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    1. amounts, premiums paid by those with private insurance subsidize these benefits

    2. payments subsidize about 60% of nursing home residents and about 37% of all

    3. insurance to help subsidize Medicare and Medicaid?

    4. The problem with the civil war was that the north, which benefited from cheap cotton prices and other raw goods from the south (and had a lot of wealth) didn’t propose to subsidize the south with the removal of slavery

    5. Only a dysfunctional system would sue tobacco companies and subsidize tobacco growers at the same time

    6. Yet rather than keep up with the times and invent entirely new technology and infrastructure (as such things are highly illegal) everyone in Kroonum was forced to subsidize ridiculous alterations to the ladder, to the point where some ‘ladders’ are not ladders at all, aside from a few obligatory rungs here and there

    7. 15 Ironically, Medicaid"s overspending tendencies are largely in the area of long-term care for elderly, whose costs should arguably not even be a part of this program; it would have been far cheaper to simply subsidize the purchase

    8. “But why would a government, even the Canadian government, subsidize a doomed industry?”

    9. Your contribution is based on your ability to subsidize payment for a specific plan you have subscribed to upon enrollment and how long you have contributed for the said plan

    10. “Perhaps not, but you could say that you will not continue to subsidize the monks unless they manage their

    11. But no piety compels me to subsidize a bridge

    12. Some third-world governments, desperate for dollars and trying to avoid social unrest, may subsidize production, paying locals in a worthless local currency and dumping their product on the world market

    1. As a Roman Catholic, I too am oftentimes offended by gratuitous Christian bashing that has become commonplace in the Motion Picture Industry, for example, and among second rate, dysfunctional ―artists‖, (subsidized at tax-payer expense), whose Christian points of view are intentionally designed to (publicly) offend not only their primary target (Christians) but other religiously minded individuals who take religious matters seriously

    2. The government over there subsidized military aviation engineers to design some pretty good toys

    3. 136 subsidized farmers live in Beverly Hills, CA

    4. Washington, DC is the home of 62 farmers and 80 subsidized farmers live on the lower East side of

    5. What it prohibits is the establishment by Congress of a single nation wide religion sponsored, subsidized, or enforced by law

    6. Even though they all called me Barbie now, I can’t complain much; at leased the hostility has subsidized

    7. In the fall of 1980, soon after the two boys settled in the Fernández home, subsidized by the Department of Social Services of Orange County, Josie became very concerned about the lack of religious materials in Spanish for the Hispanic community in the Diocese of Orange

    8. It is history that some business entities were indeed conniving and dishonest, but with closer scrutiny those were usually subsidized by government and inescapably suffered consequences

    9. Some wanted to be subsidized by government, but others chose to take risks and apply engine power to boating enterprise by free-market methods

    10. Vanderbilt chose not to challenge the subsidized lines through Panama

    11. He cut the California fare from $600 charged by the subsidized lines to $150 and carried the mail free

    12. The political entrepreneurs favored subsidized monopolies and federal aid, and in the steamship industry their actions led to price-fixing, technological stagnation, and the bribing of competitors and politicians

    13. In almost every instance of government-subsidy, the subsidized businesses ultimately failed

    14. A major exception to the subsidized railroad men was James J

    15. The subsidized lines could not do all that

    16. Subsequently, he had lower fixed costs than his subsidized competitors

    17. subsidized by the privately insured

    18. But I suppose that is the price one pays for government subsidized free health care

    19. I felt drunk by the spirit of adventure, as well as those Spanish explorers, subsidized by the Spanish Isabel Queen, that sailed in ships plying the endless seas, around 1700, in search of new territories

    20. "Unless the place is subsidized, it's doomed to an early bankruptcy

    21. These services were neither government run nor subsidized, but rather flourished as part of the free enterprise system with full-scale bus companies operating in harmony with jitneys and taxis

    22. If a study shows a chemical to be ineffective, and if you’re the scientist making this discovery and turn it over to your boss, who is subsidized by a company that produces this material, you may be asked to moderate the conclusion of the study, ignoring the truth

    23. College education should be free and subsidized by the government

    24. So I’m bothered by dental costs and think that they should be regulated down for poorer people and not subsidized

    25. Even the big oil, gas and coal companies are subsidized

    26. What I have in mind is to use some of those food counters, preferably run by our own people, to serve either free or subsidized food to the certified needy people of Toulouse and to the less wealthy merchants and visitors to this market

    27. ‘’Do not fear, mister: the accommodations for visiting merchants at the Novotel Inn are subsidized, to encourage commerce

    28. Cornubia will comprise fully subsidized houses for the indigent (those that qualify for a provincial housing subsidy), affordable housing for low-income housing (rental) as well as middle to high-income bonded housing

    29. Approximately half the site will accommodate affordable housing - with fully subsidized housing comprising 30% of the total project

    30. private mortgage debt – a significant portion of which is for their own have it your way Islands and ownership has its privileges Vanity States, complete with private security trained and subsidized by your paid for, but not owned, controlled, nor for your benefit military

    31. A subsidized loan is a loan on which the interest is reduced by an explicit or

    32. the Royal Palace; it is subsidized by the government and is

    33. Then, there is quota for subsidized liquor

    34. “government subsidized apartments for the poor

    35. subsidized apartment for the poor

    36. But the issue of pollution is continually swept under the carpet and ignored since all large industries are subsidized on a massive scale through preferential legislation, through tax laws being written specifically for the benefit of the rich, through countless other ways… simply because it is the nature of the capitalistic beast to do so

    37. In other countries the cost of education is subsidized by their government but this is not so everywhere

    38. Two types of Stafford graduate loans exist: subsidized and unsubsidized

    39. For subsidized Stafford graduate loans, the government pays the interest

    40. The tobacco companies have launched powerful counter attacks and heavily subsidized

    41. George Pocock and Al Ulbrickson strongly suspected, though, that the Nazi government had heavily subsidized their extensive training

    42. Ulbrickson figured they, like the German boys, had likely been subsidized by the fascist government that had sent them to the games

    43. And didn’t the Medicis underwrite Raphael? Hadn’t his own father subsidized the Rothko kids’ therapy bills? “A little lower,” he told the art hanger, a blue-eyed ectomorph who, two years out of Bennington, was clocking sixty-five dollars an hour

    44. Annual out-of-pocket limits are also subsidized as long as your income falls below the 400% mark

    45. Under Silver-level plans, both health care premiums and out-of-pocket maximums are subsidized (assuming your income falls within 400% of the federal poverty limit)

    46. After all, not only are you paying a monthly premium, but you may also have a subsidized out-of-pocket limit that eliminates annual health care expenses beyond a certain point

    47. Competition from abroad, sometimes subsidized by governments or able to take advantage of labor costs many times lower than their domestic counterparts, drained the value out of the bricks, mortar, and equipment of these firms

    48. Throughout much of the world, farming is highly subsidized and regulated through a byzantine system of quotas and other restrictions

    49. It became a matter of deliberation whether a peace should be purchased of them with money and presents; whether some European power should be subsidized to keep a few frigates on that station, or whether a naval force should be equipped for the purpose (as alleged) of enabling the President to negotiate to better effect

    1. subsidizes the keeping of donkeys

    2. There are no special treatments made for Section 8 tenants, except for the fact that the government subsidizes a part of thir monthly rent

    1. Our society should be addressing such issues in a straight-forward manner, instead of (indirectly) subsidizing such behavior on the chance that the problem(s) will magically disappear on their own accord or by making feeble excuses that may score political points in some circles; whose implausible assumptions, however, are likely to enflame passions

    2. However, in encouraging the development of alternative energy we should stop subsidizing that

    3. Tridents subsidizing the 688’s

    4. What I logically fear is that the federal government’s enactment of Medicare and Medicaid thirty-eight years ago and its congressional starting and subsidizing the early Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), which are failing with serious consequences, will nonetheless give justification to those ‘liberal’ types to push for government to ride in to “solve” the mess by taking over with a form of nationalized (socialized) medicine

    5. The Rikken Yoseikai Party had been subsidizing his bribes and secret wire-transfers to his account in the Cayman Islands, but that would soon stop

    6. They think that they are still subsidizing us, when in fact it is the 35

    7. Politicians have no business interfering with the free market by subsidizing farmers with

    8. not to grow crops, thereby subsidizing their private hunting clubs and other uses to which the idle land is often put

    9. “We had to sink hundreds of millions of pounds into the development of a successor to our disappointing LIGHTNING jet fighter, after it was shown to be outclassed by the American F-83, and now you want me to spend even more on defense? Do I need to remind you that we also spent a fortune subsidizing our airlines and our aircraft industries, which were on the verge of bankruptcy because the new American jet airliners were so superior to anything we produced?”

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