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    Usar "stressful" en una oración

    stressful oraciones de ejemplo


    1. You can't change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to these events

    2. Our understanding of the human stress response has been based on the "fight-or-flight" model, which states that when confronted with a stressful situation, humans either will respond with aggressive behavior or will withdraw

    3. A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

    4. Thousands of generations ago, fleeing or fighting in stressful situations was not a good option for a female who was pregnant or taking care of offspring, and women who developed and maintained social alliances were better able to care for offspring in stressful times

    5. Men are more likely than women to respond to stressful experiences by developing certain stress-related disorders, including hypertension, aggressive behavior, or abuse of alcohol, or hard drugs

    6. Men also have very strong tendencies to conceal stressful things

    7. Besides, people of the Type A persuasion will create their own stressful situations

    8. Reducing stress levels in these cases, then, requires not an elimination of stressful situations (which is impossible), but a change in the way stress is handled

    9. That would have been a stressful maneuver in a fighter with a pulse-pinch

    10. I debate, more as a means of keeping myself awake, whether this journey is better or worse than that one was … coming the conclusion that although this one is cleaner and marginally less stressful, in many ways there is not a lot to choose between them

    11. This could prove to be a highly stressful and volatile situation

    12. If weekends are stressful for you, then it's probably not a good choice

    13. Children that have stressful and difficult lives are

    14. a stressful world all chemicals are not used but abused

    15. and stressful few days

    16. This new approach was far less stressful and far more empowering

    17. a stressful day at school and just needed to vent I guess

    18. It was two of the most stressful hours of our holiday

    19. Jeeves potions at a time as stressful as this

    20. Providing customer support can be a stressful job

    21. What was once a fairly lucrative career with good commissions had turned into a stressful undertaking that didn’t begin to cover their expenses every month

    22. You know how it goes, right? Jobs that have become a burdening, stressful weight rather than a joyous opportunity to learn and contribute; once vibrant relationships gone sour yet clung to in a monotonous and abject state of surrender; and unending financial woes that in great part are self-generated due to an insatiable purchasing hunger that feeds on itself like the viral monster that it is

    23. This stressful void makes many

    24. That had also been stressful as, even though the commander was a direct government employee, he knew she was going to face the brunt of the upset the government’s evacuation plan was going to cause

    25. On the other hand it has been said one person can find golf relaxing, while another individual might think it the most stressful sport in the universe

    26. ” Ted left our dugout and went back to his own and we got our heads down as it had been a pretty stressful night

    27. “I’m not good in stressful circumstances

    28. It‘s a necessary diversion that draws our attention away from the stressful anxieties associated with our everyday lives

    29. “Our treatment does not require the sterility of an operating room, and we have found that our patients are much more comfortable in a less stressful environment

    30. There was another stressful hour of tears, apologies and fury before Herminia’s departure returned peace to her room – and perhaps a bit of boredom

    31. Keep in mind that the presidency is an enormously stressful job

    32. Christine was coming down from a stressful day

    33. Perception is key to this as (technically!) situations are not stressful in their own right

    34. responsibilities stressful now, doesn't mean that they will ALWAYS

    35.  The most recent stressful event you have experienced

    36. Stefan, a spiritual man and former psychotherapist said he decided to get away from a stressful life, at the age of 50, and do something completely different

    37. He and Cara had spent a very stressful hour until they left the Caymans

    38. And it was very stressful for me

    39. mentally and physically; kick-back, and have a rest from the stressful

    40. “Why is moving always so painful?” I haven’t had much experience, but every time one of my friends has moved, it was stressful

    41. First of all, Liam’s mind had to build his behavioral system without the necessary tools and in a stressful and unnatural environment

    42. If instead, they are required to gain visibility and construct an identity, which I call safe zones, they become highly stressful, never-ending challenges that are unable to bring any long-lasting satisfaction

    43. Our identity will be based on our real self; therefore, beauty, wealth, and power will be a free choice, not a stressful need

    44. Now I don't do it, but I am responsible for it and believe me, that is far more stressful

    45. The whole episode took about twenty seconds, but what a stressful

    46. go, which is high production work under stressful conditions

    47. Because of the stressful times with Jenkins, I had abandoned my habit of having Dixie make me a brown bag lunch to eat at my desk

    48. Even in stressful situations a

    49. In one such study, for example, scientists at the University of California at Irvine reported in 1998 in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine that men with highly stressful jobs had systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings that were approximately 10 points higher than those with less stressful jobs

    50. If your morning was stressful and hectic, but you were able to sit quietly for 20 minutes after lunch, celebrate that

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