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    Usar "throwaway" en una oración

    throwaway oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I gave him a key, and he passed off to me his throwaway whores when he was finished

    2. Trolling for guns was not a throwaway line

    3. This is a throwaway car

    4. Remember we’re not trying to stock up on throwaway tools; we want to buy the tools that will last through many projects

    5. If you have the freedom to throw away whatever does not instantly please and gratify you right away: then you develop a throwaway culture

    6. The throwaway dynamic of consumerism is no longer a choice; it is compulsory

    7. Throwaway cameras, throwaway bags, throw-away paper towels, throw-away anything made of a cheap material that is not designed to be used very long

    8. ’ He adopted the expansive, man of the world air again, and, with a throwaway gesture, said, blandly, ‘I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances, Rafferty, a lot of them young women, as your investigations have no doubt revealed

    9. He had a few bob on Throwaway

    10. So I just went round the back of the yard to pumpship and begob (hundred shillings to five) while I was letting off my (Throwaway twenty to) letting off my load gob says I to myself I knew he was uneasy in his (two pints off of Joe and one in Slattery's off) in his mind to get off the mark to (hundred shillings is five quid) and when they were in the (dark horse) pisser Burke was telling me card party and letting on the child was sick (gob, must have done about a gallon) flabbyarse of a wife speaking down the tube she's betteror she's (ow!) all a plan so he could vamoose with the pool if he won or (Jesus, full up I was) trading without a licence (ow!) Ireland my nation says he (hoik! phthook!) never be up to those bloody (there's the last of it) Jerusalem (ah!) cuckoos

    11. She waved her scarf and cried: Huzzah! Sceptre wins! But in the straight on the run home when all were in close order the dark horse Throwaway drew level, reached, outstripped her

    12. Alexander's Throwaway, b

    13. Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway (off)

    14. Sceptre a shade heavier, 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway (off)

    15. Throwaway and Zinfandel stood close order

    16. I can shoot him with your throwaway

    17. “I don’t have the documents,” he said, a throwaway that no one in the room believed

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    Sinónimos para "throwaway"

    throwaway bill broadsheet broadside circular flier flyer handbill gamin street arab cast-off discarded thrown-away