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    Usar "stomping" en una oración

    stomping oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It was stomping around, waving its elephantine truck through the air

    2. Suddenly there was a loud uproar as the warriors all yelled out a guttural shout of acceptance, stomping their feet and pounding their shields with their spears

    3. The room exploded with shouts and clapping and foot stomping

    4. There was immediate stomping and shouts of “aye” around the Hall

    5. to reclaim their stomping ground—kick ball and hide and seek sprouted in the

    6. Desa did a quick little tinkle, Klegnif’s drone metamorphosed into an orchestra and Alan got blown halfway back to YingolNeerie because suddenly that yandrille was screaming in all colors and the whole room was stomping with it

    7. Brodin stilled the nearest hand, stomping on it with an enormous black boot

    8. The horses held their heads high as they set off willingly, stomping their hooves every now and then in mild frustration that they couldn’t head out at a faster pace

    9. A stomping and crushing of leaves and twigs was

    10. Everybody’s cheering and stomping their feet

    11. With the thumps of another volley of outgoing mortars, I smiled at the likeness of stomping the devil back down to Hell

    12. Maple stomping around the building all winter, wondering what was eating her ferns

    13. Before William could answer, the stomping of an approaching horse nearly caused him to flee

    14. Stomping back, Rocky retrieved his handcuffs but with such ill humour that my fingers tingled for hours afterwards

    15. He grated to a halt, scanned the building until he saw her and jumped purposely from the big four-by-four, slamming the door behind and stomping across the exercise yard

    16. “I only have these, they’ll be okay,” she answered, stomping her feet in a little demonstration of their versatility

    17. stomping the life out of the evil looking beasties

    18. His insight let her back with the feeling of being completely naked, a little child stomping the ground hard to get her way

    19. she had to be near her old stomping ground

    20. Junya started stomping him, and Kholi

    21. My top rock had turned into crazy top rock stomping

    22. Nothing very flashy or stylistic just stomping like a soldier in a combat zone while swaying from side to side

    23. ” (I’m a big brave mouse, watch me stomping through the house, and there’s nothing that I’m scared of… besides a cat… and strange noises in the night… and… and…) I’m acting out the various roles of this hilarious piece with voice and movements

    24. kicked the gun from his hand, stomping on the man’s face as he

    25. Max got up and pretended to be angry stomping about

    26. especially if they happened to be roaming about in a typically white stomping ground like

    27. Approving of the violent entertainment, the people start hooting and stomping the floor

    28. As said earlier, these areas, which coincide with my own stomping grounds, are along the Atlantic Coast

    29. tossing his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it with

    30. Just then, Pete came in, stomping his boots to clear the snow

    31. The cheering, stomping pandemonium in the mammoth convention hall continued

    32. “Right now they're a bunch of goobers straight off the farm, stomping around making a lot of dust

    33. The sound boots stomping around the corner drew both of

    34. So people were laughing, stomping on the pieces of paper, and overflowing in joy in expectation of what God was releasing into these situations

    35. He saw Dawley scrambling on the ground, then stomping back to where Bailey was hanging

    36. Finlay, Kenric, little Logan and his wolfhound Mialchu were at the stable gathered around the impatient, stomping ponies

    37. Zach waited until the sound of Ma’s stomping footsteps had faded, and then pulled the apple from Bryony’s mouth

    38. He moaned, stomping his foot so hard it came off

    39. and the monster burst into flames, turning and stomping, suddenly

    40. I could hear Bloodstained Blade stomping his way back down the

    41. Instantly he felt feet stomping his body and head then he heard gunshots and the young hooligans scattered

    42. and he chilling with the nigga I had beef with instead of us both stomping that nigga out

    43. The black Ryders came on their huge horses, stomping and tearing up the forest for David and the others

    44. The symbols of Baja glowed all over the Buddha, it seemed to want to wrestle with the children; stomping its feet as if it was ready to attack

    45. ‘By Christ but I hate that bastard,’ he hissed through his teeth, picking up the jeans, stomping along the hallway, throwing open Lances door, switching on the light and slamming the stinking mess into his sleeping son’s face

    46. “But nothing!” the director yelled over his shoulder, stomping towards the interrogation room

    47. to say that failing students was as unpleasant as stomping chicks with bare feet

    48. Stomping across the hall, he struck Travis on the shoulder

    49. So, in February 1972, I transferred in my job and moved back to my old Navy stomping grounds

    50. We gave those two a fairly evil beating and as we left I could see the girls stomping them with high heels as they walked by

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