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    Usar "stare at" en una oración

    stare at oraciones de ejemplo

    stare at

    1. When Mom finally told me about the case, I remember just nodding and walking to my room to just stare at the ceiling and think

    2. A few other heads popped up from cubicles to stare at Henry

    3. Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

    4. Shaken, I stare at him for a moment

    5. The boy continued to stare at the gadget

    6. Ackers took off the glasses and continued to stare at the Chip

    7. I stare at the water remaining in the glass I am holding … but that is ridiculous … absurd … it would mean that Dan would have to be psychotic or something … wouldn’t it?

    8. John continues to stare at her, says nothing

    9. I turn and stare at the prickly bush filling the flowerbed under the lounge window … pyrocanthus? Is that what it is called? It’s got vicious, long thorns, that thing

    10. We stare at each other in an openly hostile way for a few minutes

    11. They stare at one another for a moment, scratch their heads, their butts, yawn

    12. I stare at the bag I am busying myself with, not daring to look her in the eye

    13. We stare at each other in the moonlight as I try to work out how I am to convey that I don’t want to ‘say the word’ as he put it

    14. He forced himself to stare at the ground

    15. My mind racing to find the words I need to tell him, I stare at him

    16. I stare at the map, trying to tally the map in front of me with my memory

    17. We stare at the building silently for a moment – me taking this information in and adding it to my growing knowledge of this world, he watching me

    18. … don’t think about your feet, Lintze! I stare at the mass of people … families out with their children, young lovers wandering along arm in arm without a care in the world … groups of men – obviously seamen from the ships

    19. I could hear him purring as he stepped forward to sit on my chest and stare at my face

    20. I stare at Berndt’s back as I follow him along the narrow pathway … concentrating on trying to ignore the growing soreness I feel in my thighs

    21. I stare at him – what does he mean? Can he possibly know why I am here? Surely not

    22. I stare at his back, watching him as he grooms Sefir with a passion, as though dealing with a different entity all together

    23. As I stare at the banks of the wasteg slowly passing, I turn over in my mind why he should have volunteered for the job of escorting me to the Well

    24. I stare at the clock … has Karen told him yet?

    25. He tried not to stare at her across the table

    26. Billy continued to stare at his own painted body

    27. I stare at the papers on the table, hoping for inspiration … Bunty’s in Italy … her father’s selling the shop and, oh yes, Roland’s just gone to Paris

    28. A person could stare at his own

    29. I stare at him completely confused

    30. Chewing on my pen, I stare at the wall in front of me trying to work out where this money is coming from

    31. I stare at the curtains wondering what Dave is doing

    32. Blearily, I stare at the man standing there

    33. We stare at each other like a couple of cats for several minutes, then his expression softens

    34. I get the files out and stare at them not quite knowing where the start

    35. I wake up and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom at the flat feeling lousy and wishing I were dead … for the millionth time I go over in my head the events of last night … everything had been going so well … where had that blazing row materialised from? I grope under my pillow for tissues as I remember how, in a furious temper, I had screamed at Dave that I wasn’t going to stay another minute in his house … and he yelled back that, in that case, I had better bugger off

    36. I drag myself out of bed and stare at my face in the bathroom mirror … what a mess! And now I have to go to the office and face him …

    37. I stare at my hands … my fingers resting on the keyboard, is it really possible that he doesn't want to see me

    38. She knows that she is wired, that she should be freaking out, but all she can do is sit and stare at Leona

    39. and couldn’t help but stare at those terrible yellow

    40. Members of the general public stop and stare at the two of them as they argue

    41. How the hell do I answer that, he thinks? Faces stare at him from the shadows

    42. Sitting there at looms were dozens of fairy ladies, who turned to stare at him, then whispered to each other excitedly

    43. We stare at the view in friendly silence for a few minutes, content to be sitting doing nothing – an unusual occurrence for both of us

    44. We stare at the view in silence for a few minutes, content to be sitting doing nothing – an unusual occurrence for both of us

    45. Both men continued to stare at each other for some

    46. Her heart was racing, as she continued to stare at the portrait

    47. "I—” He dropped his head, to stare at the seat that separated them "I will never hurt you again

    48. continued to stare at each other unflinchingly, until Henri

    49. Heather continued to stare at the awful sight on the arena floor

    50. " Jesse gave him a ride up to the big house, leaving the two of them to stare at each other over the dining room table

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