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    Usar "syllogism" en una oración

    syllogism oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I find it interesting that the major premise in a syllogism, that paragon of deductive logic, is always an instance of induction, which itself can never give an absolute truth

    2. Why? Because his syllogism, in its major premise, presupposed the conclusion

    3. � We can say that this green food comes to us as an exception to the meaning perspective, but that doesn't work well because the power of the meaning perspective, of the syllogism, comes in the absolute nature of the premise

    4. � If not all of something, the premise, the syllogism has little or nothing to say

    5. [52] Prejudice generally operates as a syllogism in which the premise offers a false assumption, often the product of a meaning perspective

    6. [125] We can also notice that meaning perspective, highly related to prejudice, often if not always works as a syllogism

    7. afterwards, this syllogism: that it was necessary for the public good to get rid of the marshal of the province; that to get rid of the marshal it was necessary to have a majority of votes; that to get a majority of votes it was necessary to secure Flerov’s right to vote; that to secure the recognition of Flerov’s right to vote they must decide on the interpretation to be put on the act

    8. She reflected; and with her acute memory for the letter of Angel Clare's remarks, even when she did not comprehend their spirit, she recalled a merciless polemical syllogism that she had heard him use when, as it occasionally happened, he indulged in a species of thinking aloud with her at his side

    9. The customary reasoning on this point may be stated in the form of a syllogism, as follows:

    10. Logic is mingled with convulsion, and the thread of the syllogism floats, without breaking, in the mournful storm of thought

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