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    Usar "thankfulness" en una oración

    thankfulness oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Thankfulness floods through me as the chant ebbs and flows; how long we stand there, I have no idea … it doesn’t matter

    2. That fearful “Golgotha,” the slaves, and the terrible rites of human sacrifice: there was little room for pity; rather for thankfulness that the corrupt rule had come to an end at last; that Kumassi, henceforth, would not be a place to associate with deeds of cruelty and blood; and that in time, the thousands of Ashanti subjects would gain confidence, emerging from the cloud of a bloody fetish worship, to be taught a measure of self-respect by the presence of the English flag now floating over their head

    3. Back in my bunk for four hours of sleep, thankfulness

    4. The Nungs sat with folded arms intoning silent prayers of thankfulness to Phuc Po

    5. God Himself rejoices in thankfulness over every righteous word that comes forth from our lips! He is truly the most thankful that any being could possibly be, and the source of all thanksgiving throughout all of His creation! Thankfulness is not just a vocal expression, it is a state of being

    6. Thankfulness is a heart attitude that shows our appreciation for the things that God does in our life, whether big or small

    7. God loves a thankful heart because it reflects His heart! The more thankful we are, the more the attribute of thankfulness will overflow in and through our lives

    8. Thankfulness is a great way to regularly remind the Lord, and ourselves, of all the good things He has done for us

    9. Like thankfulness, praise is meant to be a lifestyle, not just something we do

    10. Thankfulness in my heart, I just could and still cannot explain

    11. the thankfulness that they were great, that they

    12. Sharon and I ate our meal with complete thankfulness and in

    13. This is a time for celebration, thankfulness, and

    14. I seized the opportunity with thankfulness and regarded the words of Mater as a

    15. How do I do it? By thanking Him, so we develop a heart of gratitude and thankfulness

    16. So thankfulness or gratitude, being thankful and praise, praising God, speaking and declaring His works, and declaring who He is, and what He's done; when we do that we are giving honour to God, see? That's why we start the service this way, because we use our tongues and our bodies to express honour to God, and the interesting thing is, God has promised to inhabit the praises, to come in - He said if you want to come into my presence, the key is thankfulness and praise

    17. This would be cause for eternal thankfulness indeed

    18. For myself, I can only say that, on a calm retrospect of the last fifty years, I see so many causes for national thankfulness, that I find it hard to know what I should select, and where to begin

    19. (a) First and foremost among the reasons for thankfulness, let me mention the stainless and blameless personal character which our gracious Sovereign has borne during the long fifty years of her reign

    20. The motivation of sharing the goodness of God, is that we have been blessed by God; so when you continue to stay in a place of gratitude and thankfulness, you can intentionally set aside some of your resources for this work of the poor, and the unsaved

    21. There was a mood of thankfulness, not unlike a new birth in a

    22. their perceived love was thankfulness or merely infatuation

    23. That is, “as long as you persist in your current state – whereby you have a lack of gratitude for God’s Graces, a lack of thankfulness for His Favour, and distance from Him in spiritual terms – you will never follow my way; nor will your spirits be satisfied with doing good actions

    24. But to say I really want to love you minute in and day out and with each exhale and waking up and greet the other with the thankfulness our existence should always be to us and others, is this a life worth trying?

    25. And this my gift: thankfulness

    26. Here we are – here – again, here, this day – this first day, with ten years of thankfulness in hand, our treasure from imaginary journeys into dreamings of living a decade in this Love

    27. thankfulness for the gifts of the earth

    28. They learned this from the root's digestion of the tunneling bug; the bird's ingestion of the strawberry's fruit; the lizard's good fortune in the unguarded nest; the cat's playful snack on a clawed reptile shish kabob; and their thankfulness for the curiosity of their dinner, who had wandered quite wondrously into the path of their hungrily tossed net

    29. “This is the sacredness of the holy-day's that are upon us: give so that others have the privilege, joy, and thankfulness of being able to also give

    30. “Life with you, my heart, is a daily feast of the thankfulness of being alive

    31. Did they freely bring it to you and are they thankful for you having requested, demanded, and insisted upon its production? Does every table leading to yours abound with the same thankfulness that yours does? Does the child picking the cocoa beans smile like the child Butterfinger crunching on your porch threatening, “Trick-or-Treat!”?

    32. Expectation, like obligation, mocks thankfulness by being shackled to ingratitude

    33. To see one thankful, what greater thankfulness can the gifter receive and experience?

    34. receive with thankfulness you cease to own

    35. Life received as gift is living with thankfulness

    36. Thankfulness is the foundation of sharing

    37. A life of thankfulness is a lifestyle of gift-giving

    38. Do you hear the first with a sufferer's travail and the second with a complainer's lack? Why not the first with the incredulous tone of the fortunate's humble thankfulness, and the latter with the survivor's guilt turned joyful giver? Why did I win the lottery; why did I lose a leg? Rewarded?

    39. “This is what allowed ancient humans to survive on basically monocultural diets: the thankfulness for the presence, abundance, and/or diversity of the single food item

    40. Thankfulness, which is the beginning of psychological and spiritual health, is the blessing that feeds the self

    41. Whenever we eat without thanks we both inhibit the absorption of nutrients, while also poisoning ourselves with whatever emotion is inhibiting our thankfulness

    42. An irregular diet consistently received with thankfulness is healthier for the total self than a regular organic diet constantly received with a variety of negative emotions

    43. “If the food isn't perfect, but your heart welcomes it with thankfulness, the body can turn stone into soup

    44. “Does your perception of it change the tone and object of what you pray for? What does thankfulness pray for?” some were even receiving their own URhomeland file as answer to the question of the speaker's identity

    45. “Is it to have moreful or for others to be full? Your spirit is taught by the tongue of your prayers and the mouth of your thankfulness or ungratefulness

    46. “Eat slowly, silently savor, meditate on thankfulness, rejoice for community

    47. So, thank one another for being here and be thankful for what we are sharing together, and in this way we create an environment of health that blesses each of us daily with its breath of thankfulness

    48. – and transformed them into sacred time: the moment when the wonder of being eclipses the gravity of life and death functionality to create the metaphysical aesthetic of beauty – from awe thankfulness

    49. His gratitude and expression of thankfulness strengthened him

    50. He sees life as a reward won, not gift given, thus he treasures fortune and not the thankfulness of being fortunate

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    Sinónimos para "thankfulness"

    appreciativeness gratefulness thankfulness gratitude appreciation recognition acknowledgment valuation