint Jean de Luz, a port in the province of Lapurdi in the southwestern part of the Kingdom of Frantzia (France)

    8. It was in the southwestern part of the empire

    9. Early on the fourth day we turned north, then east following the long narrow southwestern peninsula back to the main land and the new port city of Aralbalikh

    10. There were also isolated tribes in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California as well as the southwestern U

    11. Dinne—the name of the Athabaskan tribes that migrated from Canada into the Southwestern U

    12. Kwakiutl—Wakashan tribe (actually an amalgam of small related bands) that lived on both shores of Queen Charlotte Sound and northern Vancouver Island in southwestern British Columbia, Canada

    13. Ychma—a tribe living along the lower and middle portions of the Rimac and Lurin Valleys in southwestern Peru around and south of Lima

    14. Texas Panhandle and the southwestern region

    15. His love for the Southwestern

    16. They emerged over the stark mountains of southwestern Kletiuk, muscles tensed and hearts pounding

    17. native to southwestern Asia, Europe, and northern Africa

    18. Something American and not California fusion, or Southwestern anything, and no fucking salad bars or those tiny burgers, and somewhere with alcohol, beer or wine is alright too

    19.  Cádiz, a city on the southwestern coast of Spain

    20. 'The southwestern shore is held by the Hyrkanians for hundreds of miles

    21. He led her to the southwestern wall, and without difficulty found a stone stair that mounted the rampart

    22. But the blacks passed through an archway on the southwestern side, and they heard a series of thuds and groans

    23. Conan drew Sancha toward the southwestern arch, and they silently crossed the sward and entered the court beyond

    24. Riding as hard as he dared for a night and a day and a night, he came in the early dawn to the cliffs of Alkmeenon, which stood in the southwestern corner of the kingdom, amidst uninhabited jungle which was taboo to the common men

    25. Only the knights of Poitain, under Prospero, had not yet arrived, for they had far to ride up from the southwestern corner of the kingdom

    26. All this Conan knew well, for had he not, in the days of old when he was a Barachan pirate, sailed by night into the harbor of Messantia to discharge strange cargoes? Most of the pirates of the Barachan Isles—small islands off the southwestern coast of Zingara—were Argossean sailors, and as long as they confined their attentions to the shipping of other nations, the authorities of Argos were not too strict in their interpretation of sea-laws

    27. Through the centuries they have pushed steadily westward, and now a tribe skirts the southern end of the great inland sea—Vilayet—and establishes the kingdom of Turan on the southwestern shore

    28. Meanwhile the Cimmerians, wandering southeastward, destroyed the ancient Hyrkanian kingdom of Turan, and settled on the southwestern shores of the inland sea

    29. It would be a few miles out of the way since the shack was just off the southwestern tip of the noxious growth

    30. Forty two hundred miles away, the Beaumont, a massive Consco-owned cargo ship, sailed in a southwesterly direction at eighteen knots, one hundred miles south of the Spanish resort island of Ibiza

    31. It would pass south of the Spanish coastal towns of Cartagena and Almeria, before it turned west, traversed the Strait of Gibraltar and headed out into the open Atlantic, on a west-southwesterly course that would take it to Savannah, Georgia, in about six days

    32. Late last night, Ingrid had learned that, on top of losing Taejon, a critical point for the defense of the southwestern part of Korea, the American 24th Infantry Division had lost as well the majority of its heavy equipment, abandoned during its wild withdrawal from Taejon

    33. Bismarck continued on her southwesterly course shadowed from a respectable distance, by Norfolk, Suffolk and now the Prince of Wales

    34. Of all the design styles that exist, and of course depending on the tribe in question, the southwestern style of home decorating and design would

    35. There is something to be said about a southwestern styled

    36. southwestern style this is a style that makes copious use of the elements when decorating

    37. Reports indicate that magna has advanced towards the surface in several areas of the calderas releasing a cloud of volcanic ash that has already affected an area extending from southwestern Montana, southeastern Idaho and, with the prevailing winds to the south, most of northern Utah, western Wyoming and northern Colorado

    38. Probably somewhere in the Southwestern

    39. —[60-2] Rota: the action begins at Rota, one of the manyvillages on the Bay of Cadiz in southwestern Spain

    40. “I want an increase in occupation strength in the Northwestern, Southwestern, Northcentral and Southcentral military districts

    41. Lucia did not keep track of how long she had been imprisoned in the southwestern tower, but she knew it had been more than three months—perhaps even four

    42. They had landed on the southwestern side of the island in Grindale, and Ailia couldn’t wait to have her feet meet the unshifting soil

    43. Located in southwestern Montana, it is also the most fished river growing in popularity every year

    44. After our night in the cabin in the woods we’re starting to encounter more people travelling out of the urban sprawl and the smaller towns in Southwestern Ontario

    45. be distributed to other locations in the southwestern states

    46. second is the ongoing water shortage in our southwestern states

    47. I ate a huge Southwestern salad

    48. southwestern tribes heard of the Spanish presence

    49. Probably somewhere in the Southwestern states of New Mexico, Arizona, or maybe even Southern California

    50. Native to: southwestern United States, Mexico

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