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    stave off oraciones de ejemplo

    stave off

    1. In despair I tried a new tactic to stave off suffocation

    2. That was just enough to stave off the worst of the depression that cutting off yaag could bring, leaving her functioning but with a sad and quiet air

    3. and to stave off the terrors that visit him

    4. But this time, she could not stave off the DRAFT

    5. After studying the map in the commander’s tent for a few more minutes in a vain effort to stave off boredom, he made his way to the firepit and took a seat

    6. “Let me guess…” Maro shut his eyes as he rubbed his forehead, vainly trying to stave off fresh, stinging pain of his own

    7. I cleaned and dressed the wound as if she were alive, bandaging it tightly in hopes to stave off an infection that would never happen now

    8. Candles and gas lamps burned sporadically, but did little to stave off the depths of the winter night

    9. Though Batista was mixed Black and Chinese, the almost entirely white Cuban elites accepted him as a way to stave off more radical reforms

    10. information in an attempt to stave off return

    11. fairly sure that a bon fire in the front of the cave should stave off

    12. Although he was not able to stave off the destruction of the two cities, the confidence and trust God showed in Abraham helped cement their relationship

    13. He then showed Shawn where to set his oxygen regulator (100 percent oxygen to help stave off motion sickness) and how to press the button on the throttle to talk on the intercom

    14. signs if they want to learn to stave off the migraine

    15. their period as well as the first few days of it can stave off a menstrual

    16. let them know a migraine is coming, white noise can help stave off a

    17. coming, white noise can help stave off a headache

    18. way to stave off the inevitable reciprocal movement of my past actions

    19. After supper, to stave off boredom, they asked what I'd been doing

    20. each other, they could somehow stave off death for themselves

    21. the answer that would stave off fire

    22. They captured the town of Vevi on 10th April and then were ordered to clear resistance from the Kleisoura Pass to the SW of Vevi where Greek and British Commonwealth forces fought bitterly to stave off the invasion

    23. To stave off this infiltrating insanity

    24. They had already used Jason's 401k money and cashed in their life insurance policies trying to stave off the mounting debt

    25. There is no cheating and giving of more information in an attempt to stave off suicide in the next lifetime, for not much about the energy existence is at first readily available to you when you return

    26. As the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to stave off inflation, the firm begins to pay off some of its old debt, attracting equity through its higher EPS

    27. “A peripheral membrane protein,” I noted, trying to stave off her line of inquiry, “we are looking for something more integral

    28. tection could only stave off the negative forces that were

    29. Robert had showed him some flowers he could eat to stave off starvation

    30. Jennings, to stave off defeat

    31. But thanks to the limited clientele in towns, the whores there can stave off the debilitating sexual burden their ilk in the cities have to bear, yet it’s the so-called call-girls that call the shots, more so, in metros; so all of them, being in the same calling are not on the same footing

    32. below and stave off his eventual death

    33. vitamin that has been known to enhance your mood and stave off stress

    34. Isabel lay in a cold bath, a washcloth over her eyes to stave off a pounding headache, in her chambers on the main silver ship

    35. among the giants mitigated the carnage inflicted by bombs and spiked missiles, although they could not stave off injury for all

    36. raiding behavior to stave off the Spanish incursion

    37. But, the powerful spirits of protection could only stave off the negative forces that were currently guarding the Well for a short period of time, and both entrances to the Well had been sealed over once again

    38. The rationale of time! It does take its toll! I, myself, was hardly the super-kid that for a short spell held her marriage together by countering one adultery with another, providing a safety-valve to stave off the disintegration

    39. Why wasn’t Fort Comfort just 35 miles away beset with the same afflictions and deaths and starvation and disease, and rebellion and intrigue and poisoning that the Jamestown Fort suffered? Because it had been built solely to stave off any possibility of attack by the Spanish

    40. Hunting for snakes outside the compound… hunting rats inside the compound in order to stave off starvation

    41. How can humans ever hope to achieve such a utopian, idyllic, state of pure wonder? Just ask yourself: what if instead of being connected to land… or any form of ownership through a blind sense of normality, you were connected to everything through an open-ended, continually expanding sense of Pure Wonder… through a continually expanding awareness? If you remove all fear-pain-boredom-deadness from human existence: what is left? What if there was no fear of death? Then any motivation to stave off the aging process would become pointless

    42. With a social caste system that has refused to change for thousands of years; how else could they give any hope, or meaning to the indentured suffering of hundreds of serfs, slaves, untouchables, and vassals that were still living? What better way to stave off any possibility of social upheaval or rebellion, than to inculcate all its inhabitants into a religion that teaches and glorifies the resignation and acceptance of suffering… by giving them a pie-in-the-sky reason to become resigned to never being able to change their lot in life for better? Teaching the oppressed masses to become resigned to their suffering is basically, what all religions do

    43. He said such behavior in men would do nothing to stave off the Darkness it was in my blood and in my destiny to protect

    44. The destruction of all INNOCENCE, the destruction of all LOVE, the destruction of all HAPPINESS, the destruction of all HEALTH, the destruction of all INTELLIGENCE only occurs when all the minions of hell and Heaven and all the undead spirits of the past are combined in an organized, cooperative effort to stave off their coming demise and extinction

    45. Why did WW1 begin? Because two stuffed Imperial shirts, two royal popinjays suffering from inferiority complexes, had Imperial ambitions of expansion, and the third cousin George was a total boring idiot who could’ve been peacemaker between the two but never even tried to stave off the possibility of war

    46. charities and to stave off the hordes of religious fanatics entreating

    47. In a desperate rush to stave off the inevitable Ellanara whispered out, “I didn’t know! I wouldn’t have come here if I did! I swear it!”

    48. I slammed into something and it was all I could do to stave off unconsciousness

    49. A health food bar will stave off the hunger nicely

    50. The Prophet was very creative in his ways to make a profit and stave off taxes

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