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    Usar "tic" en una oración

    tic oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He sat there studying her and swiped at a nervous tic in the corner of his eye

    2. Now, where is that fucking Tic Tac?

    3. Time flies when you’re breakin’ in the basement, I guess but it was that time on the Tic Toc to start making my way towards the infamous Chicagoland Rink

    4. tic, it causes pain and suffering and calls for attention

    5. We have negative contact with China Boy since 0532 this morning when they said they had a heavy TIC (Troops in Contact) and were about to be overrun

    6. It is the tic tic tic of my heart

    7. The tic tic ticking stops

    8. It keeps me sane within the tic of rhyme

    9. I noticed a tic around his right eye

    10. His normally serene face had become pinched, a nervous tic twitched at his left cheek, dark skin around his eyes attested to insufficient sleep, and lassitude infected his being

    11. tic boulders which have withstood this attack through countless centuries

    12. The first portable, handheld electronic game was Tic Tac Toe, made in 1972 by a company called Waco

    13. The nervous tic in

    14. Polygamy is measure of an animalistic end in religious tic treatments, under religious education

    15. here first, but was hit by a Tic Tac

    16. tic, Jason thanked God that he didn’t have to be

    17. tic expectations you might have

    18. Maybe this is going to be a tic for tack thing and if that were the case then I was in it to the end

    19. I have no resistance to playing Tic Tac Toe, no judgment about

    20. Scott smiled back, though his face was quizzical; his brow gave a little tic

    21. Physiologically it can cause a tic in the left eye,

    22. Ele ctro-m a gne tic Golf could both be pla ye d in the pa rk

    23. "You don't sa y so," sa id Le nina polite ly, not knowing in the le a st wha t the Wa rde n ha d sa id, but ta king he r cue from his dra m a tic pa use

    24. Maybe he’s supposed to use his own silence to wrench from Daddy the amends he wants, but all he gets is Daddy’s cleared throat, this cartilaginous tic that was always annoying as hell

    25. His face showed more than its usual tic of agitation

    26. And that was the way I learned about the cursing tic

    27. The more they yell, the more I need to tic

    28. Suddenly I lurch forward with a bending tic

    29. When the turn-the-wheel compulsion comes again, I do a substitution tic, an idea given to me by one of the therapists I’ve had

    30. In a little while, when the movements still aren’t happening, I test them by challenging myself to tic

    31. She tucked her blond hair behind her ear, which was a tic of hers I’d noticed before

    32. It was such a familiar and intimate gesture, that nervous tic

    33. He suppressed a nervous tic which was starting to pulse in his throat

    34. tic dopamine vesicles in the striatum, and reported a decrease in the caudate and

    35. His bad eye developed a tic that grew outsize

    36. He shut his eyes for a moment, thought, conquered a tic in both eyelids after a silent struggle, and then said, "Hmm

    37. The more he looked, the more his eyes began to tic and his mouth to work over a nameless thing

    38. He shut his eyes for a moment, thought, conquered a tic in both eyelids after a silent struggle, and then said, ‘Hmm, well in that case, you had best come in

    39. The more he looked the more his eyes began to tic and his mouth to work over a nameless thing

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