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    Usar "stick one" en una oración

    stick one oraciones de ejemplo

    stick one

    1. He'd always wanted to be a monster since he was little, but Peter had gotten his head beat with the reality stick one too many times (that's what Ma called her favorite cane) and he knew a panhandler was all he'd ever grow up to be

    2. ” I walked away before she could stick one of her pointed fingernails in my eyes, and wandered back to the rear of the building

    3. She was sticking her booty out as far as one could possibly stick ones booty out while shakin’ what her mama had gave her while her boyfriend was standing immediately behind her; spanking her and feigning intercourse with her

    4. clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not stick one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay;

    5. It’s a hollowed out shower curtain rod that you stick one end into the toilet while blowing in the other end to break up the derby

    6. top of the tree and saw Bev stick one of the rods on the left side of the tree

    7. charcoal writing stick one of the elders was using to take

    8. Stick one into

    9. "I will stick one claw into his body, and with the other I will clutch a tree

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