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    Usar "spades" en una oración

    spades oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

    2. They loaded their truck with ladders, spades and planks and turned off the mixer

    3. Except for the birds, the only sound was the thud of the spades slicing the earth and the dull splat of the soil as it was heaped on the side

    4. “The fucking four of spades

    5. The queen of spades

    6. Whilst Lemoss drank the soup the others fetched spades and forks, trowels and various other things which seemed to all fit neatly into his cart

    7. Spades, garden forks, picks and shovels

    8. “Where’s Johnny got to I hope he hasn’t gone off to stuff his face?” I didn’t know where he was but a short time later he came back carrying a couple of GS spades which he through to us saying

    9. These were called head spades, boarding knives, blubber pikes,

    10. Shock, Mother Nature’s anesthetic had provided Herminia temporary insulation from the full impact of pain, but a short while later it did hit, and in spades too

    11. She had it in spades

    12. This came back to haunt Mike in spades in February 2006 when state troopers from Troop K in Colchester broke through his locked condo door in the middle of the night and assaulted him without cause

    13. "Spades," he said solemnly, and scribbled the word down

    14. "Come on! You take the spades, Theo

    15. But she'd over-reacted in spades

    16. One group was the ace of hearts, and another came by that read the king of spades

    17. “What about this?” He dropped the spades one by one: eight, nine, ten, Jack, and a red Joker

    18. So, loaded up with spades, axes and pitchforks followed Sam and Pierre and the BBC men they chopped and slashed at the thick, choking brambles cutting a pathway into the centre of the wood

    19. There‘s a classic psychology experiment where mixed in a normal pack of playing cards is a red six of spades

    20. The red six of spades is shown to a group of people along with other normal playing cards

    21. Many people cannot see a red six of spades the first few passes through the cards; some can never see it as a red six of spades, even when holding it in their hands!

    22. In this case, we start with a belief that a red six of spades doesn‘t exist, so it‘s difficult to see it for what it actually is; and for some with very strong and controlling belief systems, it‘s virtually impossible

    23. " Her opinion of the state was conveyed in spades on her face

    24. how do you say this? In Spades!”

    25. The sealant seemed to move rapidly away from the heat and soon with the help of the spades, an opening was clearly visible

    26. Boy, was I happy! I had always given my all to my previous employers, and now it paid off in spades!

    27. She saw the queen of diamonds with her throat wounded by the steel of the jack of spades, and she deduced that Fernanda was trying to get her husband back home by means of the discredited method of sticking pins into his picture but that she had brought on an internal tumor because of her clumsy knowledge of the black arts

    28. He had the typical sense of humor that most of the desert dwellers possessed, in spades

    29. Any way you look at it, the corporatists want to be there in spades to protect world oil reserves and other natural resources

    30. And that is just what you said, confidence! It's one of the most important character traits a person can develop, and I think you've got it, in spades

    31. "The Ace of Spades reversed, that's the violence

    32. Paired with the Jack of Spades reversed--I get the

    33. As his eyes focus he discovers the 3 of spades staring him in the face

    34. As he collects and counts, he remembers what the 3 of spades means

    35. the Ace of spades

    36. There were four main suits; hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades,” said Krystal

    37. He found the latter busy with Henri Bruage cutting down the trees that still cluttered his lot, while his wife Claudette and three of the teenage girls they had escorted to Ville-Marie were digging and turning over the top soil of a two-acre surface with spades

    38. Next it was the five of spades, representing Tabitha’s

    39. corners marking the Ace of Spades, mixed with a green hat that

    40. in-the-Box symbolizing the original ace and jack of spades

    41. “Money Man Made of the Jack and Ace of Spades,” with his dog

    42. the Money Show with little Jeophries, the ace and jack of spades,

    43. At the two stainless steel tables in view, a number of inmates were busy playing a card game – most likely, Spades

    44. black as the ace of spades

    45. “How many times have you seen or heard of a killer leaving a clue or a note that a number of killings have been committed by the same person? This could be a calling card, in one case literally the Ace of Spades, or an article such as a ribbon tied to the victims, or even more obviously a note or something scrawled on a wall in the victim’s blood! There have been no calling cards, items or any text left to suggest that this is the same killer

    46. Justification for ridding society of them, on the other hand, we do have, in spades

    47. section of the table above the suit of spades labeled „high

    48. to reveal an ace of spades

    49. She had money in spades, what she was missing was love in her life and a long-term companion

    50. William pointed to the men with spades

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