Usar "sustainment" en una oración
sustainment oraciones de ejemplo
1. It is but a shallow haste which concludeth insincerity from what outsiders call inconsistency—putting a dead mechanism of "ifs" and "therefores" for the living myriad of hidden suckers whereby the belief and the conduct are wrought into mutual sustainment
2. Very slight matters were enough to gall him in his sensitive mood, and the sight of Dorothea driving past him while he felt himself plodding along as a poor devil seeking a position in a world which in his present temper offered him little that he coveted, made his conduct seem a mere matter of necessity, and took away the sustainment of resolve
3. For my own part, I regretted your alliance with my brotherin-law's family, which has always been of prodigal habits, and which has already been much indebted to me for sustainment in its present position