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    Usar "starlight" en una oración

    starlight oraciones de ejemplo


    1. This is how the heavens broke forth into starlight, how the suns began to burn

    2. Berndt’s concerned eyes upon her, she pulled herself together and strode purposefully over to where Starlight was busily nibbling at the hedgerow

    3. He was busy grooming Starlight – something they had argued about, until he had pointed out that if he couldn’t do something practical, he would go crazy and she had conceded the point – and she was perched on a hay bale watching him

    4. the most complex patterns, in this grand theatre of starlight

    5. In this babble of voices, in this wonder of starlight,

    6. is a grand theatre of starlight,

    7. "The power available from starlight is so low that they couldn't generate visible photons

    8. It reminds Ted of posh hotels and homes where he might once have remained had it not been for the dream of the starlight express

    9. In the starlight, Euredon had a profile that The Maiden’s Odyssey

    10. Was Helez asleep or was she also sitting on her balcony, looking out at the Hanging Gardens in the starlight and thinking about him? He would never know and right now he didn’t care

    11. Who knew what illnesses she had that could spread to Pirate? A trip to the vet for a checkup and a quick fix, and I brought my girl, now named Starlight, home

    12. I brought Starlight home three days later

    13. Fearful Starlight couldn’t withstand an attack, I was determined to keep them apart

    14. Starlight, contentedly surrounded by cat fur, slept pressed against his ample stomach

    15. Starlight is sitting on my lap as I write this

    16. I have two other cats in the house, both boys, but Starlight refuses to give her heart to either one

    17. It was unlike any plant he'd come across before– starlight in colour and cold to the touch

    18. He felt like the starlight shone upon him with the brightness of his God’s light

    19. All we could see was starlight shining upon the desert once more, as if nothing of import had occurred

    20. Now that the trial of the storm had passed they should be able to see the Gates by tomorrow night, with nothing but pure starlight shining upon the sacred walls

    21. It was as if faint light somehow seeped through the walls and the floor, as if starlight somehow crept inside this strange chamber

    22. Before Molo could stand up on his feet, he could see in the still darkness of the night the starlight casting their hard shadows against the sand

    23. The air thickened with alarming speed and the smell grew stronger; then he saw it appear over the crest, strange thin beams of light sprouting from what might have been a head of sorts: a glistening metal hulk glinted under the starlight, uniformly gray and unassumingly blocky, a rectangle slab larger than a man

    24. ―There‘s a cat that looks a lot like Starlight living in the barn here,‖ he said

    25. We drove over, and there was Starlight

    26. to the mountaintop, her way lit by starlight

    27. After a few phone calls to the “top shelf” rehabs in RI, (salaried drunks were not sent to the old Starlight Farms), he called me back before COB to tell me that High Point had accepted me for tomorrow

    28. What came next in the skies’ mysteries? Yes, above the Owl, fragile as she had become, flickered the starlight leaves of the Oak

    29. In its emptiness were starlight and the blackest night, air and earth, water and fire

    30. In the starlight she could make out a little sandy area ahead so she made for that

    31. existence of planets would involve the detection of starlight reflected

    32. starlight consists of many colors by using a prism to separate and

    33. Her silk robes glowed faintly in the starlight

    34. There is a dark spot in the sky, not cloud cover, its edges jagged floating past the billowing white puffs drifting by, a cut through to night, the glint of starlight in its sheet semi obscured by the brightness of the day

    35. Under starlight the earth glows selling out the nature of these pits, the bottomless black of a flooded volcano, red arteries showing the seeping magma at the heart of the system

    36. The night was illuminated by a bright moon that dimmed the starlight, but despite this there was a thin haze of frost over everything

    37. Starlight sparkled on machine gun barrels, helmets, and the empty bullet cartridges that covered the area

    38. In the darkness that the starlight only faintly touched, she could not make out their outlines; she could only sense their attitude of waiting—waiting as they had waited for untold centuries

    39. And as she strained her eyes in the dim starlight, she stiffened, and an icy hand touched her heart

    40. An adjacent parapet was a shadowy line, and further crenelles and embrasures were barely hinted at in the dim starlight

    41. There was no moon; peasant huts rose dimly in the starlight

    42. His teeth glimmered whitely in the starlight

    43. And knowing that armed men were racing through the starlight after him, he did not check the stallion's speed

    44. Through the shadowy gorges and defiles that night there rang the hoofs of galloping horses, and the starlight glimmered on helmets and curved blades, until the ghoulish shapes that haunt the crags stared into the darkness from ravine and boulder and wondered what things were afoot

    45. He lifted his reins and rode out of the defile, his men falling in behind him—thirty ragged phantoms in the starlight

    46. The soft creak of leather, the clink of steel marked their passing, then again the dark mountain slopes lay naked and silent in the starlight

    47. Conan strode through a garden where great pale blossoms nodded in the starlight, and entered the tap-room, where a Stygian with the shaven head of a student sat at a table brooding over nameless mysteries, and some nondescripts wrangled over a game of dice in a corner

    48. This barbaric coiffure had given the head its misshapen appearance in the starlight

    49. Conan caught the glimmer of pale limbs writhing in the starlight, even as, with a convulsive wrench, the captive slipped from the grasp of the brutal fingers and came flying up the road, a supple young woman, naked as the day she was born

    50. They entered a court paved with marble which gleamed whitely in the starlight

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