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    Usar "steatite" en una oración

    steatite oraciones de ejemplo


    1. In descending the shaft, sunk perpendicularly in steatite, magnesite, veins of talc, and green translucent asbestus were observed at depths from six to thirty-five feet

    2. The magnesite in which these crystals are found, appears to be composed of carbonate of magnesia, steatite, and talc, disintegrating readily upon exposure to air and moisture: it effervesces considerably in sulphuric acid, forming a very bitter fluid that soon exhibits crystals, indicating that magnesia enters in large proportion into its constitution

    3. Small regular hexaedral crystals of mica, were noticed in steatite

    4. A species of steatite, containing veins of common, indurated, and scaly talc, amianthus, and most of the varieties of asbestus, and some chromate of iron, constitutes the nucleus of the whole mountain range and elevated ground of the eastern division, stamping it as primitive

    5. This steatite approaches, in most places, within a foot and a half of the surface, and appears in small angular loose blocks, wherever the soil has been removed

    6. Steatite is common, and is quarried in Litchfield

    7. The varieties of talc are very common, connected with steatite, cyanite, and chlorite

    8. —, on crystallized steatite, and ores of iron and manganese, v, 249

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