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    Usar "stipulations" en una oración

    stipulations oraciones de ejemplo


    1. stipulations which consist of agreements and promises

    2. Without understanding, the stipulations stated in the

    3. stipulations of this contract

    4. Earned money, retain some stipulations

    5. One of the stipulations she’d insisted on for her office was for no monitoring equipment

    6. officers to carry the stipulations into effect

    7. One of the stipulations is that I don’t want my loved ones to erect a tombstone for me, as I am not there anymore

    8. “The only way freedom of thought and learning can be carried on at the land-grant colleges and state universities in this great country of ours is through dollars given without strings or stipulations

    9. The Board has agreed to Star One’s stipulations

    10. Of course, there were stipulations on this bet

    11. Other Stipulations or Concerns:

    12. had some sort of last minute stipulations ready

    13. With a masterstroke of manupulation he managed to drown the worship of the One Lord in rules, regulations and stipulations

    14. “I think we can arrange that as long as we can agree on a few stipulations

    15. The contract went on to outline the consequences of any breach of the above stipulations

    16. stipulations imposed upon her by the state

    17. She went to him earlier in the day seeking approval to modify her experiment and avoid violating her grant stipulations

    18. § He also revealed the laws of divorce deriving them form the Holy Qur’an, and the way of fulfilling these stipulations and rules in case of recalcitrance (on the part of the wife) and rising of discord between the two mates

    19. ‘However, I do have several stipulations

    20. He also revealed the laws of divorce, deriving them from the Holy Qur’an, and revealed the way to fulfill these stipulations and rules in case of recalcitrance (on the part of the wife) and the rising of discord between the two mates

    21. He also revealed the laws of divorce deriving them form the Holy Qur'an, and the way of fulfilling these stipulations and rules in case of recalcitrance (on the part of the wife) and rising of discord between the two mates

    22. He also revealed the laws of divorce deriving them form the Holy Qur’an, and the way of fulfilling these stipulations and rules in case of recalcitrance (on the part of the wife) and rising of discord between the two mates

    23. clauses and the stipulations and if it doesn't hold up in court, if it falls, I should be the one there to either fix it or take the blame for it

    24. “In considering the development of Hong Kong’s system of representative government before 1997, account must therefore be taken of the relevant stipulations in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the deliberations of the Basic Law Drafting Committee over how those provisions should be implemented after 1997

    25. commodities are covered under stipulations of Selective Credit Control:

    26. confident that if he meets the stipulations his payment for the shipment is

    27. There were some other little bequests and minor stipulations “John Longton will sort out the legal bits” pondered Michael “and no doubt offer unwanted advice as to what I should really be doing with my money

    28. Still the blessed paper went around the table, till Cassius said, “I see there are some stipulations here that are not to the liking of some of us

    29. “It comes with stipulations though

    30. "_I_ ask no questions and make no stipulations

    31. But, before you go, will you, for a moment, steadily attend to me? Don't ask me why I make the stipulations I am going to make, and exact the promise I am going to exact; I have a reason--a good one

    32. Pip, I have done with stipulations

    33. Even though the numbers do prove this, there are stipulations behind what type of stocks are bought

    34. It goes to the same place, with the same stipulations

    35. It can be a sign that a business is becoming financially stressed if it nears certain limits or fails to meet the stipulations of the covenants

    36. I am more astonished at the proposal to discriminate, when we see that, at this moment, orders are in existence blockading countries to which your merchants have, long ago, taken out clearances, in violation of stipulations which Britain had proposed to us

    37. What is the declaration made to the British Minister at this place, by our Secretary of State, on this subject? Is it pretended to enter into any stipulations with Great Britain as to our conduct? No, sir; it is that our measures are adopted on the principle that the Government would assert the rights of our country against any power on the globe, without any reference to pledges

    38. Pinkney, who, previous to affixing their signatures to the treaty concluded by them with the British Commissioners, publicly apprised the Commissioners that they had no authority to bind the Government of the United States, as their instructions did not permit them to conclude a treaty which should not contain stipulations against impressments

    39. They therefore pray that half-pay for life, to commence from the time of the reduction of the Army, may be granted to them, according to the solemn stipulations entered into with them by Congress, by the resolutions before referred to; deducting therefrom the five years' full pay received by them in depreciated paper, by way of commutation

    40. It appears, also, to your committee, that repeated endeavors have been made, at very great expense, to recover the aforesaid property, without any other success than the recovery of a negro child; and that the persons legally entitled to the said property are forever foreclosed from any remedy by which to recover the same, in consequence of the stipulations of the ninth article of a treaty made with the Cherokee Indians on the 2d day of October, 1798, which article is in the following words: "It is mutually agreed between the parties that the horses stolen, and not returned within ninety days, shall be paid for at the rate of sixty dollars each

    41. Possession had been actually and formally delivered, and the stock created and transferred to the French Government, according to the stipulations of the treaty

    42. " Now, if to the Orleans Territory you add the Mississippi Territory, and of the two erect one State, you evidently will not comply either with your stipulations with the French Republic, or with your covenant to the Orleans Territory

    43. And it does appear that he made two several motions in that body, having for their object, as avowed, and as gathered from their nature, an alteration in the constitution, to enable us to comply with the stipulations of that convention

    44. The Federal party declare that, in the event of a war, the State of Vermont will treat separately for itself with Great Britain; and support to the utmost the stipulations into which it may enter, without any regard to the policy of the General Government

    45. At all events, it cannot be necessary to the preservation of peace that Great Britain should make any great concession at the present moment, more especially, as the more important changes that occur in Europe might render it inconvenient for her to adhere to any stipulations in favor of neutral maritime nations

    46. Henry, but he entertained as little that there may have been certain stipulations and conditions which the Executive would feel itself under the strongest obligations of good faith to comply with, and which would exempt the individual making the disclosure from any responsibility of any kind

    47. Did it follow that minor considerations should be placed out of view or yielded up entirely? Would it have been proper for the Government to have entered into no stipulations for the security of American seamen? Would it have been proper in them to have claimed on behalf of our citizens no indemnity for the vast amount of spoliations which have been made on the property of American merchants? Unquestionably not

    48. It is true, that its stipulations did not embrace every subject which we could have wished; and those that were embraced, were not so advantageously settled as might have been done, had we had it in our power to have dictated the terms

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