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    Usar "stage fright" en una oración

    stage fright oraciones de ejemplo

    stage fright

    1. To Kaitlyn's great relief, knowing how amateur thespians can succumb to last minute debilitations of stage fright and other psychosomatic disturbances, the Village Players were made of sterner stuff, ready for their moment of public exposure

    2. Stage fright? No, it was far more profound than that

    3. Faith promptly made a dreadful one back at him, and, in her anger over being grimaced at by Bertie Shakespeare, forgot her stage fright

    4. Mark watched her for a signal while he went over what he wanted to say, and Talia hugged him tight in stage fright

    5. Equemev was almost frozen with stage fright

    6. Danny glanced at her, assuming stage fright, but she appeared to be paying intense attention, counting the beat and dancing a little to fill the time

    7. We used a sound bite from Rivers Cuomo, the lead singer of Weezer, who credited the practice with curing his stage fright

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