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    Usar "supposedly" en una oración

    supposedly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The very act of giving something away that supposedly belongs to you causes you to experience happiness

    2. Schools of spiritual development are no different to the army: They teach you how to fight but never for your personal interest; it is always for a supposedly superior authority

    3. "That's just it, when I asked her what I was supposedly protecting Alcazar from, that's is what she gave me

    4. Yes, we tracked them to that asteroid belt where they supposedly were hiding a laboratory

    5. That particle was supposedly entangled with a photon they had received in the message bringing this data

    6. I followed them from a distance for two hours as they supposedly had a track to follow

    7. but unsure of the reasons why they were accompanying a supposedly

    8. The then-Captain Markham had attained a supposedly

    9. They supposedly buried the guy right there in the

    10. fixed it up, supposedly cleaning the mud vein out

    11. Then one day in His infinite wisdom, God supposedly knocked Paul off a horse and basically said; using the other name for Paul: He said "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" So I think our school was named after St

    12. Its first level was an herbal shop -- supposedly medicinal herbs though their primary medication was chopa -- while the second level was housing space, strictly rented to addicts in order for the dealers to keep their customers in arms reach

    13. mother (also a Christian) supposedly found the True

    14. Allow me to add that if Jesus supposedly preached eternal torture, as many

    15. She allegedly assigned a task force of our finest warriors to set up a colony not too far distant from Lascor---so that their activities could possibly be traced to us---and those activities were supposedly to include the random acts of kindness and charity towards any with whom they made contact

    16. The other one made a move to grab Senta's shirt, supposedly to kick her out

    17. That little fleet of three were supposedly being tracked to the Ying system and from there they expected a new course thirty light-years on to that cluster that was home to Tenrith

    18. Not long after the convergence, the supposedly unthinkable major events came into fruition, such as the following:

    19. Thus every time a supposedly good idea crops up, it will be shot down with doubts or fear by the ego

    20. In the years he’d been supposedly under their supervision, he was learning how to circumvent their security systems

    21. The other one is supposedly a friend

    22. He was supposedly packing his belongings

    23. But since even in this supposedly safest of places her life

    24. Torbin’s past, with all its supposedly great achievements, humiliating failures, and life-encumbering worries, would not even be a footnote – in the universal scale

    25. If Evolutionists then make use of the word “Design”, when referring to specific aspects in organisms that supposedly came about by chance, they in fact acknowledge that a designer, having in mind the skilful execution of a plan to put together a work of art with a specific purpose, was behind the subject that they are discussing

    26. The exact place where the imagined man supposedly sat

    27. When asked by a girlfriend whether she had yet had sex with her fiancée, supposedly replied: „Not according to my father

    28. He is supposedly some sort of genius

    29. One who risks his life in attacking armed troops of the reigning administration to which they are, justly or unjustly, opposed, and not to be confused with a terrorist, who murders innocent civilians, including unarmed men, women, and children, in a supposedly just cause

    30. Under the strange law currently in effect, a perpetrator is punished for what he (supposedly) thinks as well as for what he does

    31. Dreamer who thinks it appropriate for him to expound on every conceivable subject except that on which he is supposedly an expert

    32. It is recounted that, during his 1984 presidential run, when he was asked what he would do about defense, his reply supposedly was that he would paint it the same color as de house

    33. What we have here is nothing more than a gutless wonder, who supposedly doesn"t know where he was born

    34. Small lake in the center of Washington State where, supposedly, the Queen"s handmaidens discovered the infant Moses in a basket made of bulrushes

    35. Sharia, supposedly derived from his and his followers" teachings, is the furthest thing from traditional morality

    36. One, Israel conquered and survived, and two, the Palestinians were dispersed throughout the region, with absolutely no support from the defeated Arab governments that had supposedly supported them

    37. Although having allegedly died in an accident thirty-two years ago, he was now working to thwart a sinister conspiracy from some supposedly secretive group above the highest known echelons of power

    38. Supposedly, if you listen to those of the left, one of America"s greatest living philosophers

    39. A disgusting example of a supposedly civilized human

    40. Beware this breed, for he often masquerades as a philosopher, who supposedly has mastered the fine art of

    41. Still coughing from (supposedly) swallowed water, Monique stumbled through

    42. She was supposedly in on a pickpocket scam with him, and when he was caught, he told

    43. was asking about a gun running operation that was supposedly running out of Hustle

    44. Maldynado was supposedly leading a fencing practice, though copious amounts of chatter punctuated the clanks of metal

    45. I phoned his parents’ house at least three times and they had not heard from him since he’d left earlier in the day, supposedly to come to me

    46. The only sign that two people who had supposedly loved each other lived there was the large framed photo of us on our wedding day

    47. ―rough housing‖ supposedly favors bigger, stronger, more athletic types at the expense (chagrin) of other children who, lacking the necessary corporeal endowments or, as they relate to musical chairs, quick feet and agility, (often) find themselves unable to compete at a higher level

    48. This defective reasoning, of course, does not admit a (conflicting) Higher Moral Authority that otherwise ―informs‖ a society whose members have (supposedly) been reduced to the lowest common denominator; material beings or high grade machines lacking moral and spiritual substance; guided solely by pre-determined dynamics subject to their (own) unitary laws

    49. US President McKinley ordered the conquest and betrayal of the Filipino people they were supposedly there to liberate in what is variously called the Filipino War, the Filipino Insurrection, or the US-Philippines War

    50. Often the claim is that the A-bombs were necessary to force a supposedly very fanatic population to surrender

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    Sinónimos para "supposedly"

    purportedly supposedly evidently apparently just as though as though presumably