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    sum total oraciones de ejemplo

    sum total

    1. This was the sum total of my life for four days: mute acceptance punctuated by brief moments of dumb, brute defiance

    2. Refusing to eat, refusing to cry out when Smiler dug his elbow into my side as we walked down the corridor, was the sum total of my defiance

    3. ’ She said, looking round the kitchen as though adding what she can see to the sum total of her knowledge of her twin

    4. The sum total of her life

    5. concept in Indian philosophy refers to the sum total of one’s

    6. But as it obstructs the natural increase of capital, it tends rather to diminish than to increase the sum total of the revenue which the inhabitants of the country derive from the profits of stock ; a small profit upon a great capital generally affording a greater revenue than a great profit upon a small one

    7. new thoughts and therefore add to the sum total of

    8. It adds nothing to the value of the sum total of the rude produce of the land

    9. Instead of increasing the value of that sum total, it is a charge and expense which must be paid out of it

    10. In what manner, according to this system, the sum total of the annual produce of the land is distributed among the three classes above mentioned, and in what manner the labour of the unproductive class does no more than replace the value of its own consumption, without increasing in any respect the value of that sum total, is represented by Mr Quesnai, the very ingenious and profound author of this system, in some arithmetical formularies

    11. Every such encroachment, every violation of that natural distribution, which the most perfect liberty would establish, must, according to this system, necessarily degrade, more or less, from one year to another, the value and sum total of the annual produce, and must necessarily occasion a gradual declension in the real wealth and revenue of the society ; a declension, of which the progress must be quicker or slower, according to the degree of this

    12. Then the Elusivers: imperious and omnipotent to his younger self, but not without benevolence, showing him what was intended to represent the sum total of human experience

    13. An individual represents the sum total of his or her composite beliefs

    14. We are the sum total of all our life experiences

    15. "When death comes," explains Roy Gillett, "the sum total of negativity in our mind automatically attracts us through the swoon of darkness to a new life that suits that negativity exactly

    16. It is but the shadow of the mind, the sum total of memories

    17. was the sum total of reality

    18. The sum total of these flashes creates the illusion of

    19. It is the sum total

    20. M: If the manifested is the sum total of all actual experiences,

    21. The state is the sum total of the laws, and the laws are the state in action, the legal order

    22. that even if the crew had the sum total of all the surgical

    23. The sum total of these four factors are the primary root of the anger and

    24. She is prosecuted and demands are issued for an arbitrary and fictitious sum totalling twenty times the amount she siphoned off

    25. That was more or less the sum total of the Stirling ‘Queer Scene’

    26. Recorded in these ledgers is the sum total of his assets

    27. According to James, the self is "the sum total of all that he can call bis, not only bis body and his psychic process, but his dothes and his house, his wife and his children,

    28. As we react to our fears and form judgments, beliefs, and opinions, we add layer upon layer to this Ego (each layer with its own false identity) and the sum total of these layers creates the overall identity, the personality construct we call ‗I

    29. Within your SOUL lies the sum total of your EXISTENCE

    30. be spending a year of their lives with me, and this was the sum total of

    31. spreadsheet is a reflection of the sum total of those specifics I

    32. You are the sum total of what you have thought so you are the one who will keep hearing all this negative energy about your life!

    33. The sum total of all the probable realities which branch off from a person’s present lifetime is what William Butler Yeats termed the “Body of Fate

    34. The sum total of pleasures of the whole world is nothing when compared to the bliss derived through concentration and meditation

    35. “So the sum total of all those years of negotiation has been virtually nothing,” said Sir Robin

    36. The sum total of freedom of religious instruction is that the State, in true secular spirit, is expected to keep itself away from it in the physical sense

    37. the sum total of the biological burden placed on the biological filter in an aquarium

    38. integrally connected, as the sum total of the credit transactions during the month

    39. It is sum total of all the goodness and high ideals of humanity

    40. sum total of length of sides and angle of corners when divided

    41. The two point connecting material combine as a sum total of 50 making the square thereof 10 50 + 50 = 100½= 10

    42. The law of Pythagoras states that the sum total of the square of the two sides in a rectangular triangle will always be equal to square of the perpendicular side

    43. This huge wave of commercialism where nothing can survive unless it is sold, commercialized and corrupted; is merely the sum total of the accumulated greed of an accumulated human population: nothing more

    44. Put that together with the need to accumulate, the arbitrary randomness of human creativity, the need to survive inside the accumulation of civilization, the tendency to preserve, perpetuate, glorify, worship, value things pyramidally, the pyramidal dynamic of the four major aspects of human accumulation: knowledge-power-wealth-fame and you get the sum total of all human activity

    45. ” This other side was the sum total of all those places various humans throughout time have spoken of and usually were deemed crazy, places where they met spirits, had psychic experiences, and so on

    46. upon layer to this ego – each layer with its own false identity – and the sum total of these

    47. “A greater power than the sum total of its parts,” Woole said, liking the idea

    48. This conclusion is largely the result of failing to grasp that space-time is not the sum total of our

    49. an arbitrary and fictitious sum totalling twenty times the amount she

    50. I may not be happy with the sum total of my life’s achievements and experiences, but it wasn’t God’s fault

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