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    Usar "sparrow" en una oración

    sparrow oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The woman was mortal and of middling years - plump faced with rounded curves, dark eyes, and a pinched nose that reminded him of a sparrow

    2. He dreamed he was a sparrow

    3. “Come along, come along,” he chided them gently, and was rewarded unexpectedly with a small smile from Sparrow

    4. “I have Sparrow close beside me,” she hissed to his relief

    5. Maharaj actually saw a sparrow killed by a bat fall on the Padukas

    6. Without warning, Sparrow came in a huff out of the brush and mounted his

    7. “And what’s the story with Sparrow?”

    8. We found Sparrow after that

    9. Sparrow sat back in the beside chair, arms folded

    10. Sparrow nodded once, finally looking the other in the eye

    11. 3 Yes, the sparrow has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even your altars, O Lord of

    12. 7 I watch, and am as a sparrow alone on the house top

    13. “‘News of the King,’ said the next to oldest sparrow

    14. “‘Nay, son of men,’ said the oldest sparrow

    15. “‘He is the sun-king, and the moon-king, and all-the-stars-king, and he shines like them all together,’ said the next to oldest sparrow

    16. “The youngest sparrow shook its head sadly

    17. “The oldest sparrow thought for a long moment

    18. His arm tightened around her shoulder as he leaned close to say, “Not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from the Father’s will

    19. All things only half expressed to her family until now launched themselves into the air within the scream’s strange power—her deep-seated horror of feather, talon and beak, her unacknowledged rage at Yeke and the injustice of the dying sparrow on her lap

    20. And a sparrow still wearing

    21. I thrilled to the repeated raucous sound of a Stellers Jay, and the pleasant call of the Song Sparrow

    22. “Human Police aren’t going to bother pursuing gangs of miscreant stoats, or stop a passing sparrow to check he has a valid flying licence

    23. She stared across the room into his sparrow eyes

    24. The head teacher Miss Sparrow was very impressed by Mary’s turnout and the way she spoke

    25. Then I went to see Miss Sparrow and she told me about what course and the time that this would take

    26. Because The Brown Sparrow Of

    27. the window and sitting on the edge was a sparrow hawk He then looked down at the arms

    28. The sparrow was timid at

    29. the sparrow will cry out on the Day of Judgment, 'O Lord

    30. “as well as that which you have taught the predatory birds”: like the sparrow hawk

    31. If one sparrow entered the room you should not catch it if you have food and meat because it has a function

    32. “… as well as that which you have taught the birds of prey…” such as the sparrow hawk “… to catch…” the bird without killing it… “…you train them as Al’lah has taught you

    33. " Officer Sparrow approached cautiously five minutes later with his hand on the butt of his service weapon

    34. This is even worse than what I could imagine! Sparrow, you got all of that at your end?’’

    35. ‘’Don’t mention it! Sparrow is above us, hiding on the weather deck and watching the exit of this hold

    36. favorite song "His eye is on the Sparrow"

    37. “No, it’s just that the people – the European settlers – were shorter back then,” I said as a sparrow darted by; its image reflecting on the old glass pane

    38. wasn’t a sparrow or a parakeet

    39. yourself becoming that sparrow

    40. “Luck,” said the sparrow

    41. Trid said to Andrei, “Have you ever seen a sparrow do that?”

    42. I’d found a chipping sparrow in the snow that evening, half frozen, and as Andrei kindled the fire and stirred nuts into it, I put the bird near the flames

    43. She reached for the sparrow huddled near the fire, Our choice– But I scooped the bird into my hands and backed away

    44. She spat at Andrei one last time, and dug in the ground for the sparrow

    45. But she burst into song unnatural for a sparrow when she caught sight of Liskara clopping up the path

    46. The third hill began to move, and a sparrow jumped out of it

    47. The sparrow did not fly away as the pigeons did, it jumped following Sensei

    48. Sensei stopped, observing the desperate twittering of this ruffled sparrow, and 364

    49. from the Song of a Sparrow

    50. Had it been Sparrow? Was she the one responsible?

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